
  • 网络Hong Kong's Cultural Centre;Hong Kong Cultural Centre;Hong Kong Culture Centre;Hong Kong Cultural Center;HK Cultural Centre
  1. 例:.你在香港文化中心拍的那张照片不够清晰。

    The photo you took in Hong Kong Cultural Centre is not distinct enough

  2. 尖沙咀海傍集中了香港文化中心、香港太空馆和香港艺术馆,它们都展现出香港多采多姿的文化艺术活动。

    You can visit Hong Kong Cultural Centre , Hong Kong Space Museum and Hong Kong Museum of Art here .

  3. 香港文化中心的音乐厅宏伟壮观,最令人瞩目的是一座由奥地利著名管风琴制作公司莱格公司手制的管风琴。

    The focal point of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall is the pipe organ hand made in Austria by the Rieger Orgelbau .

  4. 香港文化中心分发的演出传单上印有他在空中飞舞的照片,标题是《创造历史!进入巴黎歌剧院芭蕾舞团的首位华人》。

    Booklets handed out at the Hong Kong Cultural Center showed him flying through the air , with the headline " He made history ! The first Chinese to join the Paris Opera Ballet . "

  5. 我们还有一个更远大的目标,就是为香港建立亚洲文化艺术中心和娱乐体育中心的形象。

    Our broader vision is to cultivate Hong kong 's image as the Asian centre of Arts and culture , and of entertainment and sporting events .