
  • 网络Information transmission rate;Message Rate
  1. 由于TR应用于UWB无线通信时,将极大地增加信道容量、减少同信道干扰、降低码间干扰、提高信息传输速率,因此吸引了大批无线通信研究者TR在UWB通信中的应用进行了研究。

    If TR is applied to ultra-wideband ( UWB ) wireless communication , it will tremendously increase the capacity of the channel , reduce the co-channel interference , reduce inter-symbol interference , and increase the information transmission rate .

  2. 人们对信息传输速率的要求越来越高,促使了光纤通信飞速发展。

    Higher and higher request for information transmission rate causes rapid development of optical communication system .

  3. 第三种算法为最小化发射功率的下行CR系统资源分配算法,在用户信息传输速率和干扰受限的条件下最小化系统发射功率。

    The third one is used to minimize the total transmit power of downlink CR systems under the transmission rate and interference constraints .

  4. 在短波通信中,运用直扩技术和自适应RAKE技术不仅能够降低系统的误码率,而且能够提高信息传输速率。

    The combination of DS-spreading spectrum technology with adaptive RAKE tech-nology can reduce BER of data transimission and raise the transmitted speed .

  5. 同时在OFDM调制时可以采用M-QAM映射方式,提高短波跳频系统的信息传输速率。

    At the same time , M-QAM mapping can be used in OFDM for improving data transportation speed .

  6. 于是本文提出了直接序列扩频系统和多载波直扩CDMA系统,旨在提高信息传输速率和频带利用率,并用于在低信噪比条件下的中、远距离通信。

    So in this paper , direct sequence spread spectrum systems and multi-carrier DS-CDMA system were designed to improve information transfer and bandwidth utilization rate and used under the conditions of low SNR , the long-distance communication .

  7. 正交频分复用(OFDM)具有较高的频谱利用率、可以提供更高的信息传输速率以及较好的抗多径衰落的能力,因此很适合未来的高速无线多媒体通信系统。

    Since Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) has a higher utilization rate , can provide a higher transmission rate for information and can effectively resist the multi-path fading of wireless channels , OFDM is well suitable to the future high data rate wireless multimedia communications .

  8. 分布式虚拟现实使4G通信网络具有了前所未有的功能,让人们充分利用4G网络的信息传输速率快、带宽更宽、容量大的特点在虚拟环境中进行交流、学习、工作、娱乐。

    Distributed virtual reality makes 4G communication network possess new functions . People can communicate 、 study 、 work and entertain in virtual environment by fully taking advantage of 4G 's characteristic such as higher transmission rate and capacity , larger bandwidth .

  9. 这些增加的信道容量既可以用来提高信息传输速率,也可以通过增加冗余来提高系统的传输可靠性。

    The incremental channel capacity can be utilized to improve the transmission rate as well as the communication reliability .

  10. 仿真结果显示,在误码率为10-5时,该系统与固定码率系统相比,在信息传输速率上有明显的优势。

    The simulation shows that this system outperform fixed code rate system at information rate ( BER of 10-5 ) .

  11. 随着移动通信系统和无线局域网的迅速发展,对更高的信息传输速率的需求不断增加。

    As the rapid development of mobile communication systems and wireless LAN , higher demands for information transmission rate are increasing .

  12. 实际的脑机接口中,正确率和信息传输速率是衡量系统性能的两个主要指标。

    In practical BCI Systems , precision and information transfer rates ( ITRs ) are two important factors to measure their performances .

  13. 对于中、远距离的水声通信而言,水声信道的窄带宽、低载波频率特性只能支持较低的信息传输速率。

    For medium or long distance underwater acoustic communication , the narrow bandwidth and low carrier frequency only supports low bit-rate signal transmission .

  14. 仿真结果表明,提高感知协作节点的个数可以提高感知系统的信息传输速率,同时,不对授权用户产生干扰。

    Simulation results show that increasing the number of sensing nodes can improve the information transmission rate , meanwhile , have not interfere with primary users .

  15. 证明在信息传输速率一致的条件下,三值系统的无线容量约为二值系统的log23(约16)倍;

    The result shows that the wireless capacity of ternary system is about 1.6 times that of binary system on the presumption at equal information transmission rate .

  16. 此时,多天线技术在不增加带宽的前提下,能够提高系统的信息传输速率和频谱效率,因此成为无线通信技术的研究热点。

    Fortunately , multiple antennas technology enables to raise the information transmission rate and spectral efficiency , so , it has been hot point in wireless communication area .

