
bái gǔ dǐng
  • coot
白骨顶[bái gǔ dǐng]
  1. 美洲白骨顶是一种鸟,它们生活在北美并且长得像野鸭。

    The American coot is a duck-like North American bird .

  2. 有时白骨顶尝试把自己的蛋偷偷放到相邻巢穴中。

    Sometimes a coot will try and sneak one of its eggs into a neighbor 's nest .

  3. 摄影师斯蒂夫·辛在加州的西南部的长滩市的一处自然保护区拍下了这张照片:这只看起来有点受到打击的猛禽在吃完一整只白骨顶鸡后躺在地上起不来了。

    Photographer Steve Shinn managed to snap the stricken bird of prey on its back after a meal of a coot near a nature preserve in Long Beach , California .

  4. 它在小溪边猎杀一只白骨顶鸡,花了差不多半小时将猎物整个咀嚼下去,然后它摇摇摆摆地走了大约50英尺,就仰面平躺在了草地上。

    It had attacked a Coot near the stream and chewed away on it for about a half hour before it waddled about 50 feet and fell flat on his keister .