
  • 网络Economic history;History of Economic Theory;Spann
  1. 对劳动价值论的马克思主义经济学史的考察&兼评胡义成先生对马克思主义价值理论演变史的非主流性考察

    A Review of the Labor Value Theory from the Perspective of Marxist Economics History

  2. 在近代经济学史上,它始终被融合在大多数经济学说之中;

    In the early stage of modern history of economics , it was integrated into most theories of economics .

  3. 他们的消费需求理论中有些真知灼见,既超越了他们的前人,也超越了同时代的其他学者,在经济学史上占有重要地位。

    Their theories include some insights , and not only exceed their predecessors , but also beyond other contemporary scholars .

  4. 在现代经济学史上,它尽管受到严重贬抑,却依然在不少著名的经济学说里得从体现;

    In the later stage of modern history of economics , it was reflected in the prevailing theories of economics though it was belittled .

  5. 然而,在过去半个世纪里的经济学史,在很大程度上,就是一个从凯恩斯主义撤退和对新古典主义回归的经济学史。

    Yet the story of economics over the past half century is , to a large degree , the story of a retreat from Keynesianism and a return to neoclassicism .

  6. 这位又高又瘦的老人是热那亚大学荣誉退休教授,满头灰发,礼貌有加,他学术生涯的大部分时间都在这所大学教授经济学史。

    Tall and slim , with a full head of grey hair and exceptional manners , he is an emeritus professor at the University of Genoa , where he has taught the history of economics for much of his academic career .

  7. 必须强调,搞清折衷主义这种概括和评价的来龙去脉,对于准确把握马氏学说和重新审视经济学史研究的若干传统见解,具有重要的意义。

    We must emphasize that it is of great significance in grasping Marshall theory correctly and reexamining some traditional views about the researches in the history of economics to get a clear understanding of the context of the summary and review of " eclectioncism " .

  8. 综观整个西方经济学发展史,在每个时期都产生过对后期甚至至今看来都具有重要影响的学说和理论观点。

    With the view on development of western economics , there has important theory and doctrine during each different period .

  9. 学术考察发现,在企业制度和经济学学说史的并行发展过程中,企业家、资本家和经理是有严格区别的。

    It investigates that there are strict differences among entrepreneurs , capitalists and managers in the abreast developing process of enterprise system with the economics theory history .

  10. 在西方经济学发展史上实证分析和规范分析这一争论无不以科学哲学在这一方面的争论为基础。

    In the developing history of western economics , argument between empirical analysis and standardize analysis always bases on views of philosophy of science for the argument .

  11. 本文通过经济学说史的研究,对垄断观念在垄断概念、垄断分析方法和反垄断政策实施中的观念分歧进行归纳和阐述,论证了经济垄断不存在,对经济垄断进行管制是值得怀疑的观点。

    The paper makes a " meta-theoretical " study of the history of monopoly doctrines and antimonopoly policy from the angle of both the idealistic history of monopoly and some main analyzing approaches .

  12. 本人精于经济学,世史,中史,通识和心理学。

    I am proficient in Economics , History , Chinese History , Liberal Studies and Psychology .

  13. 现代经济学和经济史证明,有效的制度安排是推动社会经济发展的重要因素。

    It has been proved by the modern economics and the economical history of mankind that the important factor of removing economy is effective institutional arrangement .

  14. 对我而言,对政策的兴趣已经演变成对历史、经济学、经济史、金融、法律、政治和政府,以及心理学的综合兴趣。

    For me , this has evolved as a mixture of history , economics , economic history , finance , law , politics and government , and psychology .

  15. 从全球来看,货币政策中介目标的演变史实际上也是西方主流经济学的兴衰史。

    Seeing from world , the evolvement history of the intermediate targets of the monetary policy is really also the rise and fall history of the western mainstream economics .

  16. 第一部分主要介绍了西方法律经济学的发展史,为更好的理解全文提供了较为完整的知识背景,也可以为中国法律经济学研究提供一个参照系。

    The first part introduces the historical development of law and economics in the west , providing an comprehensive intellectual background for better understanding of this paper as well as an frame of reference for the research of law and economics in China .

  17. 本文运用发展经济学及经济思想史等理论为分析工具,系统探讨了中国新型工业化的思想前提和理论依据,提出了新型工业化的实现机制。

    This article analyzes the thought premise and the theoretical support for the new type of Chinese industrialization systematically in the frames of theories about economics for develop , economic theories in history and so on , and put the realizing mechanism of the new type of industrialization in details .

  18. 研究结论:张丕介及其《土地经济学导论》在中国土地经济学史上具有重要的地位。

    The conclusion is that the roles of Tchang and his Introductory Land Economics should be acknowledged .

  19. 经济学不是一门自然科学,一个明显的例证是,经济学史上不时发生毫无结果的论战。

    That economics is not a natural science is clear from the inconclusive engagements that have punctuated its own history .

  20. 哲学对经济学的影响是与生俱来的,一部西方经济学理论的发展史,与西方哲学史的发展是密切相关的。

    The influence of philosophy on economics is innate ;

  21. 技术经济学作为整体学科,有着深刻的内涵与广博的研究领域,而技术经济学发展史却是循着技术经济学学科的核心及其精华部分而开展研究的。

    As the entire subject , technical economics has profound connotation and extensive study territory . The development history of technical economics carries through study following the core and essence section to technical economics .

  22. 交易费用理论最重要的意义,在于它使经济学彻底地摆脱了确定性思想的束缚,以客观世界的不确定性作为自己的研究对象,开始了经济学发展史上一场深刻的思想革命。

    The most important meaning of transaction cost theory makes economics shake off the restriction of certainty , which studies the uncertainty of the world and starts a profound revolution in the history of economics .