
  • 网络american music;Music of the United States;Musical America
  1. 阿伦·科普兰从来都是美国音乐的积极倡导者。

    Aaron Copland was an energetic promoter of American music .

  2. MP3技术与美国音乐产业演化

    MP3 and the Evolution of American Music Industry

  3. 卢卡喜欢美国音乐,因此我们大声播放老鹰合唱团的歌曲,高唱“Takeit…tothelimit…onemore!!!!!!”(再一次到达极限),为我们开车穿越橄榄树丛和水道古桥的时候,添加某种奇特的加州音乐。

    Luca loves American music , so we 're blasting the Eagles and singing " Take it ... to the limit ... one more time !!!!!! " which adds an oddly Californian sound track to our drive through olive groves and ancient aqueducts .

  4. 多谢一位带着相机到访的美国音乐节目主持人,你可以自己看看《救命!》DVD里面的比赛片段。

    And thanks to a visiting American DJ who brought along a camera , you can see some of the race for yourself on the Help ! DVD .

  5. 亚洲流行歌曲和美国音乐你都听。

    You listen to Asian pop as well as American music .

  6. 这门课程探讨塑造美国音乐舞剧的书面作业。

    This course includes writing assignments exploring aspects of American concert dance .

  7. 这个决定是为了纪念一种颇有影响力的美国音乐形式。

    This declaration honors an influential form of American music .

  8. 此外,那年麦当娜首次亮相于美国音乐台。

    Beyond that , Madonna made her first appearance on American Bandstand .

  9. 《音乐魔法阵镇》是一部美国音乐喜剧电视连续剧。

    Schmigadoon ! is an American musical comedy television series .

  10. 她的首页应该是美国音乐界最有意思的网站。

    Her front page should be the most interesting website in American music .

  11. 我在外国从来没有听到过演奏得这么好的美国音乐。

    Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land .

  12. 有时也是一种表达于20世纪的美国音乐的术语。

    The term has also been applied to various styles of20th-century American music .

  13. 不是说他在美国音乐中占有一席地位,而是说他本人就是美国音乐。

    He has no place in American music . He is American music .

  14. 这支乐队协助墨西哥及美国音乐流行起来。

    The band helped to popularize Tex-Mex music .

  15. 此外,该公司还专门邀请之声的音乐节目主持人开办美国音乐之夜。

    Moreover , American disc jockeys were brought in to program American music nights .

  16. 有些美国音乐公园作为城市管弦乐队的夏天根据地。

    Some American music parks serve as the summer home for a city orchestra .

  17. 他们创作了优美的黑人灵歌??现已成为美国音乐永恒的部分。

    They composed lovely spirituals which have become a permanent part of American music .

  18. 版权集体管理组织:美国音乐产业的考察&交易费用经济学的视角

    Copyrights Collective Administration Organization : Study on Music Industry in USA & TCE Perspective

  19. 第二章研究美国音乐课程价值取向的发展脉络。

    The second chapter studies the development thread of value orientation of American music program .

  20. “当我坐在钢琴前,他们就大笑。”(美国音乐学校)

    " They laughed when I sat down at the piano . "( U.S.School of Music )

  21. 杰克逊获得13个格莱美奖,并获得了美国音乐奖的艺术家世纪奖。

    Jackson won13 Grammy Awards and received the American Music Award 's Artist of the Century Award .

  22. 上周,这位美国音乐史上最伟大的人物再也不能逃避死神的制裁了。

    Last week the greatest figure in the history of American music could cheat death no longer .

  23. 在整个20世纪,乡村音乐逐渐成为最具独创力也是最持久的美国音乐类型之一。

    Throughout the20th century , it has grown into one of the most original and lasting American musical forms .

  24. 后现代语境中审美现代性思想批判&从20世纪美国音乐教育哲学谈起

    A Critique on Esthetic Modernity Thought under Postmodern Context-A Discussion on American Music Education Philosophy in the 20th Century

  25. 但是他给爵士乐、美国音乐和全世界留下的影响却是持久的。

    But the extent of his influence across jazz , across American music and around the world has continuing stature .

  26. 爵士乐是这种观念的化身,它把非洲和欧洲文化的内容结合到一起,成为了独特的美国音乐。

    Jazz music is the embodiment of this ideal , combining elements from African and European culturesintosa distinctly American music .

  27. 她还是美国音乐奖、靡唱片奖及公告牌等奖中的不落之星。

    She is also a perennial favorite at the American Music Awards , the Blockbuster Awards , and Billboard Awards .

  28. 1976年,这位作曲家得到普利策奖以奖赏他在美国音乐界起到的重要作用。珊瑚海介绍

    In nineteen seventy-six , the composer received a Pulitzer Prize in recognition of his important role in American music .

  29. 如果把优秀的流行音乐中的特色揉进严肃的作品中去,结果会产生真正的,有血有肉的美国音乐。

    If the characteristics of good popular music were used in serious works , the result would be truly living American music .

  30. 美国音乐评论人莱斯利•戈伯(音译)认为,录制音乐为现场演出树立了错误的标准,因此也会破坏其表现力。

    US-based music critic Leslie Gerber thought that recorded music sets wrong standards for live performances , thereby damaging their expressive quality .