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  1. 获取ISO9000注册证书,已成为诸家渴望持续、良性发展的当务之急。

    Obtain the ISO9000 registration certificate , has become the benign development , to continue .

  2. 都建立在对同时代诸家思想批判融通的基础上。

    Both established on the basis of different schools of ideological criticism .

  3. 他们诸家所得的城共十三座。

    All their cities throughout their families were thirteen cities .

  4. 广征博引诸家学说与独立思考相结合;

    Combine quotation of various theories and independent thinking ;

  5. 为解决这个问题,他对诸家学说进行了长期探索。

    In order to solve this problem , he made a long quest journey .

  6. 因此,中国小说评点派诸家对古代小说的功能问题多有议论,且不乏真知灼见。

    So critics discussed the functions in ancient novels a lot and got many penetrating judgements .

  7. 一个学术版本,他主要的攻击对象,有诸家的注解。

    A scholarly edition & and his main object of attack gives you basically a variorum apparatus .

  8. 广义系统管理理论作为一种诸家之说的综合,仍在持续不断地向前发展。

    As a comprehensiveness of various theories , the theory of generalized systematic management is still developing forward continuously .

  9. 以人物为线索,对以小学为工具研究《内经》的诸家清懦分别条还。

    This paper discusses the lingustic methodology of studying the book Neijing by several scholare in the Qing Dynasty .

  10. 历朝历代,都提及道德的问题,但通常诸家对道德的研究重点是以道德内涵为多。

    The issue of morality exists in all ages , however most researches on it generally focused on moral connotation .

  11. 另外,还就古今诸家关于净之名称由来的众说进行了梳理和平议。

    In addition , ancient and modern various theories about the name origin of " Jing " was combed and discussed .

  12. 在综合诸家学说的基础上,将歧义分割为语义歧义和语用歧义两个范畴。

    Based on many linguists ' studies , this paper divides ambiguity into two governing categories : semantic ambiguity and pragmatic ambiguity .

  13. 它起源于占星术,后世的占星、谶纬诸家及佛、道二教都对它有所发展。

    It is originated from astrology and astrologists , Confucionists , Buddhists and Daoists of later ages helped to develop this idea .

  14. 道、法诸家虽欲从各自立场加以批判或变革,但其主张不可能成为主流话语。

    Although Taoists and Legalists attempted to make criticism or transformation , their allegations were impossible to become the topic of the main trend .

  15. 不晚于明代中期,中华武术的苑地里已出现了丰富多彩、各具特色的诸家拳艺技法。

    It was no later than the Mid Ming Dynasty that appeared a variety of unique techniques of boxing skills in Chinese martial art .

  16. 汉绣,是以楚绣为基础,融汇南北诸家绣法之长,富有鲜明地方特色的绣法。

    Han-embroidery , is based on Chu-embroidery and the North-South fusion of various home embroidery France long , full of distinctive local features embroidered France .

  17. 第四章以北宋儒学复兴运动为背景,论述了六君子在儒学转型之际会通诸家、以儒为本的思想特征。

    Chapter four elaborates Six Men 's thoughts characterized with permeating Confucianism , Buddhism and Daoism but making Confucianism fundamental in the revival movement of Confucianism .

  18. 四时教令是阴阳家不同于诸家而特有的观念,包含着丰富的生态意蕴。

    The rules of four seasons developed by the Naturalists is an idea which includes rich ecological meaning , and distinctive is from other schools of thoughts .

  19. 它融会诸家又自成一派,是以信息基础设施为依托、以交互性为特色的新媒体艺术。

    As a new media art based on the information infrastructure and featured interaction , it is unique in its own style , while connected with others .

  20. 第二节分析了施闰章的理学思想是具有以孔孟为本,兼采诸家特点。

    Second section has analyzed the Neo-Confucianism thought of Shi Run Zhang has the characteristic of taking Confucianism as the basis , concurrently picks the various family .

  21. 特别是他对唐宋诸家的公允评价,在提高唐宋文的地位上有非常重要的作用。

    Especially for the fair evaluation of the Tang and Song , a very important role in the position to improve the text of the Tang and Song .

  22. 发轫于春秋战国时代的儒、法、道、兵诸家管理思想受到中国传统思维模式的制约和陶范。

    Such management ideas as Confucianism , Legalism , Daoism and Military Tactics originated from the Spring and Autumn Period were subjected to the restraint of Chinese traditional thinking .

  23. 综合以上诸家的观点我们认为,诗与隐喻是同根同源同质的,二者都是以间接的方式来表达某种人生的体验,或者说是赋予这种经验以某种可知可感的形式。

    By synthesizing these theories we contend that poetry and metaphor share the same origins and qualities : both are an indirect expression or an incarnation of a certain experience .

  24. 传统经济伦理思想是以儒家经济伦理为核心,以墨家等诸家为补充的伦理思想体系。

    As we know , traditionally economic ethics thought was a completely ethical thinking system which was based on Confucian economic ethics and was supplemented by Mothism economic ethics , etc.

  25. 《论语》何晏注是对汉魏《论语》训解的一个总结,对后世的影响远胜过汉魏说《论语》其他诸家。

    HE Yan 's Lexical Analysis of " the Analects of Confucius " is virtually a summary of its kind of commentary and explanation of the Han Dynasty and Wei Dynasty .

  26. 司马迁的历史是非观是以道家思想为指导,统摄儒、法诸家思想,与时俱进,从而形成的新价值体系。

    Sima Qian 's historical outlook was formed as a new set of values under the guidance of Taoism , keeping pace with times with combination of Confucianism and Legalist School , etc.

  27. 二是通过方言事实的描写、分析,再结合诸家有关词缀的理论意见,对词缀做出了个人见解。

    Second , through combining the description and the analysis on the dialect with the different theoretical viewpoints on the nature of affixes in Contemporary Chinese , made individual opinions on the affix .

  28. 尽管它是同时期诸家君主论中最具有理性色彩的理论,但最终依旧滑入绝对专制主义的泥潭。

    In spite it was a very rational theory among the monarch theories of various schools then , yet in the long run it still lapsed into the mire of the absolute autocracy .

  29. 本文在诸家对现代汉语普通话词缀研究的基础上,选出了一个比较稳妥又比较宽松的界定作为工作方案,摆出了微山方言的词缀。

    On the basis of the studies of predecessors , the paper selected a more reliable and more roomy criterion as a program of work , and showed the affixes of Weishan dialect .

  30. 这是黄老学者在融合诸家思想的基础上,对道家无为思想的总结,可以说是道家无为思想成熟的标志。

    This is the summary of Taoist inaction thought based on the blend of thoughts of many schools by the scholars of Huang-Lao . And this is the mature symbol of Taoist inaction thought .