
  • 网络Murray House;Murray Building
  1. 1982年,当位于香港中环的维多利亚时代的重要兵营美利楼(murrayhouse)需要拆除,为建造70层高的中银大厦让出空间时,香港政府决定一砖一瓦地小心拆除这栋建筑。

    When Murray house , the Victorian-era barracks in central , needed to give way to build the 70-storey tall Bank of China Building in 1982 , the government decided to dismantle it brick by brick .

  2. 楼宇高度不会超过赤柱美利楼的高度。

    The building heights would not exceed that of the Murray house in stanley .

  3. 像美利楼一样,该码头的材料将被保存起来,并在新的地点重建。

    Like Murray house , the pier would be stored and reconstructed in a new location .

  4. 美利楼于1999年在香港岛南部重建,目前里面容纳着多家餐厅、纪念品商店和一个海事博物馆。

    Murray house was rebuilt on the south side of Hong Kong Island in 1999 and is today home to restaurants , souvenir shops and a maritime museum .