
  1. 界首市城市空间演化和发展探析

    The analysis of urban space evolvement and development of JIEShou city

  2. 界首市水质污染原因分析

    Analysis on the cause of water pollution in Jieshou County

  3. 界首市居民艾滋病防治知识水平调查报告

    Report on the survey of residents'knowledge level about AIDS in Jieshou city

  4. 界首市农村居民艾滋病相关知识调查分析

    HIV / AIDS related knowledge of rural residents in Jieshou

  5. 界首市婚前保健服务情况调查分析

    Analysis of Premarital Health Care Services in Jieshou City

  6. 界首市中深层地下水资源集中开发引起的反思及对策

    Reflections on centralized mining of middle - and deep - layer groundwater resources in Jieshou City

  7. 安徽省界首市农村婴儿喂养现况及其与生长发育的关系

    Feeding status and the relationship between feeding style and growth and development of infants in rural

  8. 界首市2005~2008年中学生艾滋病相关知识调查结果分析

    Changes of HIV / AIDS related knowledge among middle school students in Jieshou from 2005 to 2008

  9. 界首彩陶是中国著名的民间陶瓷艺术,界首彩陶以朴实生动地装饰手法,形成了具有浓郁地方特色的艺术样式。

    Jieshou pottery is well-known Chinese folk ceramic art , Jieshou pottery with simple and vivid decoration , formed a strong local style .

  10. 论文立足于界首彩陶纹饰独特的风格意蕴,旨对界首彩陶纹饰在新时代的民俗文化语境中的进行探索。

    Based on the Jieshou pottery unique style meaning , purpose of Jieshou pottery in the new era of folk culture in the context of exploration .

  11. 分析了长洲枢纽建成后河段来水来沙条件的改变及其对于河道演变的影响,结合长洲至界首河段的河床边界组成分析,对坝下游河床的演变趋势进行了预测。

    Based on the riverbeds compositions and the water and sand changes after the construction of reservoir , this thesis predicts the tendency direction of the riverbed evolution .

  12. 论文立足上述研究的基础上,从界首彩陶纹饰的现代发展着手,采用个案分析的方法,对界首彩陶纹饰进行拓展性的研究。

    Based on above research , starting from the modern development of Jieshou pottery , use of case analysis method , to expand the research of Jieshou pottery .

  13. 古陶瓷修复是文物修复界首推难度最大、质量要求最高的一门绝活,在一些文博单位仍是一项薄弱环节。

    Ancient ceramics repair is restoration bounded indisputably most difficult , the quality requirements , the highest door skills , in some superiority unit is still a weak links .

  14. 论文通过文献收集,实地考察对界首彩陶纹饰的发展历程和题材种类进行梳理归纳,进而研究界首彩陶纹饰的艺术风格及特色。

    This paper through the literature collection , field investigation the development course and the theme of Jieshou pottery were sum up , the artistic style and features and then study Jieshou pottery .