
  • 网络Network Coding;network code;network number
  1. 一种基于网络编码的无线adhoc网络重传机制

    A Retransmission Mechanism based on Network Coding for Mobile Ad-hoc Network

  2. rlncBT:随机线性网络编码的P2P内容分发系统

    RlncBT : Based on random linear network coding P2P content distribution system

  3. 无线mesh网中网络编码感知的按需无线路由协议的研究

    Study of on-demand COPE-aware routing protocol in wireless mesh networks

  4. 支持网络编码的无线Mesh网络路由协议

    A Network Coding-Aware Routing Protocol in Wireless Mesh Network

  5. 网络编码及其在P2P网络中的应用

    Network Coding and its Application in P2P Network

  6. 本文提出了一种基于网络编码的P2P流媒体直播方案。

    We propose a scheme for peer-to-peer live media streaming that utilizes network coding .

  7. 一种基于网络编码的速率自适应多播MAC协议

    A Rate Adaptive Multicast MAC Protocol Based on Network Coding

  8. 双向中继信道的联合Turbo译码-网络编码算法研究

    A Joint Turbo Decoding-Network Coding Scheme for Two-Way Relay Channels

  9. 基于网络编码的无线局域网多播MAC协议及性能分析

    A multicast MAC protocol for wireless LAN based on network coding and its performance analysis

  10. 一种基于网络编码的两用户自适应AF协同ARQ方案

    An adaptive amplify-and-forward ARQ scheme of two users based on network coding

  11. Matlab仿真实验表明,此方法相对于传统的网络编码路由协议,能够增加网络编码机会,提高网络的吞吐量。

    Matlab simulation results show , compared to traditional network coding routing protocols , this method can increase opportunities and improve the network throughput .

  12. 网络编码在无线通信中的一个典型应用场景是双向中继信道(Two-WayRelayChannel,TWRC)。

    Two-Way Relay Channel ( TWRC ) is a typical application of sence for NC .

  13. 基于网络编码的无线传感器网络DD协议研究

    Research on Directed Diffusion Protocol Based on Network Coding for Wireless Sensor Networks

  14. 本文将Turbo码应用于无线双向中继信道模型中,系统研究了适用于瑞利衰落环境下的联合Turbo译码-网络编码算法。

    In this issue , Turbo code is applied in the wireless two-way relay channel model under Rayleigh fading environment .

  15. CDN中基于节点度的网络编码策略

    Degree-based Strategy for Network Coding in Content Distribution Network

  16. 而MIMO技术可以很好的对抗衰落,可以利用MIMO技术来显著改善网络编码在衰落信道下的性能。

    MIMO is a good technology to fight with fading , and it will significantly improve the performance for network coding under a fading channel .

  17. 虽然网络编码源于IP组播,并被证明能提升组播网络中的数据分发性能,但由于技术和非技术上的挑战,IP组播并没有在现有互联网上得到大规模的部署和应用。

    Due to the technical and non-technical reasons , the IP multicast based data delivery system which the network coding original proposed for has not been widely implemented in the network till now .

  18. 针对网络编码可以提高网络吞吐率从而降低数据传输时延的特点,提出了一种编码感知增益的低时延路由协议&CGAR(CodingGainAwareRouting)。

    We present a coding gain aware low delay routing ( CGAR ), which is derived from the characteristic of network coding being able to improve network throughput and reduce data transmission delay .

  19. 而基于随机线性网络编码的新机制能够有效恢复传输符号(LDPC码字)中的错误。

    The RLNC based new mechanism can recover error of transmission symbols ( LDPC codewords ) .

  20. 为了研究网络编码在P2P(peertopeer)网络中的优越性,设计并实现了一个基于稀疏线性编码技术的P2P内容分发系统。

    To evaluate the benefit of network coding for P2P ( peer-to-peer ) content distribution , a content distribution system based on sparse linear coding was implemented for P2P networks .

  21. 结合目前LTE协议的架构,本文设计了一种加入中继后的调度过程和信令系统,使其支持中继和中继网络编码技术。

    Combined with the content of LTE architecture , we design a relay scheduling process and signal system to support relay and network coding .

  22. 因此将Turbo码与网络编码进行联合设计不仅可以保证传输的可靠性,而且还可以提高无线网络的传输效率。

    Therefore , the joint design of turbo codes and network coding not only ensures the reliability of transmission , but also can improve the transmission efficiency of wireless networks .

  23. 本文根据实际P2P内容分发系统以及网络编码和P2P技术的结合应用,在调度编码模型的基础上简化出两个模型:纯调度模型和纯编码模型。

    Based on the practical P2P content distribution system and the combination of network coding and P2P technology , we simplify scheduling-coding model and get the other two models : pure-scheduling model and pure-coding model .

  24. 网络编码(NC,Networkcoding)技术是近年来信息技术领域的重大研究成果,其利用网络节点在存储转发时对数据进行合并处理,提高网络容量和利用率。

    Network coding ( NC ) is a significant research achievement in the field of information technology in recently . Through combining the packets in the process of storing and forwarding messages at network node , NC can enhance network capacity and utilization .

  25. 第二,分别研究对称速率和非对称速率信道下信道编码和PNC的联合编译码技术,详细分析相关研究方案和问题,提出一种非对称速率信道下的网络编码方案。

    Second , research the channel coding and PNC joint technology in symmetric rate channels and asymmetric rate channel .

  26. 论文对网络编码及其原理进行了研究,结合无线传感器网络的特点,将网络编码与虚拟MIMO技术相结合。

    The thesis studies network coding and its principles . With the characteristics of infinite sensor networks , the author integrates network coding and virtual MIMO technology , and forms a new transmission mode .

  27. 本文在保证服务质量(QoS)的条件下,以提高能量效率为目标,对物理层网络编码在双向多中继系统、多用户多播系统和OFDM/OFDMA系统中的传输技术展开研究。

    This thesis studies the energy efficiency transmission technologies of PNC in two-way multi-relay system , multi-user multicast system as well as OFDM / OFDMA systems , when the Quality of Service ( QoS ) is guaranteed .

  28. 在本文研究中结合满足NC有效性条件的业务模型进行相应的仿真验证和性能分析,验证了在本NoC中运用网络编码的可行性和有效性。

    In our research , we design test platform combine with the service model which satisfies the effective condition of network coding to prove the feasibility and validity of using network coding on NoC .

  29. 在应用方面,研究了随机网络编码在无线Mesh网络中进行文件共享时对文件下载成功率或下载时间的影响,以及如何利用网络编码技术在传感器网络实现连续实时的数据采集等问题。

    In application aspect , we study the effection of random linear network coding on file download success rate or download time in wireless Mesh network , and the problem of continuous real-time data collection based on network coding in sensor network .

  30. 介绍了MIMO网络编码的系统模型及编译码过程,分析了它的误码率及分集增益等性能,并通过仿真实验验证了理论的正确性。

    It introduced the system model of MIMO Network Coding and the process of both encoding and decoding , analyzed its performance like bit error rate and diversity gain , and verified the theoretical correctness by simulation experiments .