
tú xiànɡ biān mǎ
  • image coding;image encoding
  1. 基于Context模型的非嵌入式小波彩色图像编码方案

    Non-embedded wavelet color image coding scheme based on Context modeling

  2. AC预测改进图像编码计算机实时仿真

    Computer Real time Simulation of Improved Image Coding of AC Prediction

  3. 首先,提出X树图像编码方案。

    First , the paper presents a scheme of the X-tree image coding .

  4. 给定码率的DCT自适应图像编码

    Adaptive DCT coding of images at a constant bit rate

  5. 图像编码系统VLSI实现的模拟平台设计

    Design of Simulation Bench with Image Coding System VLSI Implementation

  6. 基于对象的小波变换在MPEG-4任意形状图像编码中的应用

    Object Based Wavelet Transform for Coding of Arbitrarily Shaped Image in MPEG-4

  7. MPEG-4中静止图像编码方法的探索与研究

    Research on Still Image Coding Method in MPEG-4

  8. 基于多级位平面交错的ROI图像编码

    Region of Interest Coding Based on Multi-Bitplane Interleaving

  9. 本文提出一种新的近似模型DT网格动态优化方法,作为二维DT模型基图像编码方法的改进型方案。

    This paper presents a modified Delaunay triangulation model based image coding method .

  10. 嵌入式DCT图像编码算法

    Embedded DCT Image Coding Algorithm

  11. 一种DWT的提升实现及其图像编码应用

    Lifting Based Implementation of a Kind of DWT and its Application to Image Coding

  12. 本文主要研究基于小波的图像编码算法及快速DCT算法和钻石运动估值算法。

    This thesis analyzes the image-coding algorithm based on wavelet , rapid DCT algorithm and diamond compensation algorithm .

  13. 随着3G网络通信技术及图像编码技术的发展,无线视频传输开始应用于移动环境中。

    With the development of 3G communications and image coding technology , wireless video transmission is widely used in a mobile environment .

  14. MPEG-2可分级图像编码的实时传输的实现

    Design and Implementation of Real-Time Transmission Based on Data Division Hierarchical Coding of Image in MPEG-2

  15. 目前,多数国际数字图像编码标准中采用基于分块的DCT变换压缩编码技术。

    At present , many international digital image coding standards use the block-based DCT transform coding techniques , which efficiently compressed the digital image .

  16. 本文由三部分构成:基于小波的图像编码算法、DCT编码算法以及钻石运动估值算法。

    This series is composed of three parts : image code algorithm based on wavelet , DCT coding algorithm and diamond movement compensation algorithm .

  17. 因此,研究一种更适合PACS的图像编码算法,对医学图像的存储、高效传输和回放都具有非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is very necessary to study the encoding algorithm for medical image transmission , storage and retrieval in PACS .

  18. 26x是活动图像编码标准,而则主要包括MPEG视频、MPEG音频和MPEG系统(视音频同步)3个部分的标准。H。

    However , MPEG are standards including audio , video and synchronization of audio and video .

  19. 本文在基于人脸检测的基础上,提出了一种结合矢量量化(VQ)的小波图像编码方法。

    Based on human detection , a wavelet image coding method using vector quantization ( VQ ) is presented .

  20. 描述的子空间投影技术(SPT)是一种把视差补偿(DC)和二维低阶近似相结合的立体图像编码方法。

    This paper describes a stereo image coding algorithm & the subspace projection technique ( SPT ), which is based on disparity compensation and two-dimensional low order approximation .

  21. 提出了基于JPEG压缩算法和H.263压缩算法的雷达图像编码方案,分析了编解码算法;

    Two coding schemes suitable for compressing radar image are also proposed , one based on JPEG algorithm and the other based on H.263 algorithm .

  22. 模型基图像编码方法由于在码率和图像质量性能上比传统编码方式有了很大提高,因此受到了极大的关注,并在MPEG-4标准中得到了体现。

    Due to the great improvement on bit rate and image quality , the model-based coding technology focuses researchers ' eyes . The MPEG-4 standard represents this theory .

  23. 基于BWT和FVQ的极低比特率图像编码算法

    BWT and FVQ based very low bit rate image coding algorithm

  24. 小波嵌入零块编码算法(SetPartitionedEmbeddedbloCK,SPECK)是一种高效的具有渐进传输特性的图像编码算法,但其在编解码过程中的巨大内存占用致使编解码速度慢且不利于硬件实现。

    Said and Pearlman 's Set Partitioned Embedded block ( SPECK ) algorithm is computationally simple and efficient for image compression and progressive transmission , however there is a main drawback of high memory requirement for hardware implementation .

  25. JPEG图像编码系统当比特率较低时,常会产生方块效应,即重建图像的子块边缘不连续。

    At low bit rate , a JPEG image coding system frequently produces block artifact It means that the edges of the sub blocks of the reconstructed image are not continuous .

  26. 在研究Shapiro零树图像编码算法的基础上,从3种不同的角度提出了嵌入式零树编码算法的优化方案。

    The optimizing project is put forward from three different angles based on an analysis of Shapiro embedded zero-tree wavelet ( EZW ) .

  27. 实验表明该软件编码器比H.263软件编码器在图像编码速度、压缩比及信噪比上有一定的提高,整个软件编码器可实现在IP网络上的实时编解码。

    Through comparison of the performance of H.263 coder with that of H.264 coder by experiment , the latter improves several performances such as : the coding speed , compaction ratio and signal noise ratio .

  28. 分形图像编码以较高的压缩比、分辨率无关及解码过程与源图像无关等特性,受到越来越多的关注,它和小波变换、DCT变换一起被誉为第二代图像压缩方法。

    Fractal image coding , for its high compression ratio , resolution independent , and the decoding process has nothing to do with the source image and other advantages , was concerned by more and more peoples .

  29. 结果表明,该IP核消耗了较少的FPGA硬件资源,达到了较高的工作频率,在速度和资源利用率方面达到了较优状态,可满足实时JPEG图像编码要求。

    The result shows that this IP core use less FPGA hardware resource , and approach higher working efficiency . It proves the better state of higher speed and less resource use , and can meet the JPEG encoding at the same time .

  30. 第三,我们提出了使用GPU来加速屏幕图像编码的算法,以加快远程主机端的编码速度。

    Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed fast transcoding can greatly accelerate the processing . Third , we proposed an algorithm to employ the GPU to accelerate the screen-encoding process in the remote rich-media presentation system .