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  • 网络Bai Hu Tong
  1. 《白虎通义》一书是东汉章帝时期白虎观会议的产物,具有官方的形式。

    " Bai Hu Tong Yi " is the product of the white tiger temple conference in ZHANG Emperor , HAN dynasty .

  2. 东汉班固是《白虎通义》的编撰者,但使他名声大震的却是《汉书》。

    Ban Gu was the editor of Comprehensive Discussions in the White Tiger Hall , but what earned his lasting academic fame is his History of the Han Dynasty .

  3. 第一部分阐述了白虎观会议与《白虎通义》产生的思想背景。

    It is the first to divide to elaborate it is brave to watch meeting and the ideological background that BaiHuTongYi produce .