
  • Walk of Fame;Avenue of Stars;Star Avenue
  1. 该组合在赢得中央电视台举办的第一轮星光大道歌唱比赛总冠军之后而声名大噪。

    The group rose to prominence after winning the preliminary round of the Avenue of Stars , a singing contest organized by CCTV , China 's national broadcaster .

  2. 观赏海港夜色最好的地方就是这星光大道。

    A vantage point to enjoy the night scenes here is the Avenue of Stars .

  3. 让我们为还没看过的读者解释一下,这位男士在台湾选秀节目“超级星光大道”上高歌“我永远爱你”(IWillAlwaysLoveYou)的视频吸引众多眼球有以下几个原因。

    In case you haven 't already seen it , this video of a man singing'I Will Always Love You'on the Taiwanese talent show'Super Star Avenue'is outstanding for a few reasons .

  4. 所以我上Youtube搜索了好莱坞星光大道获奖感言

    And so I YouTube , you know , a Hollywood Walk of Fame acceptance speeches ,

  5. 这位67岁的希区柯克女演员成为了星光大道第2488个星星,这颗小星星位于好莱坞林荫大道PigN’Whistle酒吧的右侧。

    The 67-year-old Hitchcock actress received the 2488th star on the Walk of Fame , which is located right outside of the Pig N " Whistle pub on Hollywood Boulevard .

  6. 作为好莱坞星光大道留名的第2487个明星,这位44岁的澳洲演员欢乐的和妻子摆着POSE,他在《悲惨世界》中的合作演员安妮海瑟薇和阿曼达赛弗雷德也双双到场祝贺。

    After the unveiling of the 2487th star on the Walk of Fame star , the 44-year-old actor happily posed with wife Deborra-Lee Furness and his Les Miserables co-stars Anne Hathaway and Amanda Seyfried on Hollywood Boulevard .

  7. 台湾男版苏珊大妈一唱惊人让我们为还没看过的读者解释一下,这位男士在台湾选秀节目“超级星光大道”上高歌“我永远爱你”(IWillAlwaysLoveYou)的视频吸引众多眼球有以下几个原因。

    Taiwanese Susan Boyle Sings ' I Will Always Love You ' Better Than Whitney Houston In case you haven 't already seen it , this video of a man singing ' I Will Always Love You ' on the Taiwanese talent show ' Super Star Avenue ' is outstanding for a few reasons .

  8. 在好莱坞的旅游景点,例如,网站星光大道,Graumann的曼恩的中国剧院和蜡像馆。

    Web sites for tourist attractions in Hollywood , such as the Walk of Fame , Graumann 's Mann 's Chinese Theatre , and the Wax Museum .

  9. 这座雕像现在位于香港的星光大道。

    The statue is on Hong Kong 's Avenue of Star .

  10. 我喜欢看名人走星光大道。

    I like to watch the celebrities walk down the red carpet .

  11. 海伦米勒日前留名好莱坞星光大道。

    Helen Mirren Receives Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame .

  12. 你是如何参与到《星光大道》这个节目中并且进入到决赛的?

    How did you get into the finals of the TV show ?

  13. 委员会还发现,克罗斯兰没有监督银行同业,星光大道的活动。

    The Committee also found that Crosland failed to supervise Interbank 's activities .

  14. “星光大道”什么时候开始?

    What time does " star track " start ?

  15. 走过好莱坞星光大道吗?

    Ever walked the Hollywood Walk of Fame ?

  16. 好莱坞星光大道上第6338颗星星代表了怀斯对电影事业所作出的辉煌巨献。

    He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at6338 Hollywood Blvd .

  17. 托马斯和玛利亚·布沙尔在好莱坞星光大道上怀念杰克逊。

    T.J.Thomas and Marie Bouchard remembered Jackson on the Hollywood Walk of Fame . T.J.

  18. 据美联社11月7日报道,在5日举行的星光大道授星仪式上,泽梅基斯的老搭档汤姆·汉克斯以及数百位泽梅基斯的忠实支持者都出现在现场与他共同分享这份荣耀。

    Frequent collaborator Tom Hanks attended the ceremony along with hundreds of other fans .

  19. 约翰尼·德普纪念他戴手镯传授给好莱坞星光大道的名气。

    Johnny Depp wearing memorial bracelet at his induction to the Hollywood Walk of Fame .

  20. 此后,摆在华盛顿面前的只有通向好莱坞阶梯的星光大道。

    From here on in , the only way for Washington was straight up the Hollywood ladder .

  21. 世界上还有比好莱坞星光大道更无聊的景点吗?

    Is there a more underwhelming tourist attraction in the world than the Hollywood Walk of Fame ?

  22. 媒体很快就围绕著波伊尔,把她吹捧成公认能赢得《英国星光大道》的热门人选。

    The media quickly embraced Boyle , hyping her as the unquestioned favorite to win the BGT competition .

  23. 他还入驻加拿大音乐名人堂和加拿大星光大道。

    He has also been inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and Canada 's Walk of Fame .

  24. 好莱坞星光大道和中国戏院外的邓波尔手印旁都布满鲜花。

    Flowers were placed on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and by Temple 's hand-prints outside the Chinese Theater .

  25. 罗素。克罗使其成为家庭的事情时,他得到了他的好莱坞星光大道上的昨天。

    Russell Crowe made it a family affair as he got his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame yesterday .

  26. 今年开幕式文艺晚会安排在壮观的钱塘江畔星光大道中心广场举行。

    The opening evening party will be held on the central square of Xingguang Avenue at the bank of Qiantang River .

  27. 可能是纪念我在好莱坞星光大道上获得一颗星星的牌匾,因为这是意外获得的。

    As it came as a surprise , probably the plaque commemorating the star I received on the Hollywood Walk of fame .

  28. 当瑞奇?马汀“添星”好莱坞星光大道之时,几百名女歌迷尖叫着将他团团围住。

    Ricky Martin was surrounded by hundreds of shrieking female fans as he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of fame .

  29. 37岁的杨宗纬由于2007年参加台湾电视唱歌比赛《超级星光大道》而名声大噪。

    Yang , 37 , rose to fame after taking part in the Taiwan TV singing contest One Million Star in 2007 .

  30. 然而,中文字幕却是这样的:让我们做个夫妻档,像小沈阳一样,上星光大道。

    Somehow , the Chinese subtitle goes : Let 's be a couple , like Xiao Shenyang , and go to Star Way .