
  • 网络Dynamic Modeling;dynamic modelling;dynamic model
  1. 基于J2EE/UML的ERP动态建模研究

    Research of ERP system dynamic modeling based on J2EE and UML

  2. 基于ANSYS的矿山三维动态建模系统研究与开发

    Research & Development of Mine 3D Dynamic Modeling System Based on ANSYS

  3. 基于SVM的动态建模新方法

    A new dynamic modeling method based on SVM

  4. 高级Petri网及FMS的动态建模和仿真

    High Level Petri Net and the Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of FMS

  5. 重力热管振荡传热特性RBF神经网络动态建模

    Dynamical model of RBF neural network-based prediction for heat transfer oscillating behavior of thermosyphon

  6. 含SVC的组合电力系统动态建模及稳定性分析方法

    Modeling and stability analysis of composite power systems installed with SVC

  7. 在整个系统软件工程的实施中,作者使用了面向对象的分析、设计语言UML来进行分析和设计,完成系统静态和动态建模。

    The author used the analysis of the orient-object and designing language UML to analyze , design and complete system static-dynamic modeling .

  8. VAV空调系统的动态建模及其送风机控制研究

    Dynamic simulation of VAV air conditioning systems and control of supply fans

  9. UPFC;动态建模;线性最优控制;暂态稳定。

    UPFC ; dynamic modeling ; transient stability ; linear optimal control ;

  10. 接着,使用UML(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage,:统一建模语言)对管网系统展开需求分析、静态建模和动态建模。

    Then , by using UML ( Unified Modeling Language ), the demand analysis , the static modeling and the dynamic modeling of the pipe network system are launched .

  11. 本文介绍用三次B样条函数来建立线框图形的几何模型.对图形的动态建模与动态处理进行讨论,并提出了相应的算法。

    This paper introduced setting up geometric model of line graphic by 3 function of B spline and discussed the algorithms of dynamic building up model and dynamic processing for the graphic .

  12. 在介绍UML的基础上,以低保管理系统的建模作为实际例子,描述了通过UML来进行静态建模和动态建模的过程。

    An example in an engineering application is given to describe the process of the static modeling and the dynamic modeling of the UML .

  13. 论文发展了基于过程的时空动态建模方法。对空间过程模拟的理论基础、空间过程模拟模型的特点、现有GIS数据模型的局限性、基于过程时空数据模型与GIS结合的方法进行了分析和讨论。

    This thesis develops a process-based spatiotemporal data modeling method by discussing and analyzing backbone theory and characteristic of spatial process simulation and methods of integrating GIS and process-based STDM .

  14. 本文选择了成人教务管理系统的一个用例,从不同角度对其进行动态建模,以体现UML模型的多视角性并比较各种模型的特点。

    The paper selects one use-case from different views to show the multi-view feature of UML models and to compare the characters of various UML models .

  15. 简单来说,它是用来为你的全部数据库schema动态建模的,并可查询它的信息schema、消除应用程序中的面向关系映射。

    In short it aims to model your entire database schema dynamically , querying its information schema and eliminating the need for object-relational mapping in your application code .

  16. 采用一种简单的数值积分动态建模方法建立了大惯性温度传感器的数学模型。MatLab实现神经网络的非线性对象动态建模

    A model of temperature sensors with a great inertia is set up by means of a simple numerical integral method . NN Based Nonlinear Dynamic System Modeling by Using MatLab

  17. 10MW高温气冷堆堆芯的动态建模及其应用

    Dynamic Modeling of 10MW HTR Core and Its Application

  18. 简单介绍了UML的基本概念及其建模优点,重点对电子拍卖系统进行了比较全面的需求分析,并用UML语言实现了系统的动态建模。

    This paper briefly introduces the basic concepts and advantages of UML , analyzes emphatically the needs of E-auction system , and realizes the dynamic modeling with UML language .

