
bái rèn
  • White Blade;naked sword;naked blade;a sharp knife
白刃 [bái rèn]
  • [naked sword] 锋利的刀剑;利刃

  • 白刃格斗

白刃[bái rèn]
  1. 士兵们同敌人进行白刃战。

    The soldiers fought their enemies cold steel .

  2. 这本小说中有一段激烈的白刃战的生动描写。

    There is a vivid description of a fierce bayonet charge in the novel .

  3. 在大学布朗很少和威廉姆斯进行白刃战,因为在密歇根州立大学的防守哲学是所有的方面。

    Brown rarely got to shadow Williams head-to-head in college because Mihigan State 's defensive philosophy was to switch every screen .

  4. 在中国,白刃战训练是训练每一个保镖的关键,因为中国限制枪支拥有者。

    Hand-to-hand combat training is a key for any bodyguard in China , because the country has severe restrictions on gun ownership .

  5. 进行了好一阵炮击后,我军象潮水般地冲上前去跟敌人展开一场白刃战。

    After a long period of shelling , our army surged forward and closed with the enemy in hand to hand fighting .

  6. 轰隆的炮声、军人大规模的阵式,尖锐的军号和白刃战的场面,已吸引了战争研究者们一个世纪。

    The roar of gunfire , the massed movements of uniformed men , the shrill o f bugles , and the drama of hand to hand combat have facinated students of warfare for a century .