  17. 将小波包理论与M元扩频技术相结合,提出基于小波包的M元多载波扩频系统可以在有限带宽内取得更高的信息传输速率。

    A novel M-ary multicarrier spread spectrum scheme based on wavelet packet is proposed , which can achieve a higher bit transfer rate under the restricted bandwidth condition .

  18. 随着现代社会人们对信息传输速率要求的不断提高,无线通信正向着更高频谱效率和更高带宽发展。

    As the required data rate for wireless communications grows higher and higher in modern society , wireless communications aim to support higher spectrum efficiency and broader bandwidth .

  19. 值得一提的是,第二种方法不仅提高了系统的误码率性能,同时还能够提高信息传输速率,并且不管发射天线是几个都可以做到满速率传输。

    It is mentionable that the data rate can be improved by the second method , and it can be increased to 1 whatever the number of transmit antennas are .

  20. 对整个通信系统建立了仿真模型,通过仿真试验测试了系统性能,包括发射脉冲的重传率和系统的信息传输速率。

    Established a simulation model for the entire communication system , the simulation test system performance , including the retransmitting possibility of pulse and the data rate of the system .

  21. 不同于传统路由方法,在多播通信网络中,通过网络编码可使信息传输速率达到网络的最大流量,从而编码的方式优于路由的方式。

    Other than traditional multicast routing algorithms , the network information flow can approach the max-flow of multicast network by adopting network coding . So , coding is better than routing .

  22. 另外,我们还考虑将信息传输速率划分成两部分,通过中继节点分别采取译码策略及压缩策略帮助源节点发送信息给目的节点。

    Divide the information transmission rate into two parts and each part is sent from source node to destination node through help of the relay node using both decode-and-forward strategy and compress-and-forward strategy .

  23. 文章介绍了当前两个系统互联的常规方式,并从信息传输速率、传输容量、维护和安全性等方面分析了新的联接方法的特点。

    The conventional mode of interconnection for the two system was introduced , at the same time , the feature of information transmitting speed , transmission capacity , maintenance and security about the new method is analyzed .

  24. 但是现阶段国内外对混沌通信的研究主要是集中在二进制通信系统,其信息传输速率较低,而对基于混沌的多进制通信系统的研究则比较单一,不够深入。

    However , the recent researches of chaos mainly focus on the binary systems , the information transmission rate of which is low , while the researches of M-ary chaotic communication system are not in-depth and extensive enough .

  25. 空时编码在不同天线发送的信号间引入了时域和空域相关,可在不增加带宽和发送功率的情况下,极大地提高信息传输速率和改善信息传输性能。

    Space-time coding introduces the correlations in both time and space domains when signals are transmitted by different antennas , which can greatly enhance the data transmission rate and improve the performance without bandwidth expansion or transmit power augment .

  26. 本文基于传统的光盘记录技术因受激光衍射光斑极限的限制(微米数量级),存储密度有限,且其信息传输速率较低,故提出一种新型的三维存储技术。

    Traditional optical disc recording technology has limited storage density and low information transfer rate due to laser diffraction spot size limitation ( micron order of magnitude ) . A new type of 3-D storage technology is proposed in thesis .

  27. 根据奈斯特定律,测井电缆所能传输的基带信号的极限速率为200kBit/s,这给提高信息传输速率带来很大困难。因此,需要采用高效的调制解调技术。

    The limit velocity of baseband signal that logging cable can transmit is 200 kBit / s , so , it is very difficult to increase velocity of data transmission , then , high efficient modulation and demodulation technology should be adopted .

  28. 新一代无线通信系统的目标是能够支持更高的信息传输速率,同时具有灵活地支持更丰富业务、适应更恶劣电磁环境的能力。

    The goal of the new generation wireless communication systems is capable to support higher information transmission speed , which should be able to provide more flexible function for immense applications , and have an ability to adapt the complex electromagnetic environment simultaneously .

  29. OFDM由于采用多路并行传输,因此可以提高信息的传输速率,子载波相互正交,使之可以部分重叠,从而提高了频谱利用率。

    As OFDM uses multiple parallel transmission technology , it can improve the information transfer rate , moreover , the sub-carriers are orthogonal to each other , so that it can partially overlap , which can improve spectral efficiency .

  30. 随着无线技术的发展,信息的传输速率越来越高,这就要求天线有宽频带特性。

    With the rapid growth of wireless technologies , the communication transmission efficiency is getting higher and higher , which requires that the antenna has broadband frequency properties .