
  • 网络China University Teaching
  1. 提出了中国大学教学改革的概念,并针对现代大学的教学特点,对大学教学改革的途径进行了探讨。

    Based on the characteristics of teaching in modern universities , the conception of teaching reform in China 's universities is advanced , Then the approaches to university teaching reform are discussed .

  2. 中国大学英语教学的发展历程

    The Developing Course of the College English Teaching and Learning in China

  3. 英语作文是一直中国大学英语教学的难点。

    EFL writing has been a difficult part in Chinese college English teaching .

  4. 营造交往空间&中国石油大学教学楼设计

    Creating Space for Contact : Teaching Building Design for China University of Petroleum

  5. 将元认知策略训练纳入中国大学英语教学之初探

    A Preliminary Study of Integrating Metacognitive Strategy Training into College English Teaching in China

  6. 然而中国大学英语教学中的写作教学一直以来都存在着许多问题。

    However , writing has long been a problem in college English teaching in China .

  7. 交际教学法在中国大学英语教学中应用的研究

    A Study of the Application of Communicative Approach in College English Language Teaching in China

  8. 中国大学英语教学误区折射&中国留学生海外生活调查

    Implication for College English Teaching in China ── Review on Chinese Student 's USA Campus Life Experiences

  9. 文字知识教学现状及其对策研究论中国大学英语教学环境与出路

    The Status Quo of Philology Teaching and Ways Out Status Quo and College English Teaching and Learning

  10. 本文意在探讨图式理论在中国大学英语教学中所起的作用。

    The thesis tries to elaborate on the important role schemata plays in college English reading teaching in China .

  11. 本文着重论述了怎样在中国大学英语教学中培养学生的学习自主性。

    The focus of this paper is on how to foster the development of learner autonomy in college English classes in China .

  12. 虽然英语写作在中国大学英语教学中已然受到越来越多的重视,写作仍然是大学英语写作教学中的薄弱环节。

    Although English writing skill has received more and more attention in Chinese college education , students ' achievement in writing is not always satisfactory .

  13. 因此作者认为很有必要进行实证研究,旨在探讨教师反馈与同伴反馈在中国大学英语教学中的作用。

    The author believes that it is quite necessary to carry out a research to probe the actual effects of them in EFL writing in Chinese-context .

  14. 本文旨在研究在中国大学英语教学环境中提倡学习者自主的重要性和可行性。

    The present paper is an attempt to investigate the significance and feasibility of learner autonomy and to promote it in college English teaching in China .

  15. 深入挖掘传统教学法中历经千年证明成效显著的教育方法使之用于中国大学英语教学,不失为一种有益的尝试。

    It is really a good temptation to dig out the long proved effective teaching methods in the traditional methods and apply them in college English teaching in China .

  16. 本论文在回顾了中国大学英语教学的历程之后,对以教师为中心的教学模式做出了理性的分析,指出了所存在的问题和原因。

    This paper reviews the English teaching progress in China , makes a rational analysis on the teacher-centered approach to the college English teaching , and points out its problems .

  17. 在这些研究发现基础之上,本论文提出将元认知策略训练纳入中国大学英语教学以此作为培养自主性学习者的一个重要方面,并为策略研究成果与外语教学课堂应用之间架起一道桥梁。

    Based on these findings , the study proposes integrating metacognitive strategy training into college English teaching as an important aspect to cultivate learner autonomy . This may be as an attempt to bridge the findings of strategic learning and their applications in EFL .

  18. 这些结果对中国大学英语教学具有现实意义:为了帮助学生成为更加自主、更成功的学习者,外语教师应该指导学生学习并且运用学习策略。

    Such findings provide practical implications for Chinese college English teaching . That is , in order to help learners to be more autonomous and more proficient in their learning , teachers should take the responsibility of instructing learners to learn and apply the learning strategies .

  19. 文章就目前中国大学英语教学的现状,结合语言学的一些理论,总结了教学实践中的一些教学创新尝试,主要有分组教学,任务教学及文化教学。

    In response to the present situation of collage English teaching , this article attempts to discuss on some new approaches to language teaching innovation under the guidance of language theory . It focuses on three main teaching ways : Group teaching and learning , assignment-centered teaching and culture-oriented teaching .

  20. 中国的大学英语教学分为基础阶段和应用提高阶段,在应用提高阶段的主要教学任务是进行ESP教学。

    The college English teaching is divided into the fundamental period and the application and improvement period . ESP is mainly taught , and is a core , in the second period .

  21. 此外,目前在中国的大学英语教学中还没有可供使用的文化教学课本。

    In addition , no cultural textbooks are available in China .

  22. 在中国,大学翻译教学是翻译人才培养的重要方式之一。

    Translation Teaching in universities is the main means of translation personnel training in China .

  23. 教材评估理论的研究对目前中国的大学英语教学具有重要意义。

    The research on textbook evaluation is of great significance for college English teaching in China .

  24. 笔者结合中国的大学英语教学改革,提出了一些建设性的建议。

    The authors also give some constructive advice concerning the reform of College English teaching in China .

  25. 在中国,大学英语教学的最终目标是培养学生正确使用英语进行交际的能力。

    In China , the ultimate goal of college English teaching is to cultivate students ' ability to use English appropriately in communication .

  26. 回顾及评价不同英语写作教学法的应用&兼谈中国大学英语写作教学

    Review and Critical Evaluation on Different Approaches to Writing & Also Discussing the Teaching of English Writing in Colleges and Universities in China

  27. 以上研究结果对中国大学英语阅读教学有一定的启示。

    In the light of the above findings , this study provides some pedagogical enlightenment for EFL teaching and learning in Chinese universities .

  28. 希望本研究能够为对中国大学英语口语教学感兴趣的教师及研究者有所启发。

    It hopes to shed some light on teachers and researches who are interested in the field of college oral English teaching in China .

  29. 因此,在中国的大学英语教学中进行文化教学还有很长的路要走。

    Therefore , there is a long way to go towards a cultural dimension of English teaching in the colleges and universities of China .

  30. 鉴于其重要性,中国石油大学针对教学实际,也开展了相应的研究工作。

    In view of its importance , scholars of China University of Petroleum have carried out some corresponding research work for the teaching practice .