
  • 网络Network journalism;MA Web Journalism;online journalism;Web Journalism
  1. 浅谈国内高校网络新闻学的学科发展

    On the Development of the Course " Internet Journalism " in China 's Universities

  2. 网络时代新闻学专业大学生的素质主要包括熟练运用网络、多媒体等新媒介的能力;

    The important skill of students of news specialty in network era is the ability to expertly utilize the new medium .

  3. 如果这件事发生在今天,我觉得不会有那么多人觉得她活该被扔到汽车底下去,纽约大学专门研究网络文化的新闻学教授克雷·舍基(ClayShirky)说。

    If it happened today , I think the consensus that she deserved to be thrown under the bus would be considerably weaker , said Clay Shirky , a journalism professor at N.Y.U. who studies Internet culture .