
shè huì tǒnɡ chóu
  • overall social planning
  1. 基本养老保险模式从现收现付向社会统筹与个人账户相结合的体制转变,是具有制度创新意义的改革。

    The creative reform is to transform the method of payment for the basic old - age pension & from cash to " the combination of overall social planning and individual account " .

  2. 目前,我国的养老保险制度已经由计划经济条件下的现收现付模式过渡到市场经济条件下的部分积累模式,实行社会统筹和个人账户相结合。

    At present , the old-age insurance in our country has shifted from foundation of collection and payment in cash in central-planned economy to the partial accumulation foundation that combines overall social planning with personal accounts ( OSPPA ) in the market economy .

  3. 中国IPD来源于两个规定受益的养老金计划:现收现付制(PAYG)的社会统筹帐户和基金制(FUND)的个人帐户。

    Sources of China IPD orientated from two defined benefit pension schemes , one is social pooling account based on PAYG , the other is individual account based on FUND .

  4. 本文利用离散Leslie控制模型对江西未来人口进行预测,并以此为基础得到参保的在职职工和参保的退休职工人数,进而对社会统筹帐户基金结余进行了预测;

    In this dissertation , on the basis of forecasting population of Jiangxi by the discrete Leslie model , it get employees in active service and retired employees in pension insurance system , and forecast the balance of society pooling account .

  5. 中国城镇职工社会统筹账户的支付能力研究

    Solvency Research on Urban Employees ' Social Pooling Account in China

  6. 住院医疗服务与社会统筹基金&武汉市近三年住院医疗服务及医疗费用支出的分析

    Medical Service for In-patients and Social Unified Raising

  7. 中国的基本养老保险制度实行社会统筹与个人账户相结合的模式。

    The basic Chinese old-age insurance system combines mutual assistance programs with personal accounts .

  8. 考察人口老龄化对城镇社会统筹养老金收支均衡的影响;

    Secondly , it studies rapidly aging population influence city pensions income and expenses .

  9. 中国仍应坚持社会统筹与个人帐户相结合的部分积累制的养老保险制度。

    China should insist on the partial-funding system : PAYG combining the individual account .

  10. 个人账户保健康社会统筹保风险&兼议职工医疗保险基金统账分割

    Social Insurance Funds ; The Individual Account for Healthy and The Overall Fund for Risk

  11. 其中基本养老保险又分为两个部分:个人账户与社会统筹部分。

    There are two parts in the basic pensionsinsurance : personal account and social pooling .

  12. 地方补充医疗保险和生育医疗保险实行社会统筹。

    The local supplementary medical insurance and birth medical insurance shall be planned by overall society .

  13. 关于社会统筹与个人帐户相结合若干问题的探讨

    Medical Insurance Based on Combined Social Planning and Individual Accounts : Study of Some Possible Problems

  14. 各地实行生育保险社会统筹的具体做法是什么?

    What is the specific method that each district implements birth assurance society to plan as a whole ?

  15. 实行社会统筹的地区如何领取生育保险费?

    How does the area that executes a society to plan as a whole receive birth insurance premium ?

  16. 在这样的背景下,2005年中国对养老金制度进行了改革,建立了社会统筹和个人账户相结合的养老金制度。

    Under such background , China reformed the pension system into the combination of social fund and personal accounts in 2005 .

  17. 医疗保险的覆盖率太低,社会统筹基金难以统筹。

    The coverage of the medical insurance is rather low and the whole social fund has been difficulty to raise . 3 .

  18. 坚持社会统筹与个人账户相结合,完善职工基本养老保险制度。

    The existing system of basic old-age pensions for workers will be improved by combining contributions from enterprises and institutions with personal accounts .

  19. 我国企业实行的基本养老保险制度是社会统筹和个人账户相结合的基本养老保险制度。

    The basic old-age insurance system for the enterprises in China ' sbasic endowment insurance system is the social pooling and individual accounts .

  20. 所以中国目前的基本养老保险制度由社会统筹和个人帐户两部分组成,属于部分基金积累制度。

    Hence the current basic social insurance system consists of social pooling account and individual account and pertains to the partial funding accumulation system .

  21. 提出了在设计社会统筹与个人帐户相结合的医疗保险方案过程中,可能会遇到的14个政策问题,并就这些问题提出了个人的看法,供决策部门参考。

    On design of medical insurance programme based on combined social planning and individual accounts , fourteen possible problems concerning policy are put forward and studied .

  22. 目前,我国正逐步改变过去社会统筹的养老保障制度,力图建立三支柱的现代养老保险体系。其中,企业年金的规范与市场化运作也在不断完善之中。

    For the time being , China is trying to form the three pillars system , which includes the development and perfection of occupational pension fund .

  23. 坚持社会统筹和个人帐户相结合,完善城镇职工基本养老保险制度和基本医疗保险制度。

    We should stick to and improve the basic old-age pension and medical insurance systems for urban workers , combining socially pooled funds with personal contributions .

  24. 党的十七大报告提出统筹城乡发展,推进社会主义新农村建设,形成城乡经济社会统筹发展新格局。

    The coordinated development of urban and rural and construction of socialism new countryside are called up in the report of the 17th National Congress of CPC .

  25. 个人账户主要支付个人门诊医疗费用和社会统筹支付中个人应承担的部分。

    Individual account basically pays medical treatment of individual outpatient service charge and society the share that agree of the individual in paying as a whole carries .

  26. 十四届三中全会明确提出要发展社会统筹与个人账户相结合的基本养老保险制度。

    The Third Plenary Session of the Fourteenth Central Committee explicitly proposed that we have to develop the basic old-age insurance system combining social plan with individual account .

  27. 从微观方面来看,人口老龄化,人口预期寿命的延长将使得个人社会统筹账户的发放水平降低。

    From the microscopic point of view , the aging of population and the increasing of life expectancy will decrease the granting level of personal social pooling account .

  28. 社会统筹养老基金的主要风险变量包括:缴费率、抚养比、覆盖率、替代率、统筹层次、退休年龄。

    Main risk variables of the social pool pension fund include : paying rate , supporting rate , coverage rate , substituting rate , pool level , retirement age .

  29. 分账制下,个人账户基金和社会统筹基金分开管理,个人账户实账运行。

    Under the system of independent account , the individual account fund is separated from social pool fund , and runs in the model of " full account " .

  30. 在实践中探索我国个人医疗账户和社会统筹相结合的成功之路。

    It probe into the successful road of " Individidual Medical Insurance Account " integrated with " Dverall medical fund in all society " in our country in practice .