
  • 网络Reputation;fine reputation
  1. H公司是国内电能表行业的龙头企业之一,有四十多年的发展历程,有着较好的知名度和美誉度。

    H company act as one of the leading company in domestic meter industry , it has good popularity and reputation .

  2. XX产品的出口不仅为公司带来了丰厚的利润回报,同时也使XX公司在国际上的知名度、美誉度大大提高。

    XX product 's export not only has brought the rich profit repayment for the company , simultaneously also makes XX company popularity internationally , the fine reputation to enhance greatly .

  3. 美国篮球职业联赛(简称NBA)是当今国际体坛最具影响力和美誉度的大型赛事之一,它代表着世界篮球运动的最高水平。

    The National Basketball Association ( NBA ) is one of the most influential and well-known competitions in the international sports field . It stands for the highest-level basketball match in the world .

  4. 连雷克萨斯(Lexus)都算不上是高端市场的“第一梯队”,因为它在美国以外市场的美誉度较弱,而且它在赛车领域缺乏建树。

    Even Lexus doesn 't qualify for this elite grouping because of its weak standing outside the U.S and its lack of any racing credentials .

  5. 并提出了HCL汽车服务有限公司发展战略目标,即成为具有高知名度、美誉度、专业度的汽车服务连锁经营公司,最后针对性的提出了HCL汽车服务有限公司发展战略保障措施。

    And put forward the the HCL Automotive Services Limited strategic objectives , namely , the automotive service chain management company with high visibility , reputation , professionalism , and the final targeted HCL Motor Service Co. , Ltd. Development Strategy safeguards .

  6. 导入CIS,改变企业自身形象,改进产品质量,改善服务,从而达到提高企业在社会各界的知名度和美誉度,巩固和逐步扩大企业的市场份额,进而提高企业经济效益。

    Introducing CIS into enterprise , it helps change image of enterprise s own , to improve quality of product and service so that the enterprise will be known throughout the society and enlarge and exploit market s quotas step and step , then raise enterprise economic benefit .

  7. 与媒体合作,大力度宣传,美誉度和知名度高。

    A cooperation with media , actively propagandizing credit and popularity .

  8. 品牌栏目诊断可以从知名度、美誉度和忠诚度诊断三方面进行。

    Brand column diagnosis develops from popularity , reputation and loyalty .

  9. 在行业内享有很高的知名度和美誉度。

    In the industry enjoyed a high profile and reputation .

  10. 品牌美誉度的生态位多维度选择研究

    A Study On Niche Multi-Dimensional Election Of The Brand Preference

  11. 决策中应把医院的声誉与美誉度放在同等地位;

    Laving equal emphasis on hospital reputation and ethics in decision making ;

  12. 他说,强大的社会关系网和校友推荐进一步增强了它的美誉度。

    Strong social networks and alumni recommendations multiplied the effect , he says .

  13. 事件行销能迅速提高医院的知名度和美誉度;

    The event marketing could improve the popularity and reputation of hospital rapidly .

  14. 这势必会对新疆体育旅游形象的美誉度造成影响。

    This will inevitably to xinjiang sports tourism image the reputation of the influence .

  15. 它是运用多种媒介对学校发展目标、学校文化、办学质量等在学校和公众中进行传播以提高学校的知名度、忠诚度、美誉度。

    It uses various media to wide-spread the reputation , goal , and educational quality .

  16. 贝莱德同时扮演政府顾问和市场参与者的角色,也会威胁到它的美誉度。

    Its work with governments as both an adviser and market participant also threatens its reputation .

  17. 对市场而言,意味着一个知名度、美誉度、忠诚度高度统一的著名品牌;

    For the market , stands for a high fame , high honor , high honesty .

  18. 全球化品牌战略的实施可以大幅提高品牌的知名度和美誉度。

    The implementation of global brand strategy can greatly raise the brand awareness and brand favorite .

  19. 名人的知名度和美誉度能够美化区域和城市形象,吸引公众眼球。

    Celebrity profile and reputation can beautify the regional and city image , attract the public eyes .

  20. 品牌策划者和品牌管理者,应根据品牌策略来建立风格,从而建立品牌知名度、美誉度、忠诚度和品牌联想度。

    Managers and planners for the true brands should construct design style based on the brand strategy .

  21. 精泰品牌在国内外已亨有较高的知名度和美誉度。

    Fine Thai brand at home and abroad have been Frederick has a higher visibility and reputation .

  22. 城市文化建设与城市营销是提高城市美誉度、促进城市发展的杠杆。

    City culture construction and city marketing are the levers to improve city reputation and promote its development .

  23. 知名度和美誉度,是衡量品牌形象对于消费者影响的两个基本维度。

    Notability and honorability are the two fundamental dimensions through which influence of brand-names upon consumers is judged .

  24. 中国工商银行成功上市,提升了在国内外的关注度和美誉度。

    The successful listing of China Industrial and Commercial Bank has raised concerns and reputations at home and abroad .

  25. 城市沟通是提高城市知名度和美誉度的一个有效的城市营销策略。

    This paper suggests that city communication is an effective city marketing strategy for enhancing city fame and reputation .

  26. 从而达到传播赞助企业品牌的目的,为企业营造良好的社会知名度、美誉度创造良好的机会!

    Therefore the aim of spreading sponsors fame is realized , and these enterprises will have good social reputation !

  27. 方法研究网上药店美誉度内涵及其在实际中的应用。

    Methods : To research the reputation of the on-line pharmacy in China and put it into practice application .

  28. 一般认为,广告有助于提高产品的知名度、美誉度,可以促进销售。

    As we all know , advertising helped to increase product visibility and faithfulness , advertising can promote sales .

  29. 这部电影的国际美誉度带给了你巨大的影响,你是否感到惊喜呢?

    HR : Were you surprised by what came out of that film in terms of the sudden international attention .

  30. 外电称萨马兰奇是白求恩之后又一位在中国家喻户晓、知名度美誉度最高的西方名人。

    Foreign Bethune said Samaranch was followed by a household name in China , the most well-known reputation of Western celebrities .