  19. 使用统一建模语言(UML)对嵌入式实时操作系统C/OS-II做静态建模和动态建模,进而利用UML的可视化模型来描述和分析C/OS-II的系统结构和工作机理。

    A novel object-oriented framework of C / OS-II is presented by UML static modeling , which is used in the design of embedded system based on C / OS-II .

  20. 运用基于PP回归理论的数值型地震综合预报软件系统,对新疆天山地区进行了PP回归建模研究。通过回顾性PP回归动态建模预测检验,对其预报效能进行了评价。

    In this paper , the PPR prediction model was established and studied for the Tianshan area in Xinjiang by using the comprehensive forecasting software system of projection pursuit regression .

  21. 以ORACLEDESIGNER/2000为例,详细地说明了CASE具在系统分析与动态建模、应用程序生成与系统优化、文档集成等方面的使用技巧。

    Taking ORACLE DESIGNER / 2000 as an example , it explains in detail some application skills of CASE tool in system analysis and dynamic modeling , application generating , system optimizing and document integration .

  22. 本文以物流信息平台为例,详细阐述了UML动态建模机制与静态建模机制,并介绍了其具体实现过程。

    Taking logistics information system as an example , this paper ad - dresses the dynamic modeling mechanism and static modeling mechanism in detail , combining with the process of implementation .

  23. 在动态建模过程中,通过对试验绝对位移传递率曲线进行Hilbert变换的方法,检测了复合隔振器的非线性特性。

    In the dynamic modeling process , the method of Hilbert transform on the testing transmissibility curves is used to examine the nonlinearity of the system .

  24. 根据MVC设计模式着重分析了模块的层次结构,并将各个层次结合起来,分别用时序图和类图对层次间的调用进行了动态建模和静态建模。

    According to MVC design pattern focused on the module hierarchy , and respectively uses sequence diagrams and class diagrams to finish the dynamic modeling and static modeling .

  25. Tchebycheff正交神经网络的动态建模方法研究

    Research on Dynamic Modeling Based on Tchebycheff orthogonal neural network

  26. ERP(企业资源计划)是企业进行现代化管理的一个工具,介绍了企业资源计划动态建模的必要性,UML标准建模语言的主要模型视图及其特点,J2EE的体系结构和优点。

    ERP is a tool to manage modern enterprises . This paper introduces the essential way of using ERP system dynamic modeling , the model views and characteristics of UML , the architecture of J2EE and the advantage for using it .

  27. 利用所提出方法对CSTR动态建模结果表明,基于GRPE训练的DRNN比基于BP训练的MLP模型精度高,收敛速度快。

    The application of this method to dynamic modeling of continuous stirred tank reactor ( CSTR ) shows that the GRPE trained DRNN has higher modeling precision and faster convergence than BP trained MLP .

  28. 本文以扩展Kalman滤波理论为基础,提出了电力负荷的非线性递推滤波(NLRF)建模法。文中首先介绍基本原理,然后将其分别应用于电力负荷的静态建模及动态建模。

    On the basis of extended Kalman filtering theory , a nonlinear recursive filtering ( NLRF ) method is proposed for the modelling of both static and dynamic characteristics of electric loads .

  29. 论文研究了微软数据仓库框架组件、数据仓库动态建模技术、数据动态转换及加载技术、基于PivotTable的OLAP分析技术、基于决策树模型的数据挖掘技术等,实现了灵活、完善的数据分析子系统。

    By researching Microsoft Data Warehousing Framework , dynamic modeling of Data Warehouse , dynamic data loading , OLAP based on PivotTable and Data Mining based on Microsoft Decision-Tree , it implements a flexible and powerful data analysis subsystem .

  30. 对遗传算法(GA)的交叉和变异操作进行改进,提出利用改进遗传算法(IGA)和函数连接型人工神经网络(FLANN)相结合实现加速度传感器的动态建模的新方法。

    A new dynamic modeling approach is presented and the dynamic modeling principle and algorithms are introduced and the dynamic mathematics model is founded based on genetic algorithms ( GA ) and function link artificial neural networks ( FLANN ) for accelerometer modeling .