
chún shōu rù
  • net income;net receipt
纯收入[chún shōu rù]
  1. 他们公布上一年度纯收入为110万美元。

    For the prior year , they reported net income of $ 1.1 million .

  2. 其次,从地貌、气候、河流水系、土壤植被等方面简述了瓜州县的自然环境概况;从人口、GDP、人均纯收入等方面简述了研究区的社会经济状况。

    Then , provided a brief survey of the natural environment of the area , including topography , climate , river system , soil and vegetation ; and socioeconomic status , including population , GDP and per capita net income .

  3. GM(1,1)与回归预测相组合在安徽省农民人均纯收入预测中的应用

    Research on Peasants ' per Income Forecast of Anhui Province Based on GM ( 1,1 ) Model and Regression

  4. 结果表明,农民家庭人均纯收入与人均国内生产总值(GDP)之间具有长期的协整关系。

    The result indicates that the farmer family 's per capital net income and per capital GDP has the long-term cointegration relationship .

  5. 论文以各区域的农村居民人均纯收入为主变量(Y),选择了31个指标为因子变量(X),进行相关分析。

    The paper selects 31 indices as induced variables ( X ), analysis related being done with the average net income of rural residents as the major variable ( Y ) .

  6. hm-2,平均纯收入约7335元。

    Pure Income average was 7335 yuan · hm ~ ( 2 ) .

  7. 对我国农民家庭人均纯收入与人均国内生产总值(GDP)之间的关系进行ADF平稳性检验、协整关系检验。

    This article examines the interactions of the farmer family 's per capital net income and the per capital GDP using the ADF test and Cointegration test .

  8. 前言:本文选择了农民人均纯收入与人均GDP指标,来分析山西省“两区”县的强县与富民之间的关系。

    Based on farmer 's average net income per person and GDP per person , the relationship of strong Shanxi " two parts " county and making people rich has been analyzed in this paper .

  9. 但是要记得,2007年IBM纯收入增长10%,高达104亿美元,股票价格增长了11%。

    But keep in mind back in 2007 IBM posted a 10 % gain in net profit for the year , ah to $ 10.4 billion , and its stock price rose 11 % last year .

  10. 并以改革开放以来,我国人均GDP和农村居民家庭人均纯收入、城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入的相关性为依据建立模型,预测了全面小康时期城乡收入差距的大小,并对其进行了分析。

    This paper forecasts and analyzes the gap of per capita annual income between urban and rural households in comprehensive well-off terms , according to the relativity between per capita GDP and that since reform and opening .

  11. 人均GDP产值、单位面积农业生产总值、农民人均纯收入、绿洲人口密度、城市化率和文明度等经济社会安全评价指标;

    The GDP per capita , the gross agricultural output per unit , the net income per farmer , the population density of the oases , the rate of the city urbanization , and the rate of civilization .

  12. 本章首先根据相关资料调整农民人均纯收入水平,并测算了农村各产业的NDP水平。

    First the average earning of peasantry and NDP data of industries in rural area is adjusted according to relative data .

  13. 随着4G服务的快速发展,4G用户的迅猛增加,中国的主要电信运营商在今年上半年的纯收入实现了大幅度增长。

    With 4G services developing rapidly , China 's major telecom operators saw their net profit grow at remarkable pace in the first half of this year thanks to fast growth in 4G subscribers .

  14. 自然因素对林地变化影响并不明显,林地变化主要受GDP、固定资产投入、年末总人口、人均纯收入、财政总支出、工业产值这六个社会经济因素影响。

    Natural factors of forestland change influence is not obvious , Woodland change is mainly affected by GDP , Fixed asset investment , Year-end total population , Per capita net income , Financial expenditure , Industrial production in the social economic factors influence the six .

  15. 分析表明:不同松土深度亩产值间具有极显著差异,松土以25cm为好,这时反应弹性大,纯收入高。NET技术。NET服务器端控件。

    The results showed : there are remarkable difference among different depths for loosening the soil . It is the best that loosening the soil 0 ~ 25 cm , and the reaction elasticity is the biggest and net receipts is the highest .

  16. 选取金融机构贷款余额与GDP的比值作为衡量金融中介发展的指标;城镇居民实际可支配收入与农村居民实际纯收入的比值作为衡量城乡收入差距的指标。

    The ratio of the balance of financial institution loan to GDP is set as an index to measure the development of financial intermediations ; meanwhile , the ratio of urban residents ' spendable income to rural residents ' net income is used as the measure of income inequality .

  17. 在税改时期内,影响农民增收的最主要因素是人均GDP,人均GDP每增加1%,对农民人均纯收入年增长率的贡献份额为0.23%。

    During the reform period , GDP of every rural resident is an influencing factor , with its share of 0.23 % in net annual income for every 1 % income increase per farmer . The study has verified the above result by difference in differences and made some suggestions .

  18. 影响14个市州农村居民纯收入差距的量化分析显示人均耕地面积、农业总产值占GDP的比重、人口城镇化率及非农劳动力比重是影响农村居民人均纯收入差距的主要因素。

    The quantitative analysis of influence factors of net income gap showed that per capita cultivated land area , the proportion of agricultural output in GDP , population urbani-zation urbanization rate and the proportion of non-agricultural labour are major factors that effect of per capita income gap of rural residents .

  19. 单尾ANOVA分析表中只有农民人均纯收入指标的显著性不佳,而判别分析中交叉验证样本的分类正确率为88.9%,说明分类的结果比较理想。

    In the one-tailed ANOVA analysis table only the index " rural per capita net income " had the highest F value and the classification accuracy of Cross-validation samples is 88.9 % in discriminant analysis which show the classification results is ideal .

  20. Granger因果关系检验表明水利建设投资与农林牧渔业产值之间存在着双向因果关系,同时有效灌溉面积比值增长也是引起农村居民家庭人均纯收入增长的原因。

    Granger causality tests show that there is a double-direction causality relationship between investment of conservancy construction and agricultural output value . And the increase of the rate of effective irrigated areas was also a reason for the increase of net income of the rural families .

  21. 对毛竹不同经营类型的技术经济效果分析表明:不同松土深度的产值间具有极显著差异,松土以25cm为最好,纯收入高;

    Analysis on economic effect by different management indicated that output values with different depth of soil loosen had evident difference , the optimal depth was 25 cm .

  22. 第二,农民纯收入中暂时收入的变化状况;

    Second , the changing state of peasant 's temporary income ;

  23. 有效提高农业纯收入增长率的策略分析

    Strategy Analyses of Effective Raise Agriculture Pure Income Growth Rate

  24. 试析安徽省农民纯收入增长缓慢的原因及对策

    Cause and Countermeasures on Farmers ' Slow Pure-income Increase in Anhui province

  25. 就诊费用占农民年人均纯收入的比例增加了13.1个百分点;

    The proportion of Medical fee in average income increased 13.1 % .

  26. 农民人均纯收入增长了2.6倍;

    The net income per peasant grew by 3.6 times ;

  27. 除去其它税和其他的费用后,你的纯收入有多少?

    What are you take-home earnings after tax and deductions ?

  28. 自1997年以来,农民人均纯收入增长率始终停滞不前。

    Since 1997 , rural per capita net income growth has stagnated .

  29. 劳动范畴论析(下)劳均纯收入的收入不良指数为12.5;

    The net income per labour distribution index is 12.5 ;

  30. 中国农村居民家庭人均纯收入的聚类分析

    Cluster Analysis on Per Capita Net Income of Rural Households in China