
  1. 我与如我邪业诸有情。

    Bless me and that evil karma like me .

  2. 此法为佛陀晓喻佛经的一种方法,佛曰诸有智者,要以譬喻而得开悟。故有百喻经和杂譬喻经,长阿含经等诸多经典。

    This method Buddhist metaphor for the Buddha knows a way , all with the wise Buddha said , derived from the Enlightenment to the analogy . Therefore , after a hundred and mixed metaphor by metaphor , and many other classic long Agama .

  3. 夜间卧位胃食道返流(GER)与HRV诸参数有一定关系,但不如DGR明显。

    There was definite relation between gastroesophageal reflux ( GER ) and HRV parameters at the same period .

  4. 测量了5个不掺杂LPE-GaAs样品的电子迁移率温度关系,发现不同样品的诸曲线有互相交叉的现象,只用离化杂质散射一种非本征机制难于解释它。

    The temperature dependence of electron mobility on 5 undoped LPE-GaAs samples has been measured . It was found that the experimental curves cross each other and this is difficult to explain by only one extrinsic scattering mechanism ( ionized impurity scattering ) .

  5. 前面例题说明在每一层楼的高度内诸柱有一拐点。

    The preceding example shows that the columns have a point of inflection within the height of each storey .

  6. 我国水生维管束植物区系丰富,分布范围广,生产量大,在经济、社会与科学诸方面有着广阔的开发利用前景。

    The aquatic vascular plants in our country is rich in flora , wildly distributed and with a higher productivity .

  7. 与实际起重机相比,虚拟样机在经济性、安全性等诸方面有着明显的优势。

    In relative to the actual machine crane , virtual Prototyping have a distinct advantage in the economic , security and other aspects .

  8. 海外华文文学研究产生了丰富成果,在研究观念、方法、理论体系诸方面有了新的拓展。

    The research has brought about great achievement and opened up a new area in the research concept , research means and theory system .

  9. 吾等与拜占庭诸城邦有盟约并在过去一直给他们提供援助,而现在他们受到了恶意的攻击。

    We have allied ourselves to the cities of Byzantion and provided aid to them in the past , but now they are viciously attacked .

  10. 结论:六味地黄丸、逍遥丸合生脉散治疗绝经前后诸证有较好疗效,且无毒副作用。

    Conclusions : Liuwei Dihuang Pill , Xiaoyao Pill with Shengmai Powder have good therapeutic effects on peri-menopause syndrome , and have no side effects .

  11. 而现在让这消息传诸七海有更严格的法律规定谁能够进入这座港口。

    And now let the word go out across the seven seas there are much , much stricter laws on the books about who may enter this harbor .

  12. 其原因就在于美国电视脱口秀主持人的角色、形象、家庭背景、教育与职业背景、才能诸特征有着明显的不同:主持人的“主人”角色与“主导”角色的统一;

    Ameican television talk show anchors vary from their roles , images , family backgrounds , education and career backgrounds : they have the roles of host and guide simutaneously ;

  13. 在计算机、信息处理、通信与电子系统、自动控制等领域中,在工业、军事、交通、医学、民用诸方面有着广泛的应用。

    Speech recognition is applied to such fields as computer , information processing , communication and electric system and automatic control as well as industry , military affairs , traffic , medicine and civil usage .

  14. 本文意在揭明:意境为刹那直观之产物,意境在感知方式、主客关系、时间意识诸方面有着特殊的规定。

    The article intends to reveal that , meaning-atmosphere is the product of instant direct perception , and has special rules for the way of cognition , the subject-object relationship , and the sense of time , etc.

  15. 不识有诸(=有之乎)?&有之。

    I wonder if this is true ? & it is .

  16. 后现代课程理论在课程、教学、教师等诸一多方面有理论创新。

    Postmodernism curriculum theory has many theory innovations in many aspects .

  17. 诸省中有一省已经脱离而独立成为一个新国家。

    One of the provinces has broken away to form a new State .

  18. 史前诸文化不但有时间先后的顺序,还存在包含及并列关系。

    The prehistoric various cultures not only chronological order , there is also included and paral-lel relationship .

  19. 越中曲家传奇创作在主题取向、情节、结构、语言诸方面都有著鲜明的地域特色。

    Their works have distinctive regional flavor in the aspects of subject , plot , structure and language .

  20. 在工具材料、笔墨含义、审美情趣和技法理论诸方面都有着本民族的特色。

    It has distinctive national features in theory , technique , material , implied meaning of painting and the tast of appreciation .

  21. 这在研究成果上表现为西方科学化史学诸流派都有研究出一个具体公式就能解决掉一个具体问题的目标。

    In the research results on expression is the genre has scientific history research a specific formula could be rid of a specific target .

  22. 他们在探索欣悦纯真的童心、追求幽默隽永的童趣和铸造活泼本色的童言等诸方面各有独特而鲜明的艺术个性。

    Both of them show brilliance personalities of art in probing into the Heart , the gusto and the language of children in their writings .

  23. 他们认为文言并没有死去,否认语言的阶级属性,认为文言在语文修习、艺术表现力等诸方面仍有其特定的价值和作用。

    They thought classical Chinese did not pass away , they denied the class attribute of language and thought classical Chinese has particular value and function .

  24. 瓦尔特·本雅明是西方著名的思想家,同时在哲学、历史、语言、文学艺术诸方面都有不凡的建树。

    Walter Benjamin is a famous western thinker , he makes great contribution to such aspects as philosophy , history , language , literature and art .

  25. 它涉及的面甚广,它不仅和建筑有关,而且和工业、农业、交通运输、医药卫生、文化艺术、科学研究及国防建设等诸方面都有密切关系。

    Application It is in close relationship not only with buiding engineering but with industry , agriculture , transport , culture and art , medicine and national defence etc.

  26. 研究结果表明,所加的有机酸钾能够降低焦油量,且在一定范围内添加钾盐种类及添加量与焦油量具有密切的相关性,对其他诸项也有一定的影响。

    The results demonstrated that the organic sylvite can reduce tar and a relationship between tar and the kind and content of organic sylvite exists to a certain extent .

  27. 而现在——让这消息传诸七海——有更严格的法律规定谁能够进入这座港口。

    And now - let the word go out across the seven seas - there are much , much stricter laws on the books about who may enter this harbor .

  28. 到唐代,三晋文化在政治、军事、经济、宗教、艺术诸方面皆有突出表现,在全国占有重要之地位。

    To the Tang Dynasty , Shanxi culture in the political , military , economic , religious , arts and various Individually outstanding performance , occupies an important position in the country .

  29. 例如,有法国式,俄罗斯式,德国式,英国式以及其他形式的面包,每种面包在原材料、制作方式和口味诸方面都有它本身的特点。

    For example , there are French , Russian , German . British and other bread , each of which has its own characteristics in materials , methods of making and tastes .

  30. 《马氏文通》有着自觉的修辞意识,不但在论述汉语语法现象时往往结合修辞进行,而且在句法修辞、语音修辞、辞格和语体风格诸方面都有独到的见解。

    This paper probes into the stylistic and rhetoric meanings of words based on linguistic theories as well as the positive effects that the studies impose on the definiatia of bilingual dictionary .