
  • 网络theory of tcm;tcm;tcm theory
  1. HLA与中医理论的相关性研究解读

    The correlative research advances of human leukocyte antigen and theory of TCM

  2. 目的根据中医理论和临床实践,对慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)急性发作期的发病机理、辨证施治、理法方药的作用机理进行探讨,提出通阳泄浊、宣痹开结的治法。

    Objective : According to the theory of TCM and the clinical practice , reaching the treatment of COPD in acute attack period , and suggesting the therapy Activating Stagnated Yang .

  3. 结果:NEI网络整体调控机制与中医理论密切关联,中医药手段对NEI网络有良性调节作用。

    Result : There is a close relation between NEI and TCM , and TCM can take beneficial action on NEI .

  4. 现代中医理论认为:CHF属于虚证,虚证的基本发病机理是细胞因子网络紊乱。

    The theory of modern Chinese medicine thinks that CHF belongs to Deficient Syndrome . The basic mechanism of Deficient Syndrome is the disturbance of cytokines network .

  5. 将传统中医理论与现代营养学结合,对常用保健食品原料的ORAC值按照四性、五味和阴阳进行分类,运用统计学方法分析、观察不同类别的原料其ORAC值的高低和差异。

    According to traditional Chinese medicine theory , classify the common functional food raw materials in accordance with the four properties , five flavors and yin and yang , to observe the different categories of the level of antioxidant activity . 4 .

  6. 保持和发扬中医理论与实践的先进性的研究

    Preserving and Developing Progressiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory and Practices

  7. 稷下黄老新学与中医理论的本质特征

    Ji Town Huang Lao Neodoxy and Essential Qualities of TCM Theory

  8. 从中医理论探索方药的作用机理

    Exploration of Functional Mechanism of Prescriptions Based on TCM Theory

  9. 中医理论与现代医学的链接&基因组学

    Juncture of Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Modern Medicine & Genome

  10. 这为中医理论的形成奠定了初步的基础。

    It laid a preliminary foundation for the theoretical formation of TCM .

  11. 中医理论课程多媒体教学的若干问题

    Several issues in the teaching of TCM courses with multi ─ ─ media

  12. 中医理论的经济学应用初探

    The Preliminary Study of the Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory in Economics

  13. 系统研究运气学说可推动中医理论的创新与发展

    Systemic Study of Yun-Qi Theory Driving Innovation and Development of Chinese Medical Theory

  14. 中医理论形成于秦汉的历史必然性

    Historical Inevitability of Formation of Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Qin Dynasty

  15. 络病理论是中医理论体系中的一个重要组成部分,其蕴藏着深刻的理论内涵。

    Collateral disease theory is an important part of the traditional Chinese medicine .

  16. 矛盾分析法在中医理论体系中的应用

    The Application of Contradictory Analysis in TCM Theoretical System

  17. 平衡学说与中医理论

    Theory of balance and the basic theory of TCM

  18. 论中医理论体系是辩证逻辑体系

    Discussion On Theoretical System of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Dialectical and Logical System

  19. 阴阳理论渗透于中医理论系统的各个方面。

    The yin-yang theory permeates all aspects of the theoretical system of TCM .

  20. 把握中医理论向度的三个核心命题

    Grasping the Three Key Propositions in the Developing Direction of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory

  21. 用中医理论指导中药及复方研究

    Study of Chinese Herbs and Its Compound Prescription Guided by Traditional Chinese Medical Theory

  22. 用社会科学方法研究中医理论

    Study TCM Theory with Methods of Social Science

  23. 中医理论的学科特点及其现代化、数字化

    Disciplinary Characteristics of Theories as well as Modernization and Digitalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  24. 基于数据库的中医理论文献的信息化研究

    Information Study about Documents of the Theories of Chinese Medicine Based on the Database

  25. 中医理论术语的逻辑语义问题

    Questions on Logic Semantics of Chinese Medical Terms

  26. 先秦社会时空方位观对中医理论的影响

    The influence of conception of time-space-orientation in pre-Qin society on traditional Chinese medicine theories

  27. 运用中医理论探讨冠心病的发作时间与护理

    Discuss on outbreak time of coronary heart disease and nursing with chinese medicine theory

  28. 摘要中医理论是自然哲学性质的医学。

    Traditional Chinese medicine is a natural-philosophized medicine .

  29. 六法合一围攻治疗中风急性期的中医理论探讨

    A Probe on the Unity of Six Methods of TCM in Treating Acute Ischemic Apoplexy

  30. 中医理论认为,肿瘤多为本虚标实之证。

    Chinese medicine theory is that , for the tumor more empty mark real syndrome .