
  • 网络Discourse form;Forms of discourse;utterance form;Discourse system;the sample as discourse
  1. 其他的话语形式已经成功地与政治分离开来。

    Other forms of discourse have successfully been decoupled from politics .

  2. 跨文化新闻传播话语的意义可以从意识形态、社会化过程、话语形式、面子体系和文本间性几个层面来剖析。

    The meaning in discourse can be analyzed from the following approaches : ideology , socialization process , forms of discourse , face work and inter-textuality .

  3. 语境和功能对话语形式具有决定性的选择作用。

    Context and function are decisive to the choosing of language form .

  4. 闲话是一种非常重要的话语形式。

    Gossip is one of the important spoken discourse form in our daily life .

  5. 作为话语形式的诗歌有形的语言

    Poetry as discourse The Formal " Language "

  6. 话语形式是言语交际凭借的手段,是交际意向和话语意义的外在标识。

    Speech form is the means of speech communication , the external mark of communicative intention and speech meaning .

  7. 在人们的生活方式和话语形式背后,有某种核心权力在起作用。

    The present author maintains that a certain power exerts itself in people 's daily life and their discourse form .

  8. 大众文化已不折不扣的成为与当代社会发展相适应因而具有文化生命力的一种权力话语形式。

    Mass culture has undoubtedly become a power discourse that is consistent with current social development and full of cultural vitality .

  9. 交际者评估听众的认知环境和认知能力之后,以话语形式表达自己的交际意图。

    After assessing and evaluating the audience 's cognitive environment and cognitive ability , the communicator conveys her communicative intention through utterance .

  10. 在话语形式上来看,汉语书写的叙事策略背后蕴含了深刻的文化记忆问题。

    From the view of discursive form , it implies a profound issue of cultural memory behind the narrative strategies of Chinese writing .

  11. 试论话语形式对意识形态的作用&从批评话语分析角度比读两则在线新闻

    On the Influence of Discourse on Ideology & A Contrastive Analysis of Two On-line News Reports From the Perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis

  12. 古典文化通过各种形而上的话语形式得以再生、复活,从而成为影响都市诗歌发展的强势他者。

    Through mangy supernatural discourses , classical culture is rebirthed and resurrected , and it becomes a strong other to affect the city poetry .

  13. 于是,道德表态没有真假可言,只是用话语形式发泄我们非理性的道德欲求而已。

    Accordingly , moral pronouncements are not true or false , for they are merely the venting , in speech , of our nonrational moral desires .

  14. 关联理论是一个以认知科学为立论基础的有关言语交际的理论,关联理论对文学这一特定话语形式也具有强大的解释力。

    Relevance Theory , proposed as a foundation for cognitive science , is mainly concerned with communication and cognition , which is powerful in accounting of literature .

  15. 此外,我们还探讨了谣言、流言话语形式中的社会场景作用。最后,互动总是有原因的。

    Moreover , we also discuss the importance of social situation in the discourse form of rumor . Finally , discourse interaction is always initiated by some reasons .

  16. 在人物话语形式上,本文侧重从自由直接引语和自由间接引语来分析,并且在此基点上讨论了小说中的双重叙事声音;

    In personage 's speech mode , this text discusses the novels by free direct speech and free indirect speech mainly , and probes the double narrative voice ;

  17. 第一章是对网络话语形式的描述,分别从技术载体、语言载体、空间载体三个方面展开,表现了话语的实践性;

    Chapter one describes and develops the internet discourse forms from three aspects of technological carriers , language carriers and spatial carriers , expressing the practicality of discourse .

  18. 作者正是运用色彩的寓意,以一种隐形话语形式来刻画人物,暗示情节及人物的命运发展。

    The author exactly uses the implied meaning of the color to depict the characters , suggest details and person 's fate development with a kind of latent language form .

  19. 语境中的主观因素是交际中对话语形式和意义起一定作用的说话人和听话人的主观意识。

    Subjective factors in context are the subjective ideas in the minds of the speaker and the hearer which have certain effects on the form and meaning of utterances in communication .

  20. 这种写作立场通过在具像中呈现和在身体感受中展开,逐步构建起新的文学话语形式和写作形态。

    This kinds of writing positions through have like in appear and not launched not constructing not for new literature words form and writing shape progressively in not experiencing at health .

  21. 《远大前程》采用的双重叙事视角与多种不同的人物话语形式有助于实现现实主义,使小说更真实。

    Dickens , the author of the book , exhibits superb skills in narratology and stylistics , especially the use of dual narrative point of view and different modes of speech presentation .

  22. 从小说史看,在《水浒传》中形成的具体性描写对后世长篇小说的话语形式产生了深远影响。

    From the Novel History , the " concrete descriptions " which exist in " All Men Are Brothers " exert a profound influence on the discourse form in the novels of later ages .

  23. 传统意义上,以文字媒介主导的文学似乎正让位于大众和电子媒介中电影、电视等话语形式的文学。

    In the traditional meaning , seem to be making way for literature in such words forms as the movie & TV , etc. in the masses and electronic media with leading literature of the media of the characters .

  24. 作为社会问题的当代话语形式的风险理论,特别是风险社会理论,不仅为把握当代社会问题的形成机制和特征提供了全新的观察视角,而且必将重塑社会学中的社会问题传统。

    The theory of risk society , as a current discourse of social problem studies , provides not only a brand new perspective to understand present social problems and their becoming , but also a way to reform sociological tradition in dealing with social problems .

  25. 教科书是以话语的形式而存在,无话语,就无教科书。

    The textbook exists with the forms of discourse .

  26. 法学话语的形式化是其最明显的特征。

    The formalization is the most distinctive characteristics .

  27. 有关小说中人物话语表达形式的几点思考

    Reflections on Modes of Speech Presentation in Fiction

  28. 论法学话语的形式化

    On the Formalization of Legal Discourse

  29. 组织叙述就是反映组织的目的、志趣、价值观,维护组织利益的话语表达形式。

    " The Organization Narration " is a kind of discourse expression reflecting the purpose interest and intention , value and protecting the benefit of the " organization " .

  30. 在语境中充分考虑音位的协调,词、词组的和谐搭配,句子的合理安排,有助于增强话语的形式美,使话语匀称、动听、富有音乐感。

    Careful consideration and planning of phonemes in their co-text , harmonious allocation of words and phrases , and balanced arrangement of sentences in discourse make utterance well weighted and phonetically musical .