
  • 网络OVERLAY;Spatial overlay
  1. 空间叠加模型是地理信息系统(GIS)中重要的空间分析模型。

    Spatial overlay is an important model of spatial analysis in GIS .

  2. 利用GIS系统的空间叠加与统计功能,对全区进行了地质灾害危险性区划。

    Using the overlay and statistical function of GIS , The geo-hazard risk zonation is carried out .

  3. DEM与空间叠加分析在土地定量评价中的研究

    Research on Comprehensive Application of DEM and GIS Spatial Overlay Analysis Technology in Land Quantitative Evaluation

  4. GIS的空间叠加、缓冲区分析等强大空间分析功能,为矿山尾矿库地址的选择提供了帮助。

    With its strong spatial analysis functions of space overlapping and buffer area analysis , GIS provides a great help in the site selection for mine tailings reservoir .

  5. 空间叠加是GIS系统必不可少的空间分析功能之一,空间叠加分析效率的高低直接影响到GIS整体功能的发挥。

    Spatial overlay is one of the most important spatial analysis functions in the Geographic Information System , and its efficiency will directly influence the whole function of GIS .

  6. 评价过程中,摈弃了常用的规则网格划分评价单元的评价方法,改进为利用GIS的空间叠加功能生成评价单元,并利用GIS的属性数据库对福建省区域环境地质状况进行了定量评价。

    In the assessment units , the authors abandon the traditional regular partition of assessment units , and adopt the new method to build the assessment units by the space congruence function of GIS .

  7. 在GIS软件的帮助下,通过将LAI栅格图与土壤侵蚀强度图的空间叠加分析,得到不同LAI条件下的土壤侵蚀分布。

    By the overlaying analysis of LAI and soil erosion intensity map in GIS circumstance , distribution of soil erosion at different LAI territory was hence gotten .

  8. 利用GIS的空间叠加功能生成综合评价单元,再利用GIS的属性数据库对大庆市主城区地下水脆弱性进行评价。

    Then it assesses the groundwater vulnerability of Daqing main city by using the attribute database of GIS , dividing the main city into five areas according to analyzing the groundwater vulnerability . This paper builds the comprehensive assessment by the space congruence function ;

  9. 本文在地理信息系统的支持下,对研究区1987年及2000年TM影象图进行了系统解译的基础上建立了相关数据库,并以空间叠加法得出了研究区景观类型转移矩阵。

    Under the support of the geographical information system , this paper systematically explains the TM images of the researching place in 1987 and 2000 , sets up the correlative database and works out the diverting matrix of the landscape type in the researching place by using the space addition .

  10. 对象关系数据库中的矢量数据集空间叠加方法

    Study of Vector Dataset Spatial Overlay Based on Object-Relational Data Model

  11. 目标模式:空间叠加分析;

    Objective patterns : ( 2 ) spatial overlay analysis ;

  12. 数字地球:空间叠加与信息可视化

    The digital earth : space overlapping and visualization of information

  13. 空间叠加分析中的分而治之算法研究与应用

    Study and Applications of divide and conquer algorithm in spatial overlay analysis

  14. 用多因子空间叠加法评价城市区域环境综合质量

    To Assess Comprehensive Urban Environmental Quality with Multi-Factors Space Superposition Assessment Method

  15. 空间叠加分析;

    ( 2 ) spatial overlay analysis ;

  16. 通过对适宜评价图和利用现状图的空间叠加,计算、分析了待调整土地资源的多度及重要值。

    The current land use map and suitability evaluation map were analyzed contrastively using GIS spatial analysis function .

  17. 并通过土地利用现状图与城市总体规划图的空间叠加,计算每一叠加图斑的潜力值,并评估每一宗地的经济潜力值。

    Also accomplished is analyzing actuality graph and program graph by stacking method and calculating every cadastral parcel 's economic potential value .

  18. 本文提出了油井稳定生产状态下的脉冲试井数学模型,利用时间和空间叠加原理求得其解析解。

    The mathematical model of pulse test in the state of steady production of oil well is posed out in this paper .

