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白夜 [bái yè]
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白夜[bái yè]
  1. 我曾读过一本叫《白夜》的书,不过这与本题无关。

    I once read a book called White Night , but that 's beside the point .

  2. 以色列“白夜节”是为了庆祝特拉维夫市2003年7月被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然遗产之一。

    The annual White Night event celebrates Tel Aviv as a UNESCO World Heritage site in July , 2003 .

  3. 和大多数根据畅销小说改编的人气网剧不同,《白夜追凶》并无热门IP可依靠,但它自己打出了一片江山。

    Unlike most online hit dramas which are adapted from bestselling novels , Day and Night has no franchise to rely on . But it has made its own name .

  4. 周二,美国娱乐业巨头奈飞,和马云阿里巴巴旗下的第一大流量视频网站优酷土豆签订协议,买下32集侦探剧《白夜追凶》(DayandNight)的海外版权。

    The U.S. entertainment giant unveiled a deal Thursday with Youku Tudou , the flagship streaming video service of Jack Ma 's Alibaba Group , for worldwide rights outside of China to Day and Night , a 32-episode detective drama series .

  5. 在去年7月在以色列特拉维夫的白夜节上,Dean在三座离地数百米的高空的摩天大楼上的惊险杂技表演让围观的人都大为惊讶。

    During Israel 's White Night Festival in Tel Aviv in July last year , Dean amazed onlookers with his acrobatic display while being suspended between three skyscrapers , hundreds of feet above the ground .

  6. 一样的白夜,一样的树林,我们再也回不去的曾经。

    We , of that time , are no longer the same .

  7. 《白夜追凶》讲述一桩凶残而尚未破解的谋杀案。

    Day and Night follows the investigation of a grisly unsolved murder .

  8. 黑昼茫茫,白夜朗朗。

    In blackest day , in brightest night .

  9. 《白夜追凶》由王伟导演,潘粤明饰演双生兄弟。

    Directed by Wei Wang , the series stars Yueming Pan as both brothers .

  10. 《白夜追凶》被推举为今年最佳罪案剧。

    Day and Night , widely reckoned as the best crime drama of the year .

  11. 奈飞打算在《白夜追凶》播放期间将它推广到190多个国家和地区。

    Netflix plans to make Day and Night available in all of the 190-plus countries and regions where it is active .

  12. 该城市以其岛屿、沟渠、白夜及雄伟壮观的建筑吸引着无数的作家、诗人和画家。

    The city deeply attracted countless writers , poets and painters with its islands and canals , white night and its magnificent scenery .

  13. 美国网飞公司与优酷达成协议,购入优酷自制流行侦探剧《白夜追凶》的海外发行权。优酷是中国互联网巨头阿里巴巴旗下的视频网站。

    Netflix reached a deal to distribute a popular detective drama series produced by Youku , which is owned by China internet giant Alibaba .

  14. 当本人和他在白夜之城熟悉的那段时间里,本人从不晓得他对糊口、恋爱、文学、伦理的见地。

    During my acquaintance with him in the City of Diurnal Night I had never known his views on life , romance , literature , and ethics .

  15. 《白夜追凶》播出后饱受赞誉,在商业上也获得巨大成功,自从8月30日在优酷首播后,播放量已超40亿次。

    Critically praised and commercially huge in China , the show has generated more than four billion views on Youku since its local online premiere on Aug 30 .

  16. 《白夜追凶》在中国评价颇高,商业价值不菲,8月30日首播就在优酷上获得超过四百万次的点播率。

    Critically praised and commercially huge in China , the show has generated more than four billion views on Youku since its local online premiere on Aug. 30 .

  17. 网飞公司在周四公开了这一协议,宣布购入32集侦探剧《白夜追凶》的海外发行权。

    The US entertainment giant unveiled a deal Thursday with Youku , for worldwide rights outside of China to Day and Night , a 32-episode detective drama series .

  18. 《白夜追凶》一共32集,主要讲述了一位警察帮弟弟洗清谋杀罪名和一路上屡破奇案的故事。

    Day and Night is a 32-episode Chinese webdrama that follows a detective on a mission to clear his brother of murder charges and also crack all sorts of cases along the way .