
  • 网络Mesh;mesh network
  1. 基于P环的恢复机制在WDM网状网中的应用

    Applications of Restoration Mechanism Based on P-Cycles in WDM Mesh Networks

  2. 一种用于P2P流媒体系统的动态树-网状网混合覆盖网络

    A complicated vascular meshwork Hybrid Dynamic Tree / Mesh Overlay for P2P Streaming

  3. 基于干扰模型的无线网状网QoS路由策略

    WMN QoS routing strategy based on interference model

  4. 数字交叉连接系统(DCS)网状网是电信传输骨干网的主要拓扑结构。

    DCS mesh network is the main topology of telecommunication backbone network .

  5. 基于无线网状网的RFID技术在超市中的应用

    The Application of WMN Based RFID in Supermarket

  6. WDM网状网中具有业务量疏导能力的共享通路保护算法

    Shared Path-Protection Algorithm with Traffic Grooming Capability in WDM Mesh Networks

  7. 无线网状网中基于TDMA模式的QoS路由策略

    QoS Routing Strategy Based on TDMA Mode in Wireless Mesh Networks

  8. WDM网状网中双链路失效的一种共享链路保护算法

    Shared-link protection algorithm for double-link failures in WDM mesh networks

  9. WDM网状网自适应动态流量疏导算法

    Adaptive algorithm for dynamic traffic grooming in WDM mesh networks

  10. WDM网状网中基于树路由的鲁棒抗毁算法研究

    Robust survivability design of WDM mesh networks using tree routing

  11. WDM网状网中一种动态共享子路径保护算法

    Dynamic Shared Sub-Path Protection Algorithm for WDM Mesh Networks

  12. WDM网状网中的动态流量疏导策略

    Dynamic Traffic Grooming Policies in WDM Mesh Optical Networks

  13. 支持不同可靠性要求的WDM网状网业务量疏导算法

    Multi-reliable traffic grooming algorithm in WDM mesh networks

  14. WDM网状网中鲁棒选路算法研究

    Robust Routing Algorithm in WDM Mesh Networks

  15. WDM网状网的生存性问题研究

    Study on Survival of WDM Mesh Network

  16. 无线网状网中,Mesh路由器自组织成网状拓扑结构的无线骨干网,为Mesh客户端提供稳定、快速的无线接入服务。

    In WMNs , mesh routers self-organize to a mesh backbone to provide stable , fast wireless access to Internet for mesh Clients .

  17. ASON网状网和SDH环网的经济性比较

    Economics Comparison of ASON Mesh and SDH Ring

  18. SDH网状网自愈

    Self-healing of SDH Mesh Network

  19. 无线网状网是一种高速率、高容量的多点对多点网络,可把它看成是adhoc网络的简化版本。

    Wireless Mesh network is a high-rate and high-capability network , we can consider it as the simple edition of Ad hoc network .

  20. 本文讨论了DCS网状网自愈的进展,其中包括SDH、ATM和WDM网状网自愈,同时说明了它们之间的相互关系。

    In this paper , self-healing of SDH / ATM / WDM DCS mesh network and their relationships are discussed .

  21. DWDM网状网中的路径保护算法

    Path Protection Algorithm in DWDM Mesh Networks

  22. 基于无线网状网DSR的多路径分流带宽路由算法

    Multi-path Streaming Bandwidth Router Algorithm Based on Wireless MESH DSR

  23. 基于GMPLS的动态分布式WDM网状网恢复路由选择算法研究

    GMPLS-based distributed routing of shared restoration connections in WDM mesh networks for dynamic traffic demand

  24. 由于交叉连接系统交叉连接时间的缓慢,SDH网状网不能在整体上达到2秒的恢复时限。

    Because of slow cross connection time of current DCS , restoration of mesh network cannot accomplish 2 seconds objective completely .

  25. 为了提供方便快捷,廉价高效的无线网络接入和覆盖,无线Mesh网络(也称无线网状网)应运而生,它从一开始便得到广泛的关注,并迅速成为热点。

    In order to provide convenient , low-cost and efficient wireless network access and coverage , the Wireless Mesh Networks came into being , and quickly became hot .

  26. 第四,研究了WDM网状网中的鲁棒单链路抗毁设计问题,并提出了两种共享保护启发式算法。

    Fourthly , the author studies single-link failure robust protection in the WDM mesh networks , and proposes two shared protection heuristic algorithms .

  27. 网状网中其它的节点称为用户站(MSS)。

    All other nodes of a Mesh network are termed Mesh Subscriber Sta-tions ( MSS ) .

  28. 摘要:无线Mesh网络也称为无线网状网或无线多跳网,是一种新型的无线网络架构,是无线终端接入Internet的一种非常具有竞争力的解决方案。

    Wireless Mesh network is also known as wireless multi-hop networks . It is a new type of wireless network architecture and a very competitive solution which wireless terminal use to access to the Internet .

  29. 抗毁问题涉及WDM网络的抗毁选路、区分可靠性、网状网的快速恢复、多故障下的抗毁。

    For network survivability , it includes survivable routing in WDM networks , differentiated reliability , fast recovery in mesh networks , and multi-link failures .

  30. 在ASON网状网(也称为MESH网)中,所有节点都可与拓扑中所有节点进行连线而形成一个网状网结构。

    In ASON mesh network ( also known as MESH ), all the nodes and all nodes in the topological connection and form a mesh structure .