
  • Discourse;discourse power;discursive power
  1. 《沧浪之水》中池大为丢失话语权之剖析

    Analysis of Chi Dawei 's Losing Discourse Right in " Canglangzhishui "

  2. 对话理论视野下学生课堂话语权的构建原则

    Construction Principles of Student 's Discourse Right in the View of Dialogue Theory

  3. 新兴市场和发展中国家的话语权和代表性

    voice and representation of EMDCs ( emerging markets and developing countries )

  4. 提出建立共享平台和社会科学网络话语权是社会科学界应对Internet挑战的重要举措。

    At last , it points out that establishment of social sciences research sharing platform is an important measure on facing the challenges of the Internet for social sciences circle .

  5. 新兴国家不信任IMF,因为他们觉得他们没有足够的话语权。

    Emerging economies do not trust the IMF because they do not think they have enough say in it .

  6. 他们或许是欧洲研究区(ERA)的一部分,但当欧洲理事会或欧洲议会制定规则或决定预算时,他们毫无话语权。

    They may be part of the European Research Area but they do not sit at the table when the European Council or Parliament set rules or decide budgets .

  7. 他还表示,美国将帮助中国在国际货币基金组织(imf)等国际组织中赢得更大的话语权。

    He also said that the US would help China win greater representation at international organisations such as the International Monetary Fund .

  8. 自第二次世界大战结束后,美国一直掌握着主导话语权,这部分得益于总部位于华盛顿的世界银行(worldbank)与国际货币基金组织(IMF)的成立。

    Since the end of the second world war , the US has been the dominant voice , partly thanks to the creation of the Washington-based World Bank and International Monetary Fund .

  9. 去年的惠普(HP)股东大会上,“薪酬话语权”提案被多数票否决,这样的结果多少让人有些疑惑。

    Last proxy season , HP achieved the dubious distinction of receiving a majority no vote from its shareholders on its executive compensation programs .

  10. 去年在伦敦举行的20国集团(g20)峰会同意对国际货币基金组织进行改革,改革将增大中国的话语权。

    The G20 summit in London last year agreed on a reform of the IMF that would give China a stronger voice .

  11. 美欧之间达成开放天空(OpenSkies)航空协议的希望昨日严重受挫,因为美国放弃了允许海外投资者在美国国内航空公司拥有更多话语权的计划。

    Hopes for an open skies aviation pact between the US and Europe suffered a severe setback yesterday when the US abandoned plans to allow overseas investors more say in its domestic airlines .

  12. 中俄两国的承诺似乎都有一些政治动机。它们都坦率地表明,希望在IMF资金投向问题上拥有更大的话语权。

    The pledges by both countries seem to have some political motivations both China and Russia make no secret of their desire to have a greater say in how the IMF commits money .

  13. 在欧盟,正如我们教给学生的那样,欧盟委员会代表共同利益,拥有倡议权,同时各成员国和民众通过欧洲理事会(europeancouncil)和欧洲议会拥有话语权。

    In the EU as we teach it to our students , the Commission speaks for the general interest and has the right of initiative , while Member States and citizens have their say through the European Council and Parliament .

  14. 挑选一名非欧洲人,尤其是来自发展中国家的人士,将十分有助于增加这些国家在IMF的话语权和代表性,非盟在一份声明中表示。

    Selecting a non-European and particularly someone from the developing world would go a long way in increasing voice and representation at the IMF for these countries , the AU said in a statement .

  15. 提升盈利能力的关键在于能够了解CDM市场规则和动态,争取议价话语权。

    The key to enhance the profitability is to be able to understand the rules and dynamics of the CDM market , strive for a bargain right to speak .

  16. 现在普通人也可以获得话语权。不仅是那些能到HBS读书的幸运儿,而是任何能上Facebook,Twitter或者有手机的人。

    Now ordinary people have voice , not just those of us lucky enough to go to HBS , but anyone with access to Facebook , to Twitter , to a mobile phone .

  17. 而包括金佰利公司(Kimberly-Clark)和洛克希德马丁(LockheedMartin)在内的多家公司,则预见到了薪酬话语权规则方面的未来要求&它们加入了股东总体回报与首席执行官薪酬之间的对比数字。

    Several companies , including Kimberly-Clark and Lockheed Martin , have anticipated future requirements of say-on-pay rules by adding a comparison of total shareholder returns to chief executive pay .

  18. 迄今为止,这些精英企业的创始人难以抗拒风险投资基金的意愿,但米尔纳开创的交易ElevationPartners最近向Yelp提供投资时已模仿了这一套路给了这些企业更大的话语权。

    Until now , the founders of such elite enterprises have struggled to resist the wishes of venture funds , but the deals pioneered by Mr Milner – and already mimicked by Elevation Partners in a recent financing of Yelp – give them greater power .

  19. 论文通过搜集Twitter和新浪微博上的案例资料,运用传播学理论和其他相关理论,以定量和定性分析相结合的方法,对草根话语权实现的说法予以层层质疑。

    Articles by collecting micro-blog Twitter and Sina information on the case , the use of communication theory and other theories as to the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis method , the realization of the right words to say the grassroots to be layers of doubt .

  20. 对谷歌批评最猛烈的企业是德国出版集团斯普林格集团(AxelSpringer)。该集团在柏林和布鲁塞尔都有着强大的话语权,在让-克洛德•容克(Jean-ClaudeJuncker)竞选欧盟委员会主席时提供了至关重要的支持。

    One of the most vociferous corporate critics of Google is the Axel Springer publishing group in Germany , a powerful voice in Berlin and Brussels , and which provided crucial support for the election of Jean-Claude Juncker as the head of the European Commission .

  21. 几起案例都与一种德国特有的制度有关:共同决议制(Mitbestimmung)。在这种制度下,员工在大多数监事会里拥有半数席位,并在决策过程中拥有重要的话语权。

    Several cases are linked by a particularly German thread : the system of Mitbestimmung , or co-determination , under which workers have half the seats on most supervisory boards and a big say in decision-making .

  22. 电视民生新闻平民话语权研究

    The Research about Civilian Right of Speech in TV News Livelihood

  23. 作文教学:还学生话语权

    Composition Teaching : Return the " Discourse Right " to Students

  24. 首先,要提高股东的话语权。

    Firstly , we must improve the speaking right of shareholder .

  25. 面对不同的话语权,法官通常难以选择。

    Facing different discourse , judges are often difficult to choose .

  26. 电视媒体在网络时代的话语权

    Research on the Tv 's Say of the Internet Age

  27. 中国女性传媒工作者话语权变迁探讨

    On the Alteration of the Discourse Power for Female Chinese Media Staff

  28. 我言说故我在&论《简·爱》中的话语权

    I say , therefore I am-On the discourse power in Jane Eyre

  29. 话语权与文化解构:山寨现象的精神分析

    Discourse Right and Cultural Deconstruction : a Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Shanzhai Phenomenon

  30. 在世界银行担任高级职务的非洲人在世行改革方面具有主要话语权。

    Africans in senior Bank positions seen as leading voices for reform .