
chún chǎn pǐn
  • Pure product;net product
纯产品[chún chǎn pǐn]
  1. 通过工业化生产,得到了大量的生产经验,为以后的发展奠定了基础,尤其是为高纯产品的生产积累了宝贵的第一手资料。

    Many production experiences is obtained through the industrialization production , this has laid a foundation for the further development , and also accumulated the precious material for the preparing of the high net product particular .

  2. 经SephadexG-75柱凝胶过滤后得到纯产品,放化纯度为95.4%。

    Purification of the product was carried out by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration column and the radiochemical purity is 95.4 % .

  3. 此价格为纯产品价格。

    These prices are net prices .

  4. 用层析法检验DBC-偶氮氯膦,纯产品只有一个单一的蓝色斑点。

    The purity of DBC-chlorophosphonazo was checked by chromatography and a single blue band was obtained for the pure product .

  5. 纯产品与纯部门投入产出表相互转换研究

    A Study of Reciprocal Transformation of Input-output Tables of the " Pure " Product and " Pure " Industrial Sector

  6. 粗产物经硫酸铜溶液萃取、硅胶过滤、重结晶、真空升华进行分离提纯得到纯产品。

    The products obtained were purified by extraction with copper sulfate solution , filtration through silica gel , recrystallization and vacuum sublimation .

  7. 微波合成技术以其高效、省时、高产量和高纯产品而受到特别青睐。

    Microwave synthesis is particularly interesting due to its high efficiency , leading to drastically reduced reaction times , higher yield and purer products .

  8. 寻找获得光学纯产品的真正有效方法无论对工业界还是学术领域的化学家,都是一个重大的挑战。

    So for chemists both in industrial or academic field , it is a major challenge to looking for a truly effective method for obtaining optically pure products .

  9. 作为解决方案架构师或开发人员,您可能已经看到,我们必须走出纯产品的范围,开始思考如何设计和实现决策服务,从而轻松地维护和使用它们。

    As a solution architect or developer you may have seen the need to go outside of the pure product scope and think about designing and implementing decision services so that they can be easily maintained and consumed .

  10. 因此,它可能让用户产生一种错觉,感觉系统设计和用户界面(UI)看起来比一些纯软件产品复杂。

    As such , it can give the illusion that the system design and user interface ( UI ) seem complex compared to some pure software offerings .

  11. 分析纯原料产品纯度温度稳定在98.5%以上。

    The whiskers degree of purity is more than 98.5 % .

  12. 加利福尼亚的一个公司正在生产西瓜汁的纯天然产品。

    A company in California is making an all-natural version of the product .

  13. 另外还有一个生产用于皮肤护理的牛油树脂和其它产品的企业&纯天然产品公司。

    Another example was All Pure Nature , a maker of shea butter for skin care and other products .

  14. 标准加入原子吸收分光光度法测定高纯稀土产品中的微量钙

    The determination of trace calcium in highly purity RE samples by the atomic absorption spectrophotometry combined with standard addition method

  15. 现代流化床式气流磨粉碎技术可用于制备超硬、超细、超纯的产品,因而,得到较为广泛的工业应用。

    Fluidized bed jet mills are widely used for industrial production of ultrafine powders with high hardness and high purity .

  16. 的产品是纯绿色产品,这我希望它能使过敏者感到舒服的原因。

    Our product is a pure organic product and that 's why I hope it will help people will allergies to feel comfortable .

  17. 用大米做培养基生产白僵菌,经多次实验,成功地从大米培养基产品上得到了比较纯净的白僵菌孢子粉产品,即白僵菌纯孢产品。

    Through many times of the experiment , products of comparative pure spore powder of Beauveria bassiana have successfully been obtained from the rice as culture medium .

  18. 例如汉堡,只要除去其中一些脂肪,补充一些海藻精华就可以了。海藻精华是一种来源于可持续能源的纯天然产品。

    With a burger , for example , you would simply remove some of the fat and replace it with the seaweed extract , which is an entirely natural product from a sustainable resource .

  19. 四川冕宁稀土矿氧化焙烧化学法提铈工艺&碳铵替代草酸生产高纯CeO2产品

    Oxidizing Roasting Chemical Method of Extracting Cerium from Rare Earth Ore of Mianning , Sichuan

  20. 精纺纯羊绒系列产品的开发

    Development of cashmere product series

  21. 用发射光谱技术测定高纯氧化钼产品中铁、镍、钛和铬的含量

    Determination of the trace iron 、 nickel 、 titanium and chromium in pure molybdenum trioxide product by emission spectroscopy

  22. 市场上现有的纯电动汽车产品大致可分为高速和低速两大类,本文只重点分析纯电动乘用车的产业化。

    Existing products of pure electric vehicles can be divided into two major categories of high-speed and low speed .

  23. 随着电动汽车技术的发展和研发力度的加大,各个车企纷纷推出了自己的纯电动汽车产品。

    With the development of technology and research , various car firms have launched their own pure electric vehicle products .

  24. 在实验室相同条件下,与文献方法相比,本课题中的方法得到的产物更纯、副产品更少,且得率最高。

    On the same condition of laboratory , product of the new method is more pure , less other product and total yield is highest .

  25. 采用广西某地低品位碳酸锰矿为原料,以硫酸浸出、浸出液除杂、碳化结晶工艺制备得到高纯碳酸锰产品。

    The high purity manganese carbonate is prepared by the process of leaching , removing impurities and crystallizing from Guangxi ′ s low grade manganese ore.

  26. 并用碳铵替代草酸生产99%的高纯氧化铈产品。

    The results show that using ammonium bicarbonate instead of oxalic acid , high purity cerium oxide product containing CeO 2 of 99 % could be obtained .

  27. 混纺纱通过机织物和针织物小样试织并与纯苎麻同类产品比较,表明此类产品具有可纺性和实用性。

    Blended spinning yarns were weaved and compared by using hand samples of woven fabrics and knitted fabrics , and the results indicated spinnability and practicality of the products .

  28. 尤其是近年来,磷脂形成的脂质体作为药物载体,用于抗肿瘤药物和基因治疗药物的研究和应用不断增多,对于高纯磷脂分级产品的需求量也愈来愈大。

    With the research and application of liposome formed by phospholipids to be used as carriers for anti-cancer and gene-curing drugs increase recently , the demand for high purity fraction phospholipids enhances greatly .

  29. 并在催化剂作用下,水解单质硅粉进行胶粒二次增长,经纯化浓缩处理后得到较大粒径的高纯硅溶胶产品。

    The Secondary growth experiments of silicon particles can be carryed out by hydrolyzing silicon powder under the catalyst , silica product with large diameter and high-purity can be obtained after purification and concentration .

  30. 武士贵族阶层用来彰显其财富和地位的高级金属制品的生产略有延续,但在纯功能性产品的制造方面,却出现了意外变化而且都是朝着坏的方面。

    There was some continuity of production of the high-class metalwork needed by a warrior aristocracy to mark its wealth and status ; but at the level of purely functional products there was startling change , all of it for the worse .