
  • 网络USPS;The United States Postal Service;U.S. Postal Service;US Postal Service
  1. 美国邮政管理局的人员实现了一个可靠并且非常有用的Webservices。

    The people at the United States Postal Service have implemented a solid and very useful Web Service .

  2. USZip/Zip+4ZIP(ZoneImprovementPlan,邮区改进计划)编码是美国邮政管理局(USPS)使用的邮政编码系统。

    US Zip / Zip + 4 ZIP ( Zone Improvement Plan ) codes are a system of postal codes used by the United States Postal Service ( USPS ) .

  3. 塑料的10人也被DC漫画人物之一精选对美国邮政服务在2006年邮票。

    Plastic Man also was one of10 DC Comics characters featured on a set of US Postal Service stamps in2006 .

  4. 与此同时,美国邮政总局(U.S.PostalService)说,它预计在今年的感恩节至元旦期间,将运送创纪录的4.2亿个包裹,较上年同比增加12%。

    The U.S. Postal Service , meanwhile , said it expected to ship a record 420 million packages between Thanksgiving and New Year 's , an increase of 12 % from last year .

  5. 联邦快递、UPS快递和美国邮政本周三表示,其航空运输中将不允许运输Note7手机,对于陆路何时能运输这款手机也将有严格限制。

    FedEx , UPS and the US Postal Service said Wednesday that the phones will not be allowed on their planes and there will be tight restrictions on when their trucks will be allowed to carry the phones .

  6. 不过现在我们可以预测,Netflix的DVD订阅用户数将会有所下降,这将有助于Netflix提高收益,但要从美国邮政碗里分走一杯羹。

    But now one has to assume that Netflix will soon see a decrease in DVD subscribers , thus boosting its own bottom line and taking a bite out of the postal service .

  7. 美国邮政工人联盟反对进行变革。该联盟主席CliffGuffey抨击进行变革是“对邮政服务和雇员鲁莽的侮辱。”

    Fighting the proposed changes is the American Postal Workers Union , whose president , Cliff Guffey , has blasted proposed changes as a " reckless assault on the Postal Service and its employees . "

  8. Sorenson的研究成果,分析美国邮政差异化战略实施情况和成功运用差异化战略的企业的经验;

    Sorenson , helps to analyze the implementation of differentiation strategy of American Post and the achievement it got and leads to the conclusion that differentiated strategy can bring profits to post .

  9. 你那边能兑现美国邮政汇票吗?

    Could you cash US postal money order on your side ?

  10. 美国邮政总局已经为假期的到来做好准备。

    The Postal Service is gearing up for the holiday season .

  11. 本·富兰克林是执掌美国邮政服务的第一人。

    Ben Franklin was the first person to run the U.S. Postal Service .

  12. 而根据美国邮政局,只剩下一条。

    Of the remaining only one , according to the US postal service .

  13. 美国邮政服务拥有超过56万员工。

    The United States Postal Service has over five hundred sixty thousand employees .

  14. 官员们表示美国邮政总局遭黑客入侵。

    Officials say the U.S. Postal Service was hacked .

  15. 问题5美国邮政总局正在计划做什么?

    Question 5 . What is the U.S. Postal Service planning to do ?

  16. 美国邮政总局有些情况下会安排在圣诞节当天投递包裹。

    The Postal Service in some cases plans to deliver on Christmas Day itself .

  17. 1775年,大陆会议指定富兰克林作为第一任美国邮政大臣。

    In 1775 the continental congress appointed Franklin as the first U.S. postmaster general .

  18. 为了纪念这件事,美国邮政昨天将这个新邮票公之于众。

    In honor of that , U.S. Postal Service unveiled this new stamp yesterday .

  19. 知道用美国邮政就行

    Yeah . Try the U.S. Postal Service .

  20. 斯皮克斯最近的工作是为美国邮政服务公司工作,于2008年退休。

    Speakes most recently work to the US postal service , retiring in 2008 .

  21. 美国邮政服务跟该国的历史一样悠久。

    The United States Postal Service has a history as long as the nation 's.

  22. 而美国邮政服务正考虑一项在邮局摆设回收桶的计画。

    Postal Service is considering a recovery program with recycling containers at their stations .

  23. 多纳霍先生要求国会批准对美国邮政大幅改革。

    Mister Donahoe is asking Congress to approve huge changes to the Postal Service .

  24. 竟然还是通过美国邮政

    I-in the U.S. Mail , no less .

  25. 美国邮政已在考虑缩小服务规模,以应对众所周知的、其自身的财务问题。

    The institution is already considering reducing service to cope with its well-publicised financial problems .

  26. 美国邮政服务承担了世界上40%以上的邮件。

    The United States Postal Service handles over forty percent of the worlds mail volume .

  27. 美国邮政署语音电话应答了。

    The USPS phone menu voice answered .

  28. 支持向量机的手写体数字识别中,采用美国邮政服务数据库。

    Handwritten number recognition based on support vector machine adopts the US post service database .

  29. 他负责建立永久性的美国邮政系统。

    Franklin was responsible for establishing the United States postal system on a permanent basis .

  30. 美国邮政周三宣布将停止周六的投递服务。

    The US Postal Service on Wednesday said it was ending first-class mail deliveries on Saturdays .