
  • 网络business indicators;KPI
  1. 品牌、地段、服务、风格、形式、口味、档次、厨务人员知名度等共同分担经营指标。

    Brand , location , service , style , form , taste , class , and kitchen personnel awareness all together make up business indicators .

  2. 本文所设计的预警系统能够针对电煤价格上涨和发电成本增支的实际状况,对经营指标实施动态控制,以引导电量计划和燃煤采购。

    For the actual situation of coal prices and the incremental cost of power generation , the early warning system can dynamic control the business indicators , guide the electric quantity plan and the coal-burning purchase .

  3. 为了显示经营指标和态势,交叉单元格显示了SWOT分类,它表示正面或负面影响。

    To show the impact for a business objective and an influence , the intersecting cell is given a value of one of the SWOT classifications indicating the positive or negative impact .

  4. 重点讨论了用户如何使用OLAP工具计算经营指标在不同时点的变化,以及统计重要指标的同比、环比变化情况。

    Next , how users calculate the variation of business indicator under different time as well as how to calculate the year-on-year and link relative variations by using OLAP tool was emphatically discussed .

  5. 车站收入生产经营指标信息管理系统设计

    Design of Information Management System for work operation target at station

  6. 以现金流管理作为经营指标;

    Cash management is the vital operation target of GE ;

  7. 2001年主要经营指标全面刷新历史记录。

    Main business indexes completely broke historic records in2001 .

  8. 所以论文提出将定量分析与定性分析相结合,建立包括企业经营指标与财务指标的神经网络模型。

    The model combines quantitative method and qualitative method .

  9. 船舶工业企业经营指标体系的探讨

    On Management Target System of Enterprises in Shipbuilding Industry

  10. 试论银行业稳健经营指标体系的构建及现实意义

    On establishing an indicator system of steady operations for banks and its practical significance

  11. 成本的高低直接影响企业的各项经营指标。

    Cost fluctuation has a direct influence on all lusinessindi cators of an enterprise .

  12. 铁路分局要完成生产指标,也要完成生产经营指标。

    Railway Sub Administrations should fulfil both production indicators and indicators of production and operation .

  13. 内蒙古自治区电信公司经营指标分解研究

    Inner Mongolia Telecom Operating Indicators Decomposition Study

  14. 应用层次分析法构建广东省森林可持续经营指标体系

    Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process to Establish the Indicator System of Forest Sustainable Management in Guangdong Province

  15. 近几年,营业部的多项经营指标均位居海通证券公司上海地区营业部的前列。

    In recent years , the branch has topped in Hat Tong securities'branches in Shanghai with excelent business indexes .

  16. 第四部分构建了智力资本的投资优化模型,以寻找需要重点提升的经营指标。

    The fourth part mainly builds the optimization model of intellectual capital investment to find the indicators that need to advance .

  17. 这些经营指标包括客户指标、财务指标、流程指标和成长指标,每个指标又细分成各个具体的二级指标。

    The factors include customer , finance , work flow and growth , which can be further divided into secondary factors .

  18. 它用于区分某些态势对一个机构完成某个经营指标的影响。

    It is used to classify an impact that a given influence has on the organization to achieve a given business objective .

  19. 我们主要的经营指标,比如净资产和净利润都已达到我们2010年要完成的目标,现在提前三年完成了。

    Our main operating indicators , such as net assets and net profit , have met our goals set for 2010 , three years ahead of the schedule .

  20. 目前,市场竞争日趋激烈,商务楼宇营销工作中也暴露出了一些严重的问题,为了完成具有挑战性的年度经营指标,需要为商务楼宇市场制定更加有效的市场营销组合策略。

    Now , some serious questions are exposed in marketing activity . With the severity market , Qingdao Telecom is framing effective marketing strategy for its year-end target .

  21. 为帮助大家进一步了解农村信用社,在这部分对全国农村信用社的主要经营指标与全国银行业金融机构进行了对比。

    In order to better understand the rural credit unions , the main performance ratios of the rural credit union are compared to those of the national financial institutions .

  22. 还有2004年一季度工程机械行业运行分析和2003年年度国内479家企业主要经营指标。

    The column also offers the operation analysis of construction machinery industry for the first quarter in 2004 and the statistics on main economical indices of 479 domestic enterprises in 2003 .

  23. 公司的发展战略及经营指标是绩效评价系统指标体系和价值取向的核心因素。这是由绩效评价系统的战略目标决定的。

    The development strategy and management guideline of one company are the core factor of performance evaluation system and value preference , which is due to the strategic target of performance evaluation system .

  24. 最后,我们考察了这些因素如何反映在上市公司的财务特点以及经营指标上,尤其是控制类因素如何决定融资和资本投资战略。

    Finally , we examine how these factors are reflected in the financial characteristics and operating metrics of the listed companies , in particular how control related factors determine financing and capital investment strategies .

  25. 90年代以来,在日本经济长期停滞的情况下,信息服务业依然保持了持续发展的势头。信息服务业的营业额等主要经营指标相应提高,数据库服务业也有了显著的发展。

    The information service industry of Japan has kept its development momentum despite the long-term economic stagnancy since the 1990s , with its chief operational indices such as business volume coming up and database service witnessing apparent development .

  26. 为进一步夯实公司基础管理工作,完善和优化管理、考核机制,全面提升企业的整体素质和管理水平,确保公司各项经营指标的实现。

    Laying the foundation for the further company management , perfecting the management and optimization , evaluation mechanism , improve the whole quality of the enterprise and the management level , to ensure the realization of the management and operation .

  27. 通过分析我国证券公司的主要经营指标,对证券公司格局调整的重组兼并方向,提出了基于中心极限定理和正态分布的具有方向性指导意义的若干推论和猜想。

    This article analyzes the main managing index of the securities companies and puts forward several deductions and supposes with the meaning of directive for the securities companies ' structure adjustment , based on the Center-limit Theorem and Gaussian Distribution .

  28. 分析了秦皇岛南站货物运量、高运价重点货物品类、重点企业装车、各铁路局去向运量情况、公路分流铁路货源情况、经营指标及运输收入情况,对货运市场货源情况进行了调查及运量预测。

    Analysis of Qinhuangdao South Station freight volume , high-priority cargo freight category , key enterprises loading , the Railway Bureau of movement of traffic , road diversion rail supply , operating income targets and the transport of cargo freight market conducted a survey of and traffic forecasts .

  29. 从各项经营指标完成上看,临汾市烟草居全省中游偏上水平,而销量和利润完成可居全省第三位,对增加地方税收、促进本地经济发展发挥着重要作用。

    Tobacco production of Linfen ranks above middle level in the whole province in terms of the overall management indexes , and its saleroom and profit placed the third during the recent years , so tobacco industry has played an important role in improving local revenue and economy development .

  30. 首次尝试采用稳健的R估计法建立电力行业股票收益率与经营业绩指标的数学模型。

    Initially applying robust R estimator method , a more significant multivariate regression model among stock profit ratio and business ( achievement ) index such as earnings per share is established .