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xīng xiù
  • constellation
星宿 [xīng xiù]
  • (1) [constellation]

  • (2) 中国古时指星座,共分二十八宿

  • (3) 星的动态,尤指占星术中一个人诞生时决定其命运或一生状况的星宿

星宿[xīng xiù]
  1. 在这里,他们从各种符号的星宿轨道上发现天象的变化,由此预言每月的特殊现象。

    Here , on the constellation orbit of each symbol detect changes to astronomical phenomena , and then make prophecies of monthly abnormal phenomena .

  2. Duffing方程同宿轨的存在性星宿从天上争战、其轨道攻击西西拉。

    The existence of homoclinic orbit of Duffing s equation ; From the heavens the stars fought , from their courses they fought against Sisera .

  3. 请于我们的天文馆圆顶下探索星宿与夜空。

    Explore constellations and the nighttime sky under our planetarium dome .

  4. 你是自己的上帝,自己的星宿,命运的回音。

    Yourself your god , your star , Fate 's overtone .

  5. 人民和星宿一样,有权暂时隐没。

    Peoples , like planets , possess the right to an eclipse .

  6. 他是太阳,其他的不过是星宿。

    He is the sun , and all others are the stars ;

  7. 牵牛、织女是银河两岸一对耀眼的星宿,也是原始先民星神崇拜的对象。

    Altair and Vega are the stars located on both sides of Galaxy .

  8. 太空中的万千星宿与耀目的太阳都是他造的。

    All the myriads of stars and flaming suns were created by Him .

  9. 为什么不漫无止境地延伸到最远的星宿那儿去呢?

    Why not endless till the farthest star ?

  10. 天主将星宿摆列在天空,照耀大地。

    And he set them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth .

  11. 他数点星宿的数目,一一称它的名。

    He sees the number of the stars ; he gives them all their names .

  12. 而占星家把星宿底恶影响叫做“恶容”;

    and the astrologers , call the evil influences of the stars , evil aspects ;

  13. 人的命运取决于天上的星宿。

    Our destinies depend on celestial bodies .

  14. 孩子们似灿烂的星宿。

    Children of a sunnier star .

  15. 星宿从天上争战,从其轨道攻击西西拉。

    The stars from heaven were fighting ; from their highways they were fighting against Sisera .

  16. 我们看到他的星宿升起,特赶来拜谒他。

    We observed the rising of his star , and we have come to pay him homage .

  17. 松林中射来零乱的风灯,都有成了满天星宿。

    Lights from hurricane lamps flickering about in the pine forest created the scene of a star-studded sky .

  18. “星宿命名”或“命名自己的星星”等关键词都可以搜索出许多结果。

    Terms like " star naming " or " name your own star " will yield several results .

  19. 星宿海与千湖之县

    County of Thousand Lakes

  20. 运气是星宿。金钱是玩物。时间是故事讲述者。&桑德堡

    Luck is a star . Money s a plaything . Time is a storyteller . & Carl Sandburg

  21. 星宿的组合方式会带来你想要的自由。

    The planets are arranged in a way that offers you the freedom you want , desire & need .

  22. 日头月亮,你们要赞美他。放光的星宿,你们都要赞美他。

    Give praise to him , you sun and moon : give praise to him , all you stars of light .

  23. 每当我们想到星宿、行星,和星系时,便会自然地联想起那些我们无法看见和理解的世界。

    Thinking about stars , planets , and galaxies leads us to think about worlds that escape our perception and comprehension .

  24. 化学防除星宿菜试验(1990年)百合田杂草的化学防治

    THE EXPERIMENT ON CONTROLLING LYSIMACHIA FORTUNEI BY CHEMICAL WEED KILLER ( 1990 ) Studies on the chemical weed - killer in the lily plants

  25. 这有点奇怪,虽然你的主导星宿(金星)逆行,但你可以更轻易的理解原来可以爱的这么深的。

    It 's strange with your ruling planet ( Venus ) being retrograde , this truth is so much easier to see & appreciate .

  26. 婺,二十八星宿之一的女宿星,象征着女人的智慧和刚柔相济。

    Wu , Women Star as one of the twenty eight Fortune Stars , represents the wisdom and combined gentleness and strength of women .

  27. 我的思想飞向法国去了,好像跟着黄道十二宫的星宿一齐去似的,这些星是有好几个钟头照着法国的。

    My memories took wing toward France , in the wake of those zodiacal stars due to twinkle over it in a few hours .

  28. 于是,我们做工,一半拿兵器,从天亮直到星宿出现的时候。

    So we laboured in the work : and half of them held the spears from the rising of the morning till the stars appeared .

  29. 但科学家们却无法证实其发现,因为这组星宿的真实情况极大程度被在双星合并时所释放出的能量物质所遮蔽、

    However scientists are unable to confirm his findings as they material given off when the two stars formed have largely blocked out the constellation .

  30. 一个憎恶同类者离开他们,遁入疯狂的森林,鬃毛在月下起着泡沫,眼珠子像是星宿。

    A hater of his kind ran from them to the wood of madness , his mane foaming in the moon , his eyeballs stars .