
  • 网络Movement and stillness;Mobile and Immobile
  1. 考尔德动与静的艺术世界

    The art world of Calder 's mobile and stabile

  2. 动与静的辨证统一思想。

    The compatible thought in the between of the moves and the quiet .

  3. 动与静在音乐意象、意境中的运用。

    Movement and stillness in the music imagery 、 music artistic conception application .

  4. 论体育健身中动与静的辨证关系

    A Study of the Dialectical Relationship Between Convalescence and Exercise in Health Activities

  5. 绘画视知觉中的动与静

    Movement and Stillness in Visual Sensation of Painting

  6. 动与静在绘画中的实现是建立在抽象的真实基础之上的。

    The realization of activity and tranquility is on the base of ' abstract truth ' .

  7. 客观事物的动与静是对立的统一,反映这种辩证关系的动态思维与静态思维也是辩证的统一。

    Dynamic thinking and static thinking are two modes of thinking unified in the process of brain activity .

  8. 该控制算法解决了动与静的矛盾,达到了操作优化的目的。

    The control algorithm solved the contradiction between dynamic and static , and achieved the purpose of the operation optimization . 3 .

  9. 为了解决机械部分动与静的矛盾以及测量信号的输出问题,还专门设计了测量信号的红外输出方法。

    A special infrared signal output device was also designed so as to resolve contradiction between moving and motionless parts in 3 dimensional LSM .

  10. 另外在古典园林在空间的营造上讲究动与静的结合,在极其有限的空间中创造出空灵的感觉。

    Also in the classical gardens in space to create a dynamic and static stresses on the combination of the very limited space to create a " Vacant " feeling .

  11. 从虚与实、动与静、意象、意境四个方面对摩尔的雕塑艺术中所蕴含的东方美学语汇进行了探讨。

    From four aspects , namely , emptiness and fullness , dynamic and static , imagery and artistic conception , the oriental eastern aesthetic vocabularies are explored in Henry Moore 's sculpture art .

  12. 本文借用西方现代艺术心理学中的视知觉原理对动与静的画面形态进行辅助研究。

    This written-work draws support from the theories of ' Visual Perception ' of the western modern art psychology to do the auxiliary research about the form of activity and tranquility in the painting .

  13. 在老城墙边上建造一个当代塔楼,与其用传统的元素伪装敦实和古朴,不如和老城在新与旧的“流”中推手太极,在动与静的运动中平衡。

    Instead of building a traditional looking tower to fake old and respectful attitude , we prefer to fuse the old with new flux in order to find the balance between dynamic and static .

  14. 在作品的结构上,形象的动与静并行。静止、坚固的墙壁与移动的幕帘形成鲜明的对照。

    The aspects of movement and of the immobility of the image are paralleled in the set-up of the work : the stillness and solidity of the wall is set in contrast to the mobility of the curtain .

  15. 书法用笔的参入,给画带来了流动的节奏。这是一种刚与柔、动与静、清晰与朦胧相统一的艺术效果。

    His calligraphic paintbrushing brings flowing rhythm to the work of mask painting , thus achieving an artistic effect of a harmonious combination of firmness with gentleness , of mobility with tranquility , and of precision with obscurity .

  16. 使虚与实、动与静有机结合的自然光影静态水景空间具有更强极强的表现力,自然光影的这些运用表现,对提升静态水景景观品质起到了十分重要的作用。

    The virtual and real , dynamic and static organic combination of natural light and shadow makes waterscape space with more strong performance , the use of natural lighting performance , played a very important role to enhance the quality of the static waterscape .

  17. 通过对居住外环境的思考,提出了住宅小区环境管理要动与静结合,要吸收与传承文化,要考虑邻里文明相处等观点。

    By means of the consideration about the external residence surroundings , this paper puts forward the following viewpoints that the surroundings administration of housing district should combine movement with quietness , absorb and inherit the culture , and consider the harmony of the neighbour .

  18. 土的动强度与静强度之关系,国内外学者的研究成果不尽一致。

    The relationship between dynamic and static strength of soil is worth discussing .

  19. 为满足继电器大规模、高效率、日渐自动化生产的需要,试验研究了一种新的测试方法,便于在线同步测试继电器动簧片与静簧片之间的气隙、超行程和接触压力。

    A new testing method that synchronal measuring the gap , over stroke and pressure between two piece of relay springs online was researched and experimented .

  20. 通过模拟计算给出了不同路面平整度状况和不同车速条件下,动载与静载之间的可能偏差或车辆振动对荷载测量的影响。

    The possible deviations of the dynamic loads from the reference static load under different vehicle speeds and pavement roughness have been obtained from the simulation results .

  21. 对于由动壁与静壁组成的环隙来说,始终存在着相对于静壁的压力流和动壁拖动的曳力流。

    To annulus , these flows always include pressure flow which is relative to the static wall and drag force flow which is caused by the moving wall .

  22. 研究了触点分离初速度(动触点与静触点刚刚分离时刻的动触点速度)对电弧能量的影响。

    This paper emphasizes on the influences of arc energy by the contact breakaway initial velocity that is the velocity of moving contact at the time of moving contact and stationary contact breaking .

  23. 基于准静态假设,研究了共轴式直升机悬停纵向稳定性和操纵性,给出了稳定性条件和动稳定性与静稳定性的关系及改善稳定性的方法;

    Based on pseudo static assumption , the study of longitudinal stability and control in hovering for a coaxial type helicopter is presented , we also give the condition of stability and educe the relations between static stability and dynamic stability through it .

  24. 根据桥梁试件低温试验所需的低温环境,研制出可获得-50℃的低温,而且能进行动载与静载试验的桥梁试件低温试验装置。

    According to the low temperature environment needed for bridge specimen experiments , a low ( temperature ) experiment device for bridge specimen was developed to carry through live load ( or ) dead load ( experiments ,) in which - 50 low temperature was obtained .

  25. 振子共振时其动摩擦系数与静摩擦系数之比降为~0.1。箝位振子的激励电压仅为±80V(峰峰值)。

    When the vibrator is in the resonance state , the ratio of moving friction coeff cient to static one will decrease to-0.1 . The driving voltage of position-gripped vibrator is only ± 80V ( Vp-p ) .

  26. 动的汉语与静的日语

    Dynamic Chinese and Static Japanese

  27. 本文就小提琴教学与演奏中,生理机能及演奏心理中的“动”与“静”之间的表现及辩证关系,作初步的分析研究。

    This article makes a preliminary analysis and study of the expressions between " motion " and " motionlessness " in a violinist 's physical function and playing psychology and their dialectical relations .

  28. 土体在动力荷载作用下,当动荷载与土体静强度的比值即循环应力比超过某一临界循环应力比时,土体才会发生累积变形和强度弱化。

    The cycle stress ratio is the ratio of dynamic strength and soil static strength , as it passes the critical cycle stress ratio , accumulated deformation takes on and soil strength declines .

  29. 为了兼顾动的安全与静的安全双重法律价值目标的实现,信托公示的效力应采对抗要件主义。

    In order to take account to the dual value goal of both motive security and still security , for the function of the trust publication the antagonist important condition doctrine should be adopted .

  30. 本文就用虚功原理解题的主要步骤和注意事项加以阐述.旨在加深对虚功原理的理论实质的理解,理顺“动”与“静”之间的关系。

    In this paper , the main steps and points for attention on solving problems by virtual work principle are discussed , then purpose of which is to strengthen the further understanding to the Virtual Work Principle theory ;