
  1. POP广告的设计手法遵循图形、色彩、版式的艺术法则原理,同时可利用趣味设计表现手法、立体空间表现法等表现手法赋予它美的形式来感染打动消费者。

    POP advertising design techniques to follow graphics , color , layout rules of art theory , and interesting design can make use of techniques from the performance of three-dimensional space means the performance of law giving it the form of the United States moved to infect consumers .

  2. 自然界美的形式和规律是一样的。

    The form and rule of natural beauty is universal .

  3. 美的形式探索,是艺术家毕生的追求。

    The search for the beauty in form is the lifelong pursuit of artists .

  4. 色彩美的形式原理探析

    Analysis of the Formal Principles of Colour Beauty

  5. 试论美的形式与美的产生的关系&从古希腊雕塑说起

    On the Relationship between the Form and the Emergence of Beauty & Based on Ancient Greek Sculpture

  6. 城市雕塑艺术体现一座城市的文化档次和精神风貌,它用美的形式与内容来潜移默化地调节人的心理节奏,丰富城市色彩,美化城市环境,并逐渐在人们心目中占据了重要位置。

    It serves its beauty both in shape and content to enrich both city environment and human mind .

  7. 刘勰认为,万物(包括人)生命自然的形式是美的形式产生的根源。

    Liu Xie thought natural forms of living things including human beings are the source of forms of beauty .

  8. 60年代,泛世界观念的人们将一切人为界限打破,支持美的形式多种多样。

    In1960s , people with the extensive world view broke all artificial borders and supported various kinds of aesthetics .

  9. 化学美的形式多种多样,具有多样性、和谐统一性、简洁性、奇异性和创造性。

    There are many different kinds of chemistry beauty . They are varied , harmonious succinct , bizarre and creative .

  10. 艺术源于生活,又以美的形式和内涵给予丰富的反馈,不断提升人们的生活品质。

    Art comes from life , and gives life artistic form and content to improve quality of people 's life .

  11. 美的形式是自由自在的、是多元化的,自然的美和观念的美是人自身意识的形式体现。

    The form of beauty is free and various , natural beaty and ideal beauty is the formal centerpiece of people 's cons'ciousness .

  12. 诗教是把思想道德教育与审美教育结合起来,利用人们的审美需求,通过美的形式和内容把真善美结合起来,达到思想道德教育的目的。

    A combination of truth , virtues , and beauty in accordance of people 's artistic appreciation helps to achieve the goal of moral education .

  13. 无论从年代还是从它自身美的形式以及在建筑中的实用性来讲,都具有深厚的文化内涵和艺术价值。

    It has deep cultural content and artistic value in terms of its age , forms of the beauty of its own and practicality in architecture .

  14. 阐述了景观植物美的形式、作用、景观植物配置的原则与方法,并列举了不同景观类型常用的景观植物。

    The aesthetic form , function , and the arrangement principles , methods of landscape plants were elucidated , and plants commonly applied in different landscape types were listed .

  15. 摄影作品作为一种“有意味”的美的形式,体现了作者“内心生活”与客观世界“内在生活”的规律的统一。

    As a form of meaningful art , the art of photography the unification of the author 's " inner life " and the extension 's " immanent life " .

  16. 原始岩画艺术的魅力,固然表现在它美的形式上。但更加重要的是岩画艺术中蕴含着的精神。

    The artistic charm of primitive rock art , displayed of course is its beautiful formal , But the greater importance is the spirit contained in art of the rock .

  17. 这种象征性,所表现出来的装饰色彩的生命意识和装饰意味,既符合装饰美的形式法则,又符合色彩艺术的创造本质。

    The life consciousness of the decoration color and the decoration implication represented from this symbol features agrees with both the modal principles of decorative beauty and the creative essence of colorific art .

  18. 南朝对建安文学的接受主要体现在两个方面,一是抒情性文学传统的继承,二是追求美的形式。

    Jian'an Literature 's being accepted in the Southern Dynasty is shown in two aspects : one is the inheritance of lyric literary tradition , the other is the pursuit of beautiful forms .

  19. 从色彩美的形式原理角度去探析形式美的一般规律,有助于现代艺术家从艺术对客体的追求到回归本体的换位,从而达到对艺术构成的境界。

    Discovering the universal laws of visual art forms through the angle of the formal principles of colour beauty is helpful for modern artists to change the state of representation into that of expression .

  20. 而雕塑艺术家们则通过这种美的形式表达自己对生活的体验、理解和追求,并通过城市雕塑的形式探讨城市空问与个人的关系。

    And sculpture artists through such forms of expression of the beauty of their own experience , understanding of life and the pursuit , and adopted a form of urban sculpture of urban space and personal relationships .

  21. 他们对戏剧功能的界定是用美的形式打动人、感染人、安慰人,让观众在美的形式中获得感官的愉悦。

    Function defined in the drama of social education is not recognized in life , but moved with the form of the United States , and infected people , to comfort people , so that the audience in the United States in the form of access to sensory pleasure .

  22. 描与绘一直是绘画的两大主要特征,描的方式在轮廓与结构之间寻找美的形式;绘的方式在物象与空间、实体与非实体中表现美的感受。

    Imitating and drawing have been two main features in painting : the way of imitating is to look for the form of beauty between outline and structure , while the way of drawing is to express the feeling of beauty between object and space , and entity and non_entity .

  23. 虽则今日有一种错误的美学,依据一种腐化堕落的艺术,习惯了那只适用于造型艺术的审美概念,要求音乐产生与造型艺术相同的效果,换句话说,要求音乐能唤起对美的形式的快感。

    although an erroneous aesthetics , inspired by a mistaken and degenerate art , has , by virtue of the concept of beauty obtaining in the plastic domain , accustomed itself to demand of music an effect similar to that produced by works of plastic art , namely , the arousing of delight in beautiful forms .

  24. 书法美的表现形式可分为两个方面。

    Calligraphic forms of expression can be divided into two aspects .

  25. 论影视意境美的表现形式

    Discuss on Presentation Format of Movie Artistic Conception

  26. 试论体育运动美的表现形式

    On the Forms of Beauty in Sports

  27. 人类的审美感受能力在各种体育美的艺术形式相互渗透中日趋精细化。

    Aesthetic ability is more perfected in different styles of artistic forms beauty of physics .

  28. 俄罗斯画家、作曲家和舞蹈家使我们领略到了美的新形式。

    Russian painters , composers , and dancers have introduced us to new forms of beauty .

  29. 其主要贡献,是提出了立美教育的新概念,即美育要发挥育人功能,展开审美活动,就必须先建立美的教育形式。

    Its main contribution is that it has put forward the new concept of the " education for aesthetic establishment ", i.

  30. 否定主义美学观认为,美学不仅要研究美的现成形式(符号),更重要的是探求这些形式(符号)为何美之原因,以信它之所以诞生的动力机制等更重要的深层问题。

    The Negativist Aesthetics concerns that aesthetics should not only study the existing representational forms of beauty but also their reasons and dynamics .