
měi chēng
  • Laudatory name;laudatory title;good name
美称 [měi chēng]
  • [laudatory title] 美好的称呼或声誉

美称[měi chēng]
  1. 该地区的文化和历史意义,以及丰富的文物和遗址,帮助西安享有的自然史博物馆的美称。

    The cultural and historical significance of the area , as well as the abundant relics and sites , help Xian enjoy the laudatory title of'Natural History Museum ' .

  2. 洪湖有鱼米之乡之美称,在经济生活中具有重要地位。

    Lake Honghu has the good name of land of fish and rice , which has an important role in economy .

  3. 四川向有天府之国的美称。

    Sichuan has always enjoyed the reputation of being a “ Heavenly Land of Plenty ” .

  4. 这部劣等作品我是不会美称为小说的。

    I wouldn 't dignify this trash by calling it a novel .

  5. 瑞士人的总体预期寿命是82.28岁,因为瑞士很少与其他国家发生冲突,加之其有着稳定的经济与政府,因此其有世界上最和平的国家的美称,它还是人均GDP率最高的国家之一。

    Switzerland , with an overall life expectancy of 82.28 years , has a reputation for being one of the most peaceful nations on earth , with very little conflict and a stable economy and government . Switzerland also has one of the highest GDP per capita rates in the world .

  6. 因此,荞麦还有“消炎粮食”的美称。

    Therefore , buckwheat and " antiphlogistic food " laudatory name .

  7. 中国素有“衣冠王国”的美称。

    China has always enjoyed the reputation of The Kingdom of Dress .

  8. 我国素有竹子王国的美称,本省竹资源又居全国之冠。

    Our country always is called " bamboo kingdom " .

  9. 不动产抵押是商品经济发展的一种重要担保方式,素有担保之王的美称。

    Real estate mortgage is an important guarantee form in commodity economy .

  10. 他的诗往往情景兼融,具有诗中画的美称。

    His poetry often combines the scene with passion .

  11. 拉斯维加斯有“美国游乐场”的美称

    Las Vegas earned the nickname America 's playground ,

  12. 黄山还兼有“天然动物园和天下植物园”的美称。

    Huangshan also both " natural zoo and botanical garden world " reputation .

  13. 此外,我们还将参观小型的油棕榈树林场,亲眼看看享有“世界油王”美称的油棕。

    Also visit to the small holding oil palm estate to see the harvesting .

  14. 完美洁康芦荟超白牙膏,中医学称“象胆”,享有“神奇植物”之美称。

    Chinese medicine called " as bold ," enjoy the " magic plant " Reputation .

  15. 连城县素有“中国红心地瓜干之乡”的美称。

    Liancheng County is known as " The township of sweet potato processing in China " .

  16. 洞庭湖区自然条件优越,水域面积广阔,渔业资源丰富,素有鱼米之乡的美称。

    Dongting Lake Area has superior natural conditions with its large water coverage and rich fishery resources .

  17. 新疆素有水果之乡的美称。由于种植栽培历史早,形成了众多的名特优果品。

    Because of long history of cultivation , Xinjiang has formed the numerous famous specialty superior fruits .

  18. 反垄断法是各国保护竞争政策、促进经济发展的基石,有经济宪法的美称。

    Anti-monopoly law is the cornerstone that countries apply to protect competition policy , to promote economic development .

  19. 内蒙古自治区素有“能源大省”之美称,能源综合实力全国第一。

    Inner Monglia has been designated as " Energy Powerful Province ", ranking first in energy comprehensive strength .

  20. 日本素有动漫帝国的美称,动漫文化俨然已经成为了日本的一种国民文化。

    Japan has the reputation of Anime Empire , and the anime culture is becoming the national culture .

  21. 厄秀拉·勒·魁恩是美国当代杰出的女作家,有女性主义科幻小说女王的美称。

    Ursula Le Guin is an excellent American contemporary writer who was called the Queen of feminist science fiction .

  22. 苏州交叉的水路从古代以来就赋予苏州“东方威尼斯”的美称。

    Suzhou 's crisscrossing waterways gave it the name " the Venice of the East " since ancient times .

  23. 因此,巴厘岛素有“诗之岛”、“东方的希腊”的美称。

    Therefore , Bali has been called the " Poetry Island , " " East of Greece " reputation .

  24. 鼓浪屿上气候怡人,四季如春,素有海上花园的美称。

    With mild spring like weather all the year around , Gulangyu is reputed as a garden on the sea .

  25. 职业委婉语是指对社会地位相对卑微低下的职业及其从业人员的美称。

    Occupational euphemism is the refined address for a profession and its practitioners that are considered of low social status .

  26. 大溪地塔希提岛有着“爱情岛”的美称,是法属波利尼西亚群岛的政治和经济中心。

    Celebrated as the " island of love , " Tahiti is the French territory 's administrative and commercial backbone .

  27. 高寒草地是我国重要的草地资源,素有高原肉库之美称。

    The alpine grassland is one of the important grassland resources in our country and well known for the meat production .

  28. 公司图片本公司成立于2006年,位于有“中国家具商贸之都”美称的顺德乐从镇。

    The company was founded in2006 , is located in " China Furniture Business Capital " reputation of the Shunde Lecong .

  29. 宁波开发区前沿的宁波北仑港,有“东方大港”和“东方鹿特丹”的美称。

    Beilun Port leading to NETD , is known as both the Oriental Super Port and the Rotterdam of the East .

  30. 中国东北素有谷仓的美称,盛产的农产品闻名于世。

    The Northeast China is known as the barn the laudatory name , where rich in the agricultural product is world famous .