
shè huì láo dònɡ zhě
  • social labor
  1. 知识产权是知识经济社会劳动者的主要权益。

    Intellectual property right is the main right for the laborers in the intellectual economic society .

  2. 近代社会劳动者层次结构模式转变对文明发展作用的思考

    Thinkings on the Change of Modern Social Labours ' Level Structural Pattern Toward the Developmental Effect on Civilization

  3. 现代远程教育与成人高等职业教育对于实现我国高等教育大众化,提高社会劳动者乃至全民族素质发挥着重要作用。

    Modern distance education and adult higher vocational education are playing an important role in achieving the popularization in Chinese higher education and improving the quality of whole workers .

  4. 提高高职师资队伍素质是高职教育进一步蓬勃发展的基础,是提高社会劳动者素质的保证。

    Therefore , the improvement of teachers ' quality is the foundation of vigorous development of higher vocational education , and the guarantee of labor force quality improvement of all society .

  5. 总体而言,知识分子应该是文化程度比同时代社会劳动者平均水平超出许多的,主要以创造、传播、应用科学文化知识为谋生手段的脑力劳动者。

    On the whole , intellectual should be mental workers who have a higher education level than the average labors of their the same time , and they make a living chiefly by creating , spreading and applying scientific and cultural knowledge .

  6. 平均起点工资为社会需要劳动者接受什么样的培训提供了明确的提示。

    Average starting salaries give a clear indication of what type of training society needs its new workers to have .

  7. 但新马克思主义者梦想的社会底层劳动者都走上街头抗议的情景,则显得过于妄想。

    But neo-Marxist visions of burger flippers on the barricades seem a touch too paranoid .

  8. 在社会主义社会,劳动者是自由人这一本质规定决定了劳动力归个人所有。

    In socialism , the essential characteristic of laborers being freedom determines that of a laborer owning his labor force .

  9. 在高度机械化的现代社会,劳动者在劳动过程遭受工伤事故的风险变得极大的增强。

    With more and more high mechanization used by our modern society , workers suffer accident risk became greatly enhanced in labor process .

  10. 在我国,高中信息技术学科是高中的必修学科,它承担着社会对劳动者的基本素质的培养,也为信息技术人才的培养奠定了基础。

    In China , senior IT is required course . Its task is to train labors ' basic qualities and to lay the foundation for IT talented persons .

  11. 在资本主义社会,劳动者所创造的剩余价值,不仅仅由产业资本所独占,还有商业资本、银行资本、高利贷资本也要参与瓜分。

    In capitalist society , not only industrial capital owns the surplus value the laborers produce , commercial capital , bank capital and usurer 's capital also have their share in it .

  12. 我国隧道施工主要人员为社会务工劳动者,缺乏相应的管理人员,因此迫切需要一套有针对性的瓦斯防治技术规范和安全标准化管理体系。

    Key personnel of tunnel construction workers , social workers and the lack of appropriate management personnel , an urgent need for a set of the targeted gas prevention and control technical specifications and safety standardization management system .

  13. 德育一直是我国教育体系中最重要的一环,高职院校直接向社会输出劳动者,德育工作更显重要。

    The moral education has always been the most important part in the education system of our country . Vocational and technical colleges directly offer the society labors and workers , which makes the moral education more important .

  14. 有些人是完全为反动统治阶级服务的,他们同从事体力劳动的劳动者处在对立的地位。从事体力劳动的,从事脑力劳动的,都是社会主义社会的劳动者。

    Some are wholly in the service of the reactionary ruling classes and thus stand in an antagonistic relationship to manual workers . Everyone who works , whether with his hands or with his brain , is part of the working people in a socialist society .

  15. 社会保险作为劳动者的基本生活保障,是现代社会保障体系中的主体和核心。

    Social insurance is the basic guarantee of living for the laborers .

  16. 职业学校的教育目的是要培养出社会合格的劳动者。

    Professional college aims to foster qualified and competent future work force .

  17. 构建和谐社会必须保障劳动者的社会保险权益

    Constructing a Harmonious Society Must Guarantee the Rights and Interests of Workers

  18. 人力资本、社会资本与劳动者收入决定

    Human Capital and Social capital and Laborer 's Income

  19. 和谐社会视野下劳动者权益保护问题探析

    A Discussion on Protection of Laborers ' Rights and Interests under the View of Harmonious Society

  20. 劳动者对他的生产资料的私有权是小生产的基础,而小生产又是发展社会生产和劳动者本人的自由个性的必要条件。

    The private property of the laborer in his means of production is the foundation of petty industry , whether agricultural , manufacturing , or both ;

  21. 如今更高级社会中的劳动者是在工业的进步、而非其所属阶级境况的日益恶化中成长起来的。

    The modern laborer in the advanced societies rose with the progress of industry , rather than sinking deeper and deeper below the conditions of existence of his own class .

  22. 就此层面上而言,劳动争议所体现的社会关系就是劳动者阶层与企业主阶层围绕着资本利润的占有和分配所发生的经济利益冲突关系。

    This level is concerned , labor dispute embodies the social relationship is laborer classes and entrepreneurs around the capital profits of possession and distribution of what has happened economic interests conflict relationship .

  23. 社会发展对劳动者的职业素质提出了新要求,努力提高自身素质对社会和个人发展都有十分重要的作用。

    The social development gives some new requirements to the labourers ' vocational quality , so making efforts to improve one 's qualities plays a very important role in the social and individual development .

  24. 解雇权限制问题,作为企业利益与劳动者权利互生的交集,本身体现出社会法对劳动者权利保护的思想。

    The right to dismiss the constraints of the problem , as the protection of laborers ' rights and interests of enterprises alternate intersection , demonstrate social law to laborer party inclined protection thought .

  25. 公有制与市场经济结合的现实途径在于大力推进产权制度改革,全面确立以社会化的劳动者个人产权为基础的新型公有制模式。

    The key to integrating public ownership with a market economy is to advance reform on property rights systems , and to establish a new public ownership system with socialized individual property rights as its basis .

  26. 人力资源是指存在于人体的智力资源和体力资源,是指人类进行生产或提供服务,推动整个经济和社会发展的劳动者的各种能力的总称。

    Being defined as the Intellectual and physical resources in human body , human resource refers to various abilities of the laborers who undertake the production or provide service to promote the social and economic development .

  27. 社会主义不仅从旧社会解放了劳动者和生产资料,也解放了旧社会所无法利用的广大的自然界。

    Socialism has not only liberated the working people and freed the means of production from the shackles of the old society but has also released the boundless resources of nature which the old society could not exploit .

  28. 结果老年人中仍参加社会、家务劳动者的加权值分别为28.4%和49.8%。

    Results Among the aged people 28 . 4 % were still involved in productive social work , 49 . 8 % in housework , and only 21 . 8 % not involved in either , 67.1 % had history of chronic diseases .

  29. 笔者认为在确认劳动关系时,不管社会组织与劳动者是否订立劳动合同,也不管订立何种劳动合同,而只考虑双方的权利义务关系与用工事实。

    I think when confirmed labor relations , no matter the social organization and laborer to whether to conclude labor contract , no matter what conclude labor contract , and only consider the rights and obligations of the parties and the labor relationship facts .

  30. 在现实社会中,劳动者面对着非完全竞争的劳动力市场,以及低工资率时负的闲暇的边际效用,这严重动摇了向后弯曲的劳动供给曲线的基础。

    In realistic society , people confront the unperfect competition labor market and the negative marginal utility of leisure at lower wage , which badly rocks the foundation of the backward-bending labor supply curve , from which we can reconstruct a new labor supply curve .