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huà jù
  • modern drama;stage play
话剧 [huà jù]
  • [modern drama;stage play] 以人物的对话和动作表演为主的戏剧

话剧[huà jù]
  1. 揭示了话剧民族化的规律,为话剧民族化开辟了广阔的道路;把话剧艺术恢复和提升到诗的本位和高度。

    It helps to reveal the law for nationalizing modern drama so as to open up wide avenue for indigenous dramas and make the modern drama what it should be .

  2. 论中国话剧悲剧意识的时代语境

    The Era Language Situation of Tragedy Consciousness in Chinese Modern Drama

  3. 这部话剧对爱情和婚姻进行了细致入微的探讨。

    In the play , love and marriage are put under the microscope .

  4. 这部话剧是个可悲的失败。

    The play was a miserable failure .

  5. 我刚看了一场话剧,我强烈推荐。

    I 've just seen a play that I can highly recommend

  6. 这个话剧是由两位青年作家编导的。

    The play was written and directed by two young writers .

  7. 如果你被叫去演传统的英国客厅话剧,用上这个词,绝对能精确传达出原汁原味的英式“卧槽”!

    Still , if you 're ever asked to star in a traditional English drawing room drama , you 'll be equipped with exactly the right ways to express a truly British kind of surprise .

  8. 你可能对朋友说,你昨晚看的新话剧也就那样(notsohot)。

    You may tell a friend that the new play you saw last night is not so hot .

  9. 一本书,一部话剧甚至是一首歌曲都可以像电影一样是atearjerker。

    Neil : No , a book , play or even a song can be a tear jerker .

  10. 同时,通过学习Simitri的各种演说方法与话剧技巧,学员能有效地表达感情和情绪,令演说更具创意、说服力和激励作用。

    By combining Simitri presenting methodologies and acting techniques , participants are able to express moods and emotions , resulting in more creative , persuasive and stimulating presentations .

  11. 北京话剧爱好者们正好享受到的是由导演过2004年奥运的精彩开幕式和闭幕式的希腊导演DimitrisPapaioannou,所写的经典话剧的新的演译方式。

    Beijing 's theatre-goers are duly being treated to a new interpretation of the classical play ," Medea ", by Dimitris Papaioannou , a Greek director whose dazzling shows began and ended the2004 Olympics .

  12. 1907-1917:文人编剧在早期话剧成型过程中的作用

    1907-1917 : Literator-Scenarists ' Effect on the Formation of Early Drama

  13. 曹禺早期话剧受现代主义影响比较明显。

    Cao yu 's early dramas were obviously influenced by modernism .

  14. 我的老师不赞成我对学校话剧的想法。

    My teacher disapproved of my idea for the school play .

  15. 我年轻时,演过业余话剧。

    I was in an amateur group when I was young .

  16. 陈大悲对中国话剧发展的贡献

    CHEN Da-bei 's Contribution to the Development of Chinese Drama

  17. 艾薇:可是麦克要导演话剧?

    Ivy : But Mike wants to direct the play ?

  18. 早期话剧:中国戏剧现代转型的序幕

    Early Modern Drama : The Prologue to the Modernization of Chinese Theatre

  19. 田汉话剧创作方法的有机构成

    The Organic Formation in Tian Han 's Dramatic Creative Method

  20. 话剧百年:从中国话剧到世界华语话剧

    A Centenary History of Chinese Spoken Drama in China and the World

  21. 我们过去总在星期四晚上的话剧社团聚会。

    We were together in the Thursday night drama society .

  22. 我们剧社将排演一出小剧场话剧。

    Our theatrical company will rehearse and stage a small theatre drama .

  23. 由这部小说新改编的话剧正在上演。

    A new adaptation of the novel is now playing .

  24. 他的《雷雨》是中国第一部多幕话剧。

    His Thunderstorm is the first play of many acts in China .

  25. 贝基:首先,莎士比亚的话剧&《哈姆菜特》怎么样?

    First or all , Shakespeare - what about Hamlet ?

  26. 杰夫正和同班同学表演学校的话剧。

    Jeff is in a school play with his classmates .

  27. 第二单元:《大时代:中国话剧的挑战与机遇?》。

    Panel Discussion : A big time for Chinese Theatre ?

  28. 盖瑞:你有听到麦克话剧的消息吗?

    Gary : So have you heard anything about Mike 's play ?

  29. 我们没去看那些人的话剧。

    We didn 't go to those guys ' play .

  30. 吴祖光的话剧是中国话剧民族化过程中的成功探索。

    It is the successful probe of the nationalization of China drama .