  19. 其次,对这些图层进行空间叠加,得到了湖北省洪涝灾害危险性评价图。

    Secondly , a map of assessment for flood risk in Hubei Province is made by overlaping these raster coverages of the four factors .

  20. 本文尝试在这一领域进行了一些有益的探索,对基于对象关系数据模型的海量数据空间叠加方法的几个主要环节进行了深入研究。

    Some research has been carried out in this dissertation concerning the main procedures of spatial overlay methord based on the object-relational data model .

  21. 随后结合矢量数据空间叠加的流程和对象关系数据库的特点,分析了实现该技术思想的几个关键技术问题,设计了完整的空间叠加方法。

    Thirdly , in view of vector data spatial overlay flow and object-relational database characteristics , it analyzes the crux of the implemention and designs a whole spatial overlay methord .

  22. 以该指标为依据,应用地理信息系统空间叠加与分析功能,对研究区崩岗敏感性等级进行初步划分。

    The following work is to divide the 146 areas into different collapsed gully sensitivity grades according to the index with the help of overlay and analysis functions of GIS .

  23. 研究克服了传统的单机地理信息系统弱点,实现了基于网络的空间叠加分析、缓冲区分析等空间分析功能,使网络用户可获取图文并茂的分析结果。

    The research overcomes the weakness of traditional GIS ; and builds the functions for spatial analysis such as overlay and buffer ; and that shows the Internet users the rich and colorful analysis result .

  24. 在两者空间叠加分析的基础上划分柳州市生态用地建设分区:中部缓坡平原建设区、南部岩溶盆地恢复区、北部山地丘陵建设区。

    Based on two spatial overlay analysis it grades construction division of ecological land in Liuzhou city including construction zone in central gentle slope plain , restoration areas in southern Karst basin and construction zone in northern hilly .

  25. 在前期工作中,构筑了贵州省岩溶地区1∶500000坡度分级图和石漠化分布图,对岩溶地区坡度图和石漠化图进行空间叠加分析,研究坡度与石漠化形成的相关关系。

    The two maps of slope gradient and desertification distribution on a scale of ( 1 ∶) 500 000 in Guizhou Province were overlapped and analyzed in order to discuss the correlation between slope degree and rocky desertification .

  26. 应用基于矢量网格的空间叠加分析方法解决栅格和常规矢量数据结构在处方生成中的局限,生成了基于土壤养分和目标产量为主要因素的施肥处方;

    Using vector-grid spatial-overlap analysis to solve the limitation of the grid and general vector data structure in the course of creating prescription , it made fertilizer prescription founded on the main factor of soil nutrient and yield-target .

  27. 因此,如何在保留对象关系模型的优势的同时,设计实现对象关系数据模型框架下的海量数据空间叠加方法,是当前空间数据模型和算法研究亟待解决的重要技术问题。

    How to design and implement large data spatial overlay method based on the object-relational data model as well as keeping the advantage of the model is an important and hot technique problem in spatial data model and algorithmic research .

  28. 我们将用户信号的空间叠加看作是一种无限域信号编码,提出了相应的译码方法,并提出利用其中存在的分集增益可以对译码带来便利。

    We re-gard the superposition of the users ' signals as a kind of physical layer coding in infinite domain , propose the corresponding decoding algorithm , and propose to utilize the user diversity gain to provide convenience to the decoding .

  29. 通过空间叠加分析,得到基础单元图斑,采用属性表操作的方法获取基础单元图斑的专题属性信息,结合社会经济属性信息,建立属性数据库;

    Based the spatial database , by the means of attribute table manipulation and take the map plot as basic unit to get the subject attributes of basic information , combined with social economy attribute information , built the attribute database ;

  30. 然而,对象关系模型在给用户带来数据管理、维护的便利性和灵活性的同时,却由于数据模型方面的对象独立特征而在计算密集型的空间叠加操作上效率低下,无法满足基本的用户需求。

    The object-relational data model can make the data management and maintenance more convenient and flexible , at the same time , its object independency characteristic results in the inefficient spatial overlay , which is a dense-computing operation , thus the basic user requirement can 't be satisfied .