
  • 网络information receiver
  1. 肢体语言是人与人在语言沟通过程中流露出的各种表情、姿势、动作,它能帮助信息接收者更有效的理解信息发送者的真意。

    Limbs language refers to various expressions , postures and actions shown in the process of interpersonal language communication . It can help information receiver more effectively understand the real meaning of information sender .

  2. 医疗安全不良事件的预警信息是由权威机构发布的,信息接收者应根据预警的信息的紧急程度确定采取什么样的应急管理措施。

    Early warning message is released by authority organization , information receiver should know use what emergency management measures according to the urgent degree of early warning information .

  3. 向组织的信息接收者提供模板。

    A template would typically be provided and tailored to the organizational audience .

  4. 冗余成分是语言交际能够顺利进行的一个重要原因。语内交际时语言的冗余成分正适合该语言信息接收者的信道容量,足以保证交际的成功。

    The existence of redundant words in the course of one language communication is one of the most important causes , which can make the communication go on smoothly .

  5. 语码这个术语指人们共同遵守的、使信息接收者与发送者之间能够进行交流的一套规则、习俗、限制措施和规范。

    The term code refers to the shared set of rules , conventions , restraints , and norms that permit the communication of a message between a receiver and a sender .

  6. 新的传播方式使信息接收者的自由选择意识增强,主动性得到了尊重和实现,他们还可以随时通过自己的主页发布信息,成为信息的传播者。

    The information recipient 's consciousness of free choice has been strengthened under the new spread way , and the initiative has been respected and realized , they can issue information through their own homepage at any time .

  7. 本文阐明了前提理论在语言交际中的重要性,并强调了通过前提触发语提高信息接收者克分挖掘深层信息的能力的可能性。

    This paper clarifies the significance of the pre-suppositional theory in language communication and lays a special emphasis on the possibility of the recipient 's improving his capability of unearthing sufficient information under the structure by observing the presupposition triggers .

  8. 我们受教的学习方式是作为信息的接收者,而非思考者。

    And the way we 're taught to learn is as receivers of information , non-thinkers .

  9. 微博引领着自媒体时代的发展,受众不再只是信息的接收者,也变成了信息的生产者和传播者。

    With leading the development of self-media era , weibo recipients are not only information receivers , but also turning into information producers and disseminators .

  10. 信息的接收者可以从签名中恢复原消息,这样,签名方案既具有身份鉴别作用,又具有信息保密性。

    The receiver of message can recover the original message based on the signature . Therefore , the proposed signature scheme has identity authenticated and message confidentiality .

  11. 作为信息的接收者,不但要了解明说的思想含义,更要准确地把握信息发出者文字中暗含的意图和用心。

    As the recipient of information , one should not only understand the confessed meaning , but also accurately grasp the implied intentions and motives of the information .

  12. 在大众传播学中,受众是信息的接收者,是信息传播的终端。

    In the study of Masses ' dissemination , the receivers are the people who receive information and they are also the terminal end of the dissemination of information .

  13. 而作为文字信息的接收者和学习者,不仅要理解文字信息的表面含义,更要深透地掌握其交际目的,这样才能保障交际活动的正常进行和最后成功。

    As the recipient and the learner of the information , one should not only understand the surface meaning of the information , but also grasp its deep communicative purposes , so as to protect the normal procession and the final success of the communicative activities .

  14. 请确保您的信息中心的接收者具有对您所链接到的那些站点的访问权。

    Make sure that the recipients of your information center have access to the sites to which you are linking .

  15. 人眼是图像信息的最终接收者,修补后图像质量的评价标准要尽量符合人类的视觉感知。

    The human eyes are the ultimate recipient for the image information , the assessment for the repaired image quality tries to meet the human visual perception .

  16. RSS将最近更新的信息分发给许多接收者,非常类似广播系统。

    RSS distributes recently updated information to many receivers , much like a broadcast system .

  17. 向受话者收费的电话完整性&确保信息在传送给接收者的过程中没有被修改

    A collect telephone call Integrity – ensure that information is not tampered with in transit to the recipient

  18. 这个例子蕴含了一个十分深刻的思想,那就是:信息,是与接收者对于信息内容的不确定性以及他们提前预测的能力息息相关的。

    This example hints at a very deep idea , which is that information is fundamentally tied to the recipient 's uncertainty about the message 's content and his or her ability to predict it in advance .

  19. 如果任何保密信息被泄露,信息的接收者将有责任遵守此协议的相关规定。

    If any material non-public information is disclosed , the recipient of such information agrees to comply with this agreement .

  20. 把这个传递过程抽象为一个系统,它包括3个基本要素:信息源、传递渠道和信息接收者。

    So the pass process is abstracted a system , which involves three basic elements : namely information resources , pass channel , and the receiver of information .

  21. 互换性,人可是是信息的发送者,也可以是信息的接收者。

    Interchangeability : any human being can both be a producer and receiver of messages .

  22. 经典密码学通常依赖某种数学算法,随机生成解密密钥,使信息发送者最终发送出一条加密信息,然后接收者可以通过解密密钥将信息还原。

    Classical cryptography generally relies on algorithms to randomly generate encryption and decryption keys enabling the sender to essentially scramble a message and a receiver to unscramble it at the other end .

  23. 该模式包含了跨文化交际过程的所有主要因素:语境、信息发出者、代码1、编码、能指、信息接收者、代码2、解码和所指。

    This model includes all the major factors in intercultural communication process : context , sender , Code 1 , encoding , signifier , receiver , Code 2 , decoding and signified .

  24. 地图符号的信息传播由多个因素制约,传播者本身、信息接收者、传播渠道、传播环境等都是影响传播效果的重要因素。

    This information propagating depends on many factors , such as propagandist , information receiver , propagating channels and propagating circumstance . And each of them is the important factor influencing the effect of propagating .

  25. 有两个参与人进行博弈,拥有私人信息的参与人叫发送者,另一个不拥有私人信息的叫接收者;

    There are two players in the game , the one is sender with private information , and the other is receiver without private information .

  26. 这种信息复制的能力使得原本客观的信息变得具有浓重的主观性质,从而使得信息的接收者更加容易被控制。

    This ability makes the original objective information have the subjective nature , thus making the information recipient more easily control .

  27. 通过对本体库的抽取和设计,可以让用户在订阅信息的选择上突破主题关键字的限制而显得更为灵活,具体表现为信息的接收者能够更加准确的表达对感兴趣事件进行表达。

    By extracting and designing the ontology library , allows users to break the theme keywords constrains and subscribe on a more flexible way .

  28. 相反,信息隐藏,或称掩密术,不仅隐匿信息的内容,而且隐蔽信息的发送者、接收者,甚至隐匿秘密信息的存在,这比信息加密更安全。

    In contrast , information hiding , namely steganography , is to conceal the fact that a message and its sender , its receiver or its very existence are hidden so that it cannot be seen . It is safer than message encrypting .