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jié shéng
  • Knot a rope;tie knot;nettling
结绳 [jié shéng]
  • [nettling;tie knot] 在文字产生以前古人用绳子结扣来记事,相传大事打大结,小事打小结。现在某些没有文字的民族还有用结绳来记事的

结绳[jié shéng]
  1. 如果这一方法无效,船员们还将向设备的各个弯角和缝隙发射高尔夫球和结绳以阻塞它,Wells说。

    If that doesn 't work , crews also can shoot golf balls and knotted rope into the nooks and crannies of the device to plug it , Wells said .

  2. 特别是结绳法和异步FIFO的异步比较法,都是比较新颖的方法。

    Especially , the methods of toggle and asynchronous comparison in asynchronous FIFO design are good ideas for asynchronous timing .

  3. 结绳技艺在服饰中的应用

    Application of knots - tying Arts in dress and adornment

  4. 释传说&兼探结绳记事的内部运作机制

    On " Legend " and the Inner Operational Mechanism of keeping Records by Tying Knots

  5. 我们将探讨并学习剧院一般使用的结和结绳术。

    We explore and learn the basic knots and ropework that are in common theater usage .

  6. 在殷墟甲骨文字中,保留了一些关于上古结绳记事的信息。

    Some ancient information about keeping records by tying knots was retained in Yin Ruins oracle bone inscriptions .

  7. 在未来三年内产生的数据量,将超过人类自结绳记事以来数千年的总和。

    The datas generate in the next three years will exceed the datas since the sum of several thousand years .

  8. 崔实在尽力了四年,事业末于有所倒退,然而她却在浴室里应用医用绷带结绳自杀。

    After four years of struggling , Choi 's career had begun to pick up when her body was found in her bathroom in southern Seoul .

  9. 在当天的未了,探险队“因为又滑又乱的结绳而坠落到陡峭的斜坡上”而陷入困境。

    At the end of the day , the party was involved in a " fall on a steep slope as a result of a slip and tangling of ropes " .

  10. 古汉字形体最早期的创造是得到结绳和刻契地启发的,至于记事的图画,则可能就是早期汉字的前身。

    The earliest of ancient Chinese characters to create a rope and be inspired carved deed , as notes of the picture , you may be the predecessor of the early Chinese .

  11. 打结器是捡拾压捆机用来给草捆结绳的机构,钳嘴是打结器中一个关键零件,负责打绳结的工作。

    The twine knotter twine is a machine of baler used to baling , Twine knotter hook is a key spare part of twine knotter , which is in charge of tie a knot .

  12. 以简单刻记和结绳记事为标志的会计文化,从远古时期就已经产生了,会计文化是人类在长期的会计实践活动中创造出来的精神财富和物质财富的总和。

    The creation of accounting culture is signed by carving and records by ropes . Accounting culture is the summation of physical fortune and spiritual fortune , during the long history of human being activities .