
  • 网络ALLIGATOR;American alligator;American crocodile;Alligator mississippiensis
  1. 其中包括佛罗里达美洲豹,美洲鳄和西印度海牛。

    They include the Florida panther , the American crocodile and the West Indian manatee .

  2. 短吻美洲鳄和鳄鱼有什么区别?

    What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile ?

  3. 美洲鳄与鳄鱼不一样,嘴的形状不同。

    Alligators differ from crocodiles by the shape of their mouth .

  4. 我要和美洲鳄搏斗。真可怕。

    I 'm wrestling alligators . it 's scary !

  5. 水是美洲鳄的家;

    The water is home to alligators .

  6. 从那时起,体育记者便开始称拉科斯特为“美洲鳄”。

    From then on , sports journalists referred to Lacoste as " the Alligator " .

  7. 但是,大沼泽的代表性“居民”大概还是要算美洲鳄和鳄鱼了。

    But the Everglades alligators and crocodiles are probably the animals most identified with the Everglades .

  8. 虎克船长的手是大鳄鱼吃掉的,不是美洲鳄。

    Sheldon : Captain Hook 's hand was eaten by a crocodile , not an alligator .

  9. 今天下午孔刘在电视上看了一会儿国家地理节目,节目内容是关于美洲鳄。

    Ggong watched National Geographic on TV about " alligator " this afternoon just for a while .

  10. 食蚁兽安吃美洲鳄安迪的苹果,非常生气的美洲鳄安迪吃食蚁兽安的蚂蚁。

    Ann Anteater ate Andy alligator 's apples , so angry Andy Alligator ate Ann anteater 's ants .

  11. 水流为他们提供了鱼、龟、凯门鳄&一种小型的像美洲鳄的动物。

    Rivers provide prey in the form of fish , turtles , or caimans & small , alligatorlike animals .

  12. 母亲在岸上拼命地拽紧儿子的手臂,而此时美洲鳄也死死地咬住孩子的腿不放。

    From the dock , the mother grabbed her little boy by the arms just as the alligator snatched his legs .

  13. 不论皮肤多么干燥,你永远不会变成美洲鳄或任何其他一种皮肤粗糙的爬行动物。

    No matter how dry your skin gets , you will never turn into an alligator or any other type of reptile .

  14. 美国鳄的近亲,美洲鳄,1967年被列为濒危物种,但是在不久它的数量回升以后被从名单上取消了。

    A close relative of the crocodile , the alligator , was classified as endangered in1967 but was later taken off the list when its numbers rose .

  15. 美洲鳄主要居住在美国东南部的淡水河,湖泊,沼泽和湿地附近,尤其是佛罗里达和路易斯安那。

    American alligators reside nearly exclusively in the freshwater rivers , lakes , swamps , and marshes of the southeastern United States , primarily Florida and Louisiana .

  16. 美洲鳄是为数不多的濒危动物被拯救的案例,它不仅从灭绝的边缘被拯救过来,而且还兴旺发达。

    Having a slightly undulating margin . The American alligator is a rare success story of an endangered animal not only saved from extinction but now thriving .

  17. 他一头扎进了水里,丝毫没有意识到自己游往潭中心的同时,一只美洲鳄也正在朝岸边游来。

    He flew into the water , not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake , an alligator was swimming toward the shore .

  18. 1927年,拉科斯特在美国参加戴维斯杯,他打了一个赌,之后美国的体育媒体便开始用“美洲鳄”来称呼他。

    Lacoste acquired the nickname " Alligator " from the American sports press following a bet he made while in America to play in the1927 Davis Cup .

  19. 美洲鳄的力气显然要比母亲强大得多,但是母亲挽救儿子的坚定信念让她无论如何也绝不放手。

    Then began an incredible tug-of-war between the two . The alligator was much stronger than the mother , but the mother was much too passionate to let go .

  20. 嗯,要么是在拆开公式中各项并逐一检查,要么…就是在找砍掉他手的美洲鳄。

    Leonard : Em , he 's either isolating the terms of his formula and examining them individually , or ... looking for the alligator that swallowed his hand that Peter Pan cut it off .

  21. 小男孩的母亲当时在屋子里透过窗子向外看着,发现那只美洲鳄正向她的孩子步步逼近。她极度惊恐起来,一边迅速奔向水潭,一边声嘶力竭地朝自己的孩子呼喊着。

    His mother - in the house was looking out the window - saw the two as they got closer and closer together . In utter fear , she ran toward the water , yelling to her son as loudly as she could .

  22. 为弄清事实到底如何,一个国际研究小组收集了不同群体共9种不同动物的声音:包括黑顶山雀、沙漏树蛙、美洲短吻鳄、乌鸦、大熊猫、巴巴利猕猴和非洲丛林象。

    To find out , an international team of researchers gathered the voice recordings of a diverse group of nine different species : The black-capped chickadee , hourglass treefrog , American alligator , common raven , giant panda , barbary macaque and the African bush elephant .