
  • 网络This Beautiful City;Beautiful City;Shah-re ziba
  1. 我希望我能在那个时候来到重庆,亲身见证这座美丽城市的历史。

    I wish I could have been in Chongqing at that time to actually see the history of this beautiful city .

  2. 威尼斯是一座具有深厚文化和历史底蕴的美丽城市。

    Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history .

  3. 我会带你浏览我们这座美丽城市的风景名胜。

    I am going to show you the sights of our wonderful city

  4. 上月,他们来到位于奥地利多瑙河沿岸的美丽城市林茨,参加一年一度的电子艺术节(ArsElectronica),这场数字媒体盛会吸引了全球各地的反主流文化技术专家。

    Last month , they descended on Linz , a pretty city perched on the banks of the Austrian Danube that hosts the annual Ars Electronica festival , a digital media event that has become a magnet for counter-cultural technologists from around the world .

  5. 从这个塔上可以清楚地看到这座美丽城市的景色。

    The tower commands a good view of the beautiful city .

  6. 基尔是一个环境优美、绿树成荫的美丽城市。

    Kiel is a beautiful environment , beautiful tree-lined city .

  7. 苏州是一座有许多小桥和河流的美丽城市。

    Suzhou is a beautiful city with a lot of bridges and rivers .

  8. 苏州是一个有很多花园的美丽城市。

    Suzhou is a beautiful city with many gardens .

  9. 它是一个具有悠久历史的美丽城市。我很喜欢它。

    It 's a beautiful city with a long history . I love it .

  10. 维多利亚州首府墨尔本是建立在耶那河畔的一座美丽城市。

    Melbourne , capital of Victoria , is a beautiful city built beside the River Yarra .

  11. 波兹纳城是一个知名的美丽城市,居民多数为虔诚的基督徒。

    Poznan is a beautiful and famous town with a large number of citizens who are pious christians .

  12. 虽然令人难以置信,但是在这个现代化的美丽城市中,仍然可找到一些粗野的人。

    Though hard to believe , one can still find some barbarians in this modern , beautiful city .

  13. 常州八益电缆有限公司位于中国长江三角洲中的美丽城市&江苏省常州市,以制造高品质特种电缆为主导。

    Changzhou Bayi Cable Co. , Ltd ( CBC ) is located in Changzhou , a beautiful city in the developed Yangtze River Delta .

  14. 看得出来,在世豪的工作经历,已经使他融入了苏州,爱上了这座古老却极具现代魅力的美丽城市。

    Working with Wealthy has obviously made Howay love Suzhou , a city which is as contemporary as it is ancient , and become a part of it .

  15. 沿着科帕卡巴纳海滩或者英潘内玛海滩感受下这座“美丽城市”的狂欢节气氛或者在直升机上鸟瞰面包山的全景(也是值得一试的)。

    Take in the Carnival atmosphere of the " cidade maravilhosa " along Impanema or Copacabana beach , or a panoramic flight around Sugarloaf Mountain in a helicopter ( well worth it ) .

  16. 作为全墨尔本首屈一指的旅游经营者,本旅行社&墨尔本热气球升空旅程的组织者很乐意与诸位一起领略这座美丽城市从空中所展示出的那令人惊叹的全景。

    As one of Melbourne 's premier tour operators , Balloon Flights Over Melbourne would love to share with you the stunning panoramic views that our beautiful city has to offer from the air .

  17. 他们关闭了科莫两天&在科摩湖上的美丽城市,在拍摄期间,数百名观众一直在看着我。

    For2 days they closed the centre of the city of Como , a beautiful city on the Lake Como , and during the recording I had all the time hundreds of spectators looking at me .

  18. 让原有的美丽城市不失去特色,让新兴的城市不仅够用、好用、耐用而且够看、好看、耐看。

    Let the already existing beautiful city not lose the characteristic , and let the new developing city not only " enough to use , convenient to use , durable " but also " enough to see , good-looking , standing careful appreciation " .

  19. 他认为布拉格是欧洲最美丽的城市。

    He opined that Prague was the most beautiful city in Europe .

  20. 度过了愉快轻松的3天后,我离开了这个美丽的城市。

    After a joyous and restful three days , I left this beautiful city .

  21. 杭州是世界上最美丽的城市之一。

    Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in the world .

  22. N:是的。我听说黄冈是个美丽的城市。顺便问一下,你要去哪里?

    N : Yes . I hear Huanggang is a beautiful city.By the way , where are you going ?

  23. 库尔勒,新疆一座美丽的城市,以其美味的梨而闻名。

    Korla , a beautiful city in Xinjiang , is be famous its delicious pears .

  24. 当时,虽然我身处世界上最美丽的城市,但我只想回家。

    I was in the most beautiful city in the world , yet I only wanted home .

  25. 我对这座美丽的城市一直心驰神往。

    This beautiful city is always a wonderland to me .

  26. 牛津大学当时陷入了很大的困境:马修•阿诺德(MatthewArnold)写到:美丽的城市!

    Oxford was deep in a trough : Matthew Arnold wrote Beautiful city !

  27. 这是一个美丽的城市和著名的休闲。

    It is a beautiful city and famous for its leisure .

  28. 我来自北京。那是一个美丽的城市。

    I come from Beijing . It 's a beautiful city .

  29. 本公司座落在大连这个美丽的城市!

    Our company is located in this beautiful city in Dalian !

  30. 住在潍坊,它是一个美丽的城市。

    I live in Weifang , it 's a beautiful city !