- Pure product;net product

Many production experiences is obtained through the industrialization production , this has laid a foundation for the further development , and also accumulated the precious material for the preparing of the high net product particular .
Purification of the product was carried out by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration column and the radiochemical purity is 95.4 % .
These prices are net prices .
The purity of DBC-chlorophosphonazo was checked by chromatography and a single blue band was obtained for the pure product .
A Study of Reciprocal Transformation of Input-output Tables of the " Pure " Product and " Pure " Industrial Sector
The products obtained were purified by extraction with copper sulfate solution , filtration through silica gel , recrystallization and vacuum sublimation .
Microwave synthesis is particularly interesting due to its high efficiency , leading to drastically reduced reaction times , higher yield and purer products .
So for chemists both in industrial or academic field , it is a major challenge to looking for a truly effective method for obtaining optically pure products .
As a solution architect or developer you may have seen the need to go outside of the pure product scope and think about designing and implementing decision services so that they can be easily maintained and consumed .
As such , it can give the illusion that the system design and user interface ( UI ) seem complex compared to some pure software offerings .
The whiskers degree of purity is more than 98.5 % .
A company in California is making an all-natural version of the product .
Another example was All Pure Nature , a maker of shea butter for skin care and other products .
The determination of trace calcium in highly purity RE samples by the atomic absorption spectrophotometry combined with standard addition method
Fluidized bed jet mills are widely used for industrial production of ultrafine powders with high hardness and high purity .
Our product is a pure organic product and that 's why I hope it will help people will allergies to feel comfortable .
Through many times of the experiment , products of comparative pure spore powder of Beauveria bassiana have successfully been obtained from the rice as culture medium .
With a burger , for example , you would simply remove some of the fat and replace it with the seaweed extract , which is an entirely natural product from a sustainable resource .
Oxidizing Roasting Chemical Method of Extracting Cerium from Rare Earth Ore of Mianning , Sichuan
Development of cashmere product series
Determination of the trace iron 、 nickel 、 titanium and chromium in pure molybdenum trioxide product by emission spectroscopy
Existing products of pure electric vehicles can be divided into two major categories of high-speed and low speed .
With the development of technology and research , various car firms have launched their own pure electric vehicle products .
On the same condition of laboratory , product of the new method is more pure , less other product and total yield is highest .
The high purity manganese carbonate is prepared by the process of leaching , removing impurities and crystallizing from Guangxi ′ s low grade manganese ore.
The results show that using ammonium bicarbonate instead of oxalic acid , high purity cerium oxide product containing CeO 2 of 99 % could be obtained .
Blended spinning yarns were weaved and compared by using hand samples of woven fabrics and knitted fabrics , and the results indicated spinnability and practicality of the products .
With the research and application of liposome formed by phospholipids to be used as carriers for anti-cancer and gene-curing drugs increase recently , the demand for high purity fraction phospholipids enhances greatly .
The Secondary growth experiments of silicon particles can be carryed out by hydrolyzing silicon powder under the catalyst , silica product with large diameter and high-purity can be obtained after purification and concentration .
There was some continuity of production of the high-class metalwork needed by a warrior aristocracy to mark its wealth and status ; but at the level of purely functional products there was startling change , all of it for the worse .