
jié ɡòu tiáo zhěnɡ
  • Structural adjustment;restructuring
  1. 进行农业结构调整,发展草畜业、园艺业、农产品加工业,实现农业产业化;

    Carry out agricultural restructuring , develop pastures and animal industry , fruit tree pomiculture and vegetables pomiculture , farm produce processing industry , and realize agricultural industrialization ;

  2. 甘南州传统经济模式对现代经济发展的制约及调整思路河西水资源与农业产业结构调整的战略思考

    Restriction of traditional economy to modern economic development and regulative thoughts in Gannan prefecture , Gansu , China A Strategic Analysis of the Water Resources and Agricultural Restructuring in West Gansu Province

  3. 对房屋结构调整的规划是在盖尔的帮助下完成的。

    The structural alterations made to the house were planned with Gail 's help .

  4. 他说,结构调整政策引发了营养和健康危机,从而导致许多儿童和青少年未能充分发挥身髙潜力。

    The nutritional and health crises that followed the policy of structural adjustment , he says , led to many children and teenagers failing to reach their full potential in terms of height .

  5. 自然资源部副部长王广华介绍:耕地地类减少的主要原因是农业结构调整和国土绿化。

    It mainly resulted from structural adjustments in the agriculture industry and the country 's greening project .

  6. 实行能源和资源消耗总量和强度的双控是促进经济结构调整和环境保护的必要手段。

    Controlling both the quantity and intensity2 of energy and resources consumption is necessary to promote adjustment of the economic structure and protect the environment .

  7. 实行高中免费义务教育,对我们现在的经济结构调整转型、特别是投资拉动也有重要作用。

    Establishing free education in high schools is helpful for the adjustment and transformation4 of the economic structure , and is particularly beneficial for attracting investment .

  8. 我们要创新发展理念,从传统的要素驱动、出口驱动转变为创新驱动、改革驱动,通过结构调整释放内生动力。

    We need to be creative with our development approaches , to shift from the traditional export and factor-driven economy , to one based on innovation and reform , and to project a new impetus reform .

  9. 我们更加关注结构调整等长期问题,不随单项指标的短期小幅波动而起舞。我们坚持区间调控的基本思路,只要经济增速保持在7.5%左右,高一点,低一点,都属于合理区间。

    We focused more on structural . Judging by the principle of range-based macro-control , we believe the actual economic growth rate is within the proper range , even if it is slightly higher or lower than the 7.5 percent target .

  10. 地理信息系统(GIS)与农业结构调整

    Geographical Information System ( GIS ) and Agriculture Structure Adjustment

  11. 特别是我国加入WTO后,经济结构调整与转型成为资源型城市实现经济社会可持续发展的必然选择。

    At present , adjusting economic structure is an inevitable choice for resources-based cities .

  12. IMF的援助方案与金融危机国家的经济结构调整

    The Aid Scheme of IMF and Economic Restructuring of the Financial Crisis Country

  13. 加入WTO后,随着贸易干预手段的减少,我国产业结构调整有向劳动密集型产业集中的趋势。

    After the entry into WTO , with the decreasing of trade interference measurements , we have the labor-intensive industrial concentration trend in industry pattern adjustment .

  14. 这是我国今后应对加入WTO,实施种植业结构调整对策的基本保证和重要依据。

    Also , this is the basic guarantee and important basis for the strategy of adjusting the structure of planting industry to face with China 's entering WTO in the future .

  15. 加入WTO后,中国的钛白行业正面临着战略性结构调整,以提高产能集中度及企业竞争力;国内钛白行业未来竞争态势分析

    After took part in the WTO , the national titanium dioxide industry is facing the trends of strategic structure regulations . Analysis on the competing status of the Chinese titanium dioxide industry

  16. 作为公平贸易条件下WTO允许采取的唯一合法的保护手段,保障措施在给予成员方进行产业结构调整,救济产业损害、维护多边贸易体制稳定的过程中发挥了重要作用,并日益受到WTO成员的重视。

    As the only legitimate protection method that WTO permitting , safeguard measures play the vital role in giving the member to carry on the industrial structure adjustment , reliving industry harm , maintaining the multilateral trade system .

  17. 第四章,阐述我国在CAFTA的建立过程中,应该如何充分发挥比较优势,协调与区内其它国家的贸易关系,不断进行贸易结构调整和产业结构升级。

    Chapter 4 , Expatiate how we use our competitive advantages to harmonize the trade relationship among CAFTA , and adjust our trade structure , upgrade the industry structure continuously .

  18. 利用MAP装置改产S-NPK是MAP产品结构调整的方向之一,着重介绍KCl低温转化、混酸中和的工艺特点、主要设备选型和总结运行情况,并对存在问题提出改进措施。

    Transforming MAP plants into S - NPK plants is one of directions in restructuring MAP products . The paper presents process features of lowtemperature KCI conversion and neutralization of mixed acid , and selection of main equipment , summarizes the operations , and proposes improvement measures against existing problems .

  19. 通过就UCP600的结构调整、重要定义,以及对UCP500的删改和新的国际结算标准的确立等四个方面的若干条款与UCP500进行对比分析,分析了其对国际贸易实践的影响。

    This paper analyzes the difference between UCP600 and UCP 500 in four aspects : structure adjustment , major definitions , bowdlerized clauses and some international settlement standard clauses . Then it discusses the effect of these clauses on international trade practice .

  20. 最后分析了淮南生态市建设SEIA的主要内容:土地利用规划、产业政策结构调整以及各项战略的环境影响评价,为生态市建设SEIA提供方法和技术支持。

    Finally , it analyzed the main contents of SEIA in constructing the ecological city of Huainan : the land utilization plan , the industrial policy structure adjustment and every strategies on the environment impact assessment , which provided the methods and skills for the ecological city construction .

  21. 就业结构调整与中国农村劳动力的充分就业

    Employment Structural Adjustment & The Chinese Rural Laborer 's Full Employment

  22. 首先,综合实践活动课程是课程结构调整的产物。

    Integration Practical Activity is the production of curriculum structure adjustment .

  23. 医院执行总量控制结构调整政策的三年动态经济分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Total Amount Control and Structural Readjustment of Income

  24. 加强工程项目管理推进建筑业结构调整

    Develop engineering project management enterprise to impulse the industrial structure adjustment

  25. 知识经济对山东省产业发展与结构调整的启示

    Enlightened on the industrial structure of Shandong Province by knowledge economy

  26. 神经网络的稳定性判据与区域经济结构调整

    Stability Criteria of Neural Networks and Adjustment For Regional Economic Structure

  27. 所有制结构调整的立论基础和方向

    The Argument Basis and Orientation of Adjustment of Ownership System Construction

  28. 建高效灌溉工程促种植结构调整

    Constructing Effective Irrigation Project to Promote Adjustment of The Plantation Structure

  29. 充分发挥金融在产业结构调整中的促进作用

    On maximizing the role of Finance in promoting industrial structure readjustment

  30. 基于产业集群的区域产业结构调整研究

    The Research on Region Industry Structure Adjustment Based on Industry Cluster