
kōnɡ jiān tōnɡ xìn
  • space communication
  1. TCP协议在空间通信中的应用研究

    Application Improving Research of TCP in Space Communication

  2. 基于TDMA的临近空间通信网MAC层协议仿真

    Simulation of MAC Protocol in TDMA-based Near Space Communication Network

  3. 为适应目前空间通信的发展,提出了一种基于IP的空间通信网络模型。

    In order to adapt to the development of space communications , a space communication network model based on IP was put forward .

  4. 文中提出了一种用于支持混合业务的临近空间通信网络MAC协议。

    This paper proposes a novel MAC protocol for the mixed services in the near-space communication network .

  5. 随着空间通信系统的不断发展,卫星通信以其独有的优势逐渐成为Internet的重要组成部分,卫星宽带接入技术成为卫星通信系统发展的一个重要趋势。

    With the development of space communication system , satellite communication system has been acting as an important part of Internet . Broad bandwidth satellite technology becomes a trend of satellite communication system development .

  6. 垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)在自由空间通信中的应用研究

    Application of Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers ( VCSEL ) in Free Space Communication

  7. 首先,研究了深空通信的特点以及应用较为广泛的空间通信协议,如CCSDS、OMNI等空间通信协议族。

    First , the dissertation researches the characteristics of deep space communication and the popular space communication protocol , such as CCSDS , OMNI etc.

  8. 简述了VCSEL当前研究生产情况以及发展前景,进而提出把VCSEL应用在自由空间通信中的可行性方案。

    And the research and production about VCSEL is stated . A feasible project is brought forward for the application of VCSEL in free space communication .

  9. DSF还可以加快测试用例的开发,因为您不必去学习用于用户/内核空间通信的输入输出控制接口。

    DSF can also speed test case development , since you aren 't forced to learn the ioctl interface for user / kernel space communication .

  10. 正交频分复用(OFDM)技术已经应用于多种无线系统,如空间通信系统、无线局域网、无线城域网、无线蜂窝网等。

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ( OFDM ) has been applied into many wireless systems , such as the communication systems in the space , the wireless local area networks , the wireless metropolitan area networks , and the wireless cellular networks .

  11. SCPS-TP是空间通信传输协议,可用于卫星网络。

    SCPS-TP is a transport protocol for space communications , and it is suitable for satellite networks .

  12. 无线激光通信(WLC),又称自由空间通信或者大气激光通信,是一种以激光为载体的点对点通信。

    Wireless Laser Communication ( WLC ), also called free space optical communication , is a kind of point to point laser communication .

  13. 针对已有AR4JA码译码复杂度较高的问题,结合空间通信的特点,构造了一族新的基于原型图的码率兼容LDPC码。

    Taking aim at the higher complexity of decoding AR4JA codes and the characters of space communication , a new protograph based rate compatible family of LDPC codes were constructed .

  14. 卷积编码是Elias等人在1955年提出的一种非常有前途的编码方法,它是深度空间通信系统和无线通信系统中常用的一种差错控制编码。

    Convolutional code is a very promising method of coding which is provided by Elias and others in 1955 , it is an usual error control coding technology in the depth space communication system and wireless communication system .

  15. 为了保证空间通信的安全,CCSDS下设有安全工作组,负责向CCSDS的所有活动提供关于信息安全方面的建议和指导性意见,评估安全风险,设计安全体系结构,开发安全技术。

    In order to protect the security of space communication , CCSDS has its own security working group , in charge of providing suggestions concerned with information security for CCSDS , evaluating security risks , designing security system and developing security technologies .

  16. 激光二极管阵列(LDA)泵浦的板条放大器因具有光束质量好、寿命长、高功率等优点,在激光测距、空间通信、激光雷达、激光医学等领域得到了广泛的应用。

    The slab amplifier pumped by laser diode array ( LDA ) has the advantages of good beam quality , long life , high power , and has been a wide range of applications in laser ranging , space communications , laser radar , laser medicine and other fields .

  17. 空间通信在地空通信中具有广阔的应用前景。

    Laser communication opens up the vast prospects for ground-space communication .

  18. 基于粒子系统的空间通信链路可视化研究

    Study on Visualization of Space Communication Links Based on Particle System

  19. 空间通信链路半实物仿真平台设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Semi-physical Simulation Platform for Satellite Communication Links

  20. OMNI&实现空间通信系统标准化的新思路

    OMNI : A New Approach to Standardize Space Communication System

  21. 自由空间通信中光斑自适应伺服系统的研究

    Research on facula adaptable servo system in the free space Communication System

  22. 首先,列出了光通信技术包括的光纤通信和光自由空间通信两大内容;

    First , the optical fiber communication are presented .

  23. 空间通信设备的辐射闩锁故障及对策

    The Latch Fault Caused by Radiation in Satellite Device and One Preventive Method

  24. 有一段时间,没有空间通信地球。

    For a while , there was no communication from space to Earth .

  25. 激光空间通信中的天线研究

    Study of Optical Antenna for Laser Space Communication

  26. 设计了空间通信安全网关并分析了其安全性。

    Security gateway of space communication was designed and its security was also analyzed .

  27. 航天技术的不断发展对空间通信技术提出了许多新的需求。

    The continuous development of space technology makes more demands on space communications technology .

  28. 大功率半导体激光器可在大气空间通信系统作发射光源。

    High power semiconductor lasers are the most promising devices for free space communication .

  29. 卷积码编码是深度空间通信系统和无线通信系统中常用的一种编码方式。

    Convolutional coding has been in communication systems including deep space communications and wireless communication .

  30. 空间通信设施模型与仿真

    Model and Simulation of Space Communication Infrastructure