
láo dònɡ liànɡ
  • amount of labor
  1. 版本工程学团队为了赶上数量巨大的分支所付出的劳动量是令人惊愕的。

    The amount of labor done by the Release Engineering team to keep up with the vast number of branches is staggering .

  2. 本文对织机布卷的盘点进行分析和研究,以便减少织机市卷盘点的劳动量,并得到准确及时的数据。

    This writing analyses and studies loom cloth-roll checking for reducing the amount of labor of it , and obtaining the accurate and reasonable data .

  3. RationalRequisitePro帮助团队管理他们的需求与用例,提高追踪性,降低重复劳动量,并提高软件的质量。

    Rational RequisitePro helps teams manage their requirements and use cases , improve traceability , reduce rework , and increase software quality .

  4. 铺布机的使用降低了工人的劳动量,提高了施工质量。

    Cloth paving machine can decrease labors and improve construction quality .

  5. 癫痫特征的自动检测在临床上有很重要的意义,可以减轻医疗工作者的劳动量。

    Automatic detection of epileptic events is of significance in clinical application .

  6. 基于功能分析的产品设计劳动量估算模型

    Estimate Model for Product Design Effort Based on Function Decomposition

  7. 设计这些系统的目的是减少劳动量,增加牛奶产量。

    These systems are designed to reduce labor and increase milk production .

  8. 热压测试跟竣工:10%的劳动量和100%的累计劳动量。

    Hydrotested and Complete : 10 % of work and100 % of cumulative work .

  9. 首先,要解决好如何准确计算劳动量的办法;

    First , we must solve the problem of accurately calculating the amount of labour .

  10. 支座和清算:30%的劳动量和90%的累计劳动量。

    Hangars and Trim Complete : 30 % of work and90 % of cumulative work .

  11. 现在,为了减轻他们的劳动量,发明出了太阳能发电人力车,或者简称太阳能人力车。

    Now , to help their labor , there is the Solar-Electric Rickshaw , or Soleckshaw .

  12. 减少了决策者的劳动量,更易于被决策者们所采用。

    Reduce decision makers ' labor input and it is more easily used by decision makers .

  13. 写一本坏书需要的劳动量和写一本好书的一样多(奥尔德斯·赫胥黎)。

    A bad book is as much of a labor to write as a good one ( Aldous Huxley ) .

  14. 人体关节点的识别完全靠人工,劳动量巨大。

    The recognition of human keys totally depends on handwork , which needs a lot of job to be done ;

  15. 并通过优化更换道岔施工方案,充分发挥工作积极性,设计制造了不少新型施工机具,降低了成本,减少了劳动量,发挥了很好得效益,并保证了施工的质量和安全。

    Cost is reduced and quality and safety id ensured to optimize the scheme and design new construction machines and tools .

  16. 无形资产的价值量由无形资产使用后所节约的社会劳动量决定,但这种经济关系并不能直接运用于无形资产的估价,它只是为无形资产评估值的确定提供了一种依据。

    Intangible assets ' magnitude of value is decided by reduced magnitude of labor after intangible assets are put into use .

  17. 工作台可倾而且可以数控旋转,这给加工带来了方便,也减少了装夹次数,降低了工人的劳动量,提高了自动化程度,提高了加工效率。

    The work plane can lean and rotate with some conveniences , reduce number of clamping , and improve the level of automation .

  18. 此法所需工艺时间长,操作复杂,劳动量及用水量大,污染负担重。

    This processing method has such disadvantages as long time , complex operation , intensive of labor , high water consumption and heavy pollution .

  19. 人文资源的价值只能由形成、保护、传承和开发所消耗的劳动量来决定。

    The value of humane resources can only be formed , protected , passing on and developed the amount of labour consumed to decide .

  20. 为了减少手工工作的劳动量,本文提出了一个根据给定点集,自动生成其合适边界的算法。

    In order to reduce the workload , an algorithm of searching for the proper boundry is presented on the basis of given point set .

  21. 结果发现:护士做的体力劳动量与疲劳感之间没有相关性。

    Here 's the topline result : There was no correlation between the amount of physical work the nurses did and their feelings of fatigue .

  22. 环境质量具有价值,而且是可以计量的,它由保护和建设环境所耗费的劳动量朱确定。

    Environmental quality has a measurable value , which is determined by the amount of tabou (?) consumed in protecting and const (?) ucting the environment .

  23. 商品的价值决定于按照资源配置的效率原则配置于商品生产的劳动量。

    The commodity value is determined by the amount of labor allocated in the production of commodities in line with the efficiency principle concerning resource allotment .

  24. 应用于教育网站中,减少了学科编辑的劳动量,提高了试题质量,方便了用户使用。

    This system was used in educational web site , reducing the labor amount of discipline editor , improving the theme quality and facilitating the user .

  25. 地基基础是建筑工程的重要组成部分,其造价、工期和劳动量均占工程建设的较大比重。

    Foundation is the important component of construction , and plays a great role in investment , time limit for a project and quantity of work .

  26. 同时,这也增加了氏族、家庭公社或个体家庭的每个成员所担负的每日的劳动量。

    At the same time it increased the daily amount of work to be done by each member of the gens , household community or single family .

  27. 整套机构连贯合理,使下料过程完全自动化,减少了人工劳动量,提高了组装能力和组装工序劳动生产效率。

    Reasonable , make whole institutions under coherent feeding process is fully automated and manual Labour , reduce the assembling capacity and improve labor productivity assembly processes .

  28. 例如,将已装置的直线管道和需要安装的管道数目进行比较便可测算出已完工管道劳动量的百分比。

    For example , the linear feet of piping installed can be compared to the required amount of piping to estimate the percentage of piping work completed .

  29. 利用图像处理技术对储粮害虫进行检测具有价格低廉、效率高、准确度高、无污染、劳动量小等优点。

    Applying image process techniques to detect stored-insects possesses following advantages : cheap in price , high efficiency , high accuracy , pollution-free , small quantities of work .

  30. 扑救成本就是扑救消耗的价值量,含活劳动量和物化劳动量,它由直接成本和间接成本构成。

    The cost of forest fire suppression is the magnitude of value , it contents the labour value and lumber value , and composites from direct costand indirect cost .