  • stretch;unfold
  • easy;leisurely
  • 展开,伸展:~展。~畅。~张。~卷(juǎn )。~适。~心。

  • 从容,缓慢:~缓。

  • 姓。


(伸展; 宽解) stretch; unfold:

  • 舒了一口气

    heave a sigh of relief


[书] (缓慢; 从容) easy; leisurely:

  • 舒徐

    leisurely; in no hurry


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 舒同

    Shu Tong

  1. “这让我感觉扭了一下,我试着摆动让它舒展开,”他说。

    " It felt like a little tweak , and I tried to shake it off and stretch it out ," he said .

  2. 原来床榻短,使人不能舒身,被窝窄,使人不能遮体。

    For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it : and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it .

  3. 事情总算全都过去了,她轻松地舒了一口气。

    She sighed with relief that it was all over .

  4. 我们都如释重负地舒了一口气。

    We all heaved a sigh of relief .

  5. “这可要谢天谢地!”她宽慰地舒了一口气。

    ' Thank goodness for that ! ' she said with a sigh of relief .

  6. 渡过汹涌澎湃的大海回到陆地后使人长舒一口气。

    It was a great relief to be back on dry land after such a rough crossing .

  7. 我在利物浦和我青梅竹马的恋人舒拉结婚了。

    I married Shurla , my childhood sweetheart , in Liverpool .

  8. 埃米微倾酒杯晃了晃酒,惬意地舒了一口气。

    Amy tilted her wine in her glass with a luxurious sigh .

  9. 沃舒格尔河在波特兰附近注入哥伦比亚河。

    The Washougal empties into the Columbia River near Portland .

  10. 他从紧咬的牙缝间慢慢地舒了口气。

    Slowly , he released his breath through clenched teeth .

  11. 渡船搅起豪湾的海水,从兰代尔驶向霍斯舒湾。

    Ferries churn the waters of Howe Sound from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay .

  12. 云卷云舒随风起。

    The clouds massed , whipped up by the wind

  13. 经济改革计划一获批准,人们都大大舒了一口气。

    There was a big sigh of relief once the economic reform plan was agreed

  14. 我心里舒了一口气。

    I sighed with inward relief .

  15. 非洲人国民大会指派他为参加格鲁特舒尔会谈的代表团成员之一。

    He was nominated by the African National Congress as one of its team at the Groote Sehuur talks

  16. 溪水舒徐地流淌着。

    The brook flows gently .

  17. 他还改良了舒芙蕾蛋奶酥——一道烘焙鸡蛋的甜点,并且引入了标准厨师制服——今天很多厨师仍然在穿戴同款的双排纽扣白大衣和很高的白色帽子。

    He also perfected the souffl é— a baked egg dish , and introduced the standard chef 's uniform — the same double-breasted white coat and tall white hat still worn by many chefs today .

  18. 他浑身一颤,舒了口气,捡起球,跑回到他的朋友们那里

    He shivers , exhales , gets the ball and races back to his friends .

  19. 薄层扫描法测定肾舒冲剂中人参皂甙R(g1)的含量

    The Content Detection of Ginsenoside in Shenshu Diluent with Thin Layer Scan

  20. 依那普利对CHD患者心脏舒缩功能的影响

    Effects of enalapril on cardiac systolic and diastolic functions in CHD patients

  21. 结论实验结果提示在血管应激反应过程中,血管组织可能通过局部自分泌、旁分泌方式,释放ET-1、NO调节局部血管舒缩功能。

    Conclusion The local vascular tissues may be regulated by autocrine and / or paracrine mechanisms .

  22. 结论依那普利对CHD患者心脏舒缩功能有显著改善作用。

    Conclusions Enalapril could significantly improve cardiac systolic and diastolic functions in CHD patients .

  23. 肾舒II号组在降低D-二聚体及血小板α-颗粒膜蛋白含量方面,与其它治疗组比较有显著性差异(p<0.01)。

    D-Dimer , GMP-140 in the group treated with Shenshu II decreased significantly ( p < 0.01 , compared with the other treatment groups ) .

  24. 舒降之降低颈动脉狭窄大鼠P300及血清IL-6,CRP水平的实验研究

    Effect of Statins on serum IL-6 and CRP level in carotid artery stenosis rats

  25. 舒脉胶囊对冠心病心绞痛患者血清SOD活力和MDA水平的影响

    Effect of " Shumai Capsule " on Serum SOD and MDA in Patients with Angina Pectoris Following Coronary Heart Disease

  26. V型煮茧机有助于改善生丝净度成绩,提高解舒,降低二度变化,从而提高产品质量。

    The V type cocoon boiling machine is beneficial to ameliorate the clean degree score of raw silk , and improve the production quality .

  27. 降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)是迄今发现的人体内舒血管活性最强的多肽。

    Calcitonin gene-related peptide ( CGRP ) is the most potent vasoactive peptide in human .

  28. 舒筋活血类中药对大鼠急性骨骼肌拉伤后血清CK、LDH活性的影响

    Effects of Chinese Traditional Medicine on Serum CK , LDH Activity in Rats after Acute Skeletal Muscle Sprain

  29. 耐亚胺培南鲍曼不动杆菌对3种舒巴坦复合剂耐药性的meta分析

    Comparison of Activities of Three Sulbactam Complex Against Imipenem Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii Infections : A Meta Analysis

  30. DTI对原发性高血压所致不同左室构型改变的舒缩运动模式的评价

    Evaluation of contractile performance of ventricular geometry remodeling in essential hypertension by DTI