
  1. 他说,图书贸易本身就是一个很好的例子。

    The book trade itself is good example of this , he says .

  2. 国图文化大厦&中国国际图书贸易总公司仓库改造

    The International Books Culture Mansion & The Remodeling of a Books Storeroom for China International

  3. 江户时代,随着中国商船运往日本的图书贸易,金圣叹批评《第五才子书水浒传》、《第六才子书西厢记》先后批量运往日本。

    Jin Shentans several critical books were carried to Japan in remarkable numbers in Edo times with the developing of book trade between the two countries by shipping .

  4. 第五部分:论述了WTO背景下的图书版权贸易。

    The fifth part elaborates books copyright trade under the WTO background .

  5. 中国加入WTO,市场竞争加剧,不可避免地对图书版权贸易提出了严峻的挑战。

    As a result of China joining WTO , the market competition intensifies , which inevitably proposes the stern challenge to the books copyright trade .

  6. 我国图书版权贸易的现状及思考

    The Reality and Thought of Book Copyright Trade in China

  7. 河北省图书版权贸易研究

    Research on the Copyright Trading of Books in Hebei Province

  8. 中国图书版权贸易分析研究

    Analysis and Research on Chinese Books Copyright Trade

  9. 图书版权贸易的发展对我国高校出版社的启示

    The enlightenment of the development of book copyright trade to Chinese college publishing houses

  10. 中国图书版权贸易现状分析及对策

    The Current Book Copyright Trade in China

  11. 在文化发达的国家,图书版权贸易逆差会随着经济和版权贸易的发展而逐步消失。

    However , in developed countries , mistakes will disappear as the copyright trading goes further .

  12. 签约后的工作是确保图书版权贸易获得收益的重要因素。

    The period work after signing a contract is the important attribute to guarantees the income of the books copyright trade .

  13. 图书版权贸易作为出版行业实施国际化战略的突破口,它的重要性自然不言而喻。

    Being a breakthrough point of internationalization strategy , the copyright business is of vital importance to our country 's publishing industry .

  14. 第二部分对图书版权贸易的目的、意义、我国图书皈权贸易的历史和现状做了阐述,并对一些基本概念作了说明。

    The second part expresses the aims and significance of books copyright trade , present the history and recent situation of copyright trade in China .

  15. 从宏观的层面看,图书版权贸易不仅仅是一项经济活动,也是中外图书互通有无的一项文化交流活动。

    In the point of macro-view , books copyright trade belongs to business activity as well as a culture exchange bridge between China and foreign countries .

  16. 第三部分集中讨论了我国目前图书版权贸易中存在的主要问题,并探讨了问题之所以产生的原因。

    In the third part , the main problems existing in book copyright trade are discussed comprehensively , including the presentation , reasons to result of .

  17. 针对这些问题,本文为河北图书版权贸易今后的发展提出了初步的可行性建议。

    The last part is the main part , it proposed the preliminary feasibility suggestions for the Hebei Province publishing development in the view of these questions .

  18. 指出图书版权贸易存在的问题:贸易逆差明显、地区发展不平衡、无序竞争和版权贸易人才缺乏。

    It points out the problems of books copyright trade : obvious trade deficit , imbalance of the local development , disorderly competition and lack of copyright trade talented person .

  19. 并以此为逻辑起点,通过对中外图书版权贸易逆差的数据进行认真分析,反思了中国版权贸易逆差形成的深层结构。

    Then , the paper takes the above analysis as a logical basis , discussing the underlying reason to Chinese copyright trade deficit according to the comparative data on Sino-Foreign book trade .

  20. 然后在此基础上论述了图书版权贸易的主体和客体、进行图书版权贸易应遵循的基本原则、以及图书版权贸易的形式和图书版权贸易的法律保护。

    Then in the light of these basic concepts , it elaborates the body and the object , the basic principle , the forms and the legal protection of the books copyright trade .

  21. 中国的图书版权贸易作为出版产业中利用国内外资源最有效的手段,经过近二十年的发展,已经取得了巨大的成就。

    Chinese books copyright trade , as a most effective way to use the domestic and foreign resources in publication industry , had already obtained the huge achievement after nearly 20 years development .

  22. 改革开放以来,我国的图书版权贸易虽然有了一些发展,但仍然存在着引进多,输出少;引进质量良莠不齐,输出品类单一等等不足。

    Although the trade gets great development since opening and reform , it still has many problems such as more import and less export , poor quality in import and tedious theme in export .

  23. 因此,全面关注图书版权贸易,探寻制约它发展的根本原因并提出切实可行的解决方案是关涉到我国出版行业发展前途的当务之急。

    Therefore , paying much attention to copyright business , probing into the fundamental causes hindering its development and putting forward the resolution is the vital task regarding the future of our country 's publishing industry .

  24. 我国自1992年正式加入世界版权公约和伯尔尼公约以来,图书版权贸易比较活跃,图书版权贸易总数成倍增长。

    Since China entered in Universal Copyright Convention and signed the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in 1992 , trade in books copyright became more active and the total amount multiplied .

  25. 本文将图书版权贸易的内容分为审美文化、科技文化、政治文化、哲学文化、器物文化、民俗文化等类型。

    In this paper , the contents of the book copyright trade is divided into the type of aesthetic culture , science and technology culture , political culture , philosophy , culture , artifacts and culture , folk culture .

  26. 通过对成绩和问题的研究提出了影响图书版权贸易的因素:经济水平和产业规模、图书商业运作模式、文化背景差异、版权代理和专业人才。

    It also proposes the factors of influencing the copyright trade by analysis of the problems which are : economical level and industrial scale , books commercial operation pattern , cultural context difference , copyright proxy and specialized talented person .

  27. 在新的全球经济一体化的环境中,图书版权贸易如何克服现存的诸多弊端,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,已成为出版领域中日益重要的课题。

    In the new whole world economic integration environment , how does the books copyright trade overcome the extant many malpractices , holds the opportunity , and meets the challenge have been more and more important topics in publication industry .

  28. 本文对国内出版企业图书版权贸易的成功案例进行了分析,同时也对西方发达国家图书版权贸易的成功经验和做法进行了总结,这些对发展我国图书版权贸易提供了有益的启示。

    This article also analyzes many successful stories about domestic publishers ' books copyright trade , and summarizes successful experiences in the activity and method of western developed countries ' books copyright trade simultaneously , which will provide useful inspires to Chinese copyright trade .

  29. 新闻出版市场准入规制:共时考量与简要评析同时,适应信息化管理,扩大出版物的覆盖率,建立以网络化为主体的图书发行与贸易方式也势在必行。

    At the same time , the press should adapt itself to the information management , enlarge the rate of coverage of publication and it is imperative to build book publication and trade mode with the network as the main body .

  30. 联合图书出版公司(英)国际图书贸易有限公司

    Associated Book Publishers Ltd. International Book Trading Corporation