
  • Shu Qi;Hsu Chi;Fanny;Qi Shu
  1. 在《爱》中,钮导就出演了其中一位主角并与舒淇展开一段浪漫史。

    In Love , Niu plays one of the main characters and his character develops a romance with Fanny Shu .

  2. 他将自己的设计风格归结为“奢华的简约”(extravagantsimplicity),张曼玉、杨紫琼、巩俐、梅艳芳、李嘉欣、刘嘉玲和舒淇等众多明星都是他的客户。

    With a design style that he calls " extravagant simplicy ," Cheng boasts customers such as Maggie Cheung , Michelle Yeoh , Gong Li , Anita Mui , Michelle Reis , Carina Lau and Shu Qi .

  3. 舒淇在其中饰演一个女剑客,故事发生在9世纪中国的一场权力斗争之中。

    Starring Shu Qi as a female warrior , it takes place amid a power struggle in ninth-century China .

  4. 这一点,《非诚勿扰》就是个很好的例子:剧中,舒淇本是一名空姐,因此出现航空公司的广告也就不足为奇了。

    For example , Shu Qi is originally an air hostess in If You Are the One , and there are airline ads.

  5. 在最后的场景,他弹着吉,给坐在身旁的舒淇唱歌。

    In the last scene , he is playing the guitar and singing to Shu , who is seated next to him .

  6. 今年33岁的舒淇称未来的老公不要非常,但要细心,有魅力,追求的理想。

    Shu , 33 , said she was seeking a husband who is not necessarily successful and is considerate , charming and has a dream to pursue .

  7. 舒淇出生在台湾,17岁时随父母移居香港,她前前后后共出演了60多部电影。

    Hsu , who was born in Taiwan and moved to Hong Kong with her family when she was 17 , has starred in more than 60 films .

  8. 在2002年,赵薇被《男人帮》杂志新加坡版票选?全球第二性感女人,仅次于职业女网球员安娜库妮可娃,舒淇第三。

    In2002 , Zhao was voted the second-sexiest woman in the world , after Anna Kournikova and just ahead of Shu Qi , in a poll in FHM Singapore magazine .

  9. 《剩者为王》领衔2015年度必看爱情片,片中舒淇变身“黄金剩斗士”,与下属彭于晏大谈办公室恋爱。

    As the must-see love story of the year , this romantic comedy shines with an A-star cast , including Golden Horse Award winning-actress Shu Qi , and hit actor Eddie Peng .

  10. 《非诚勿扰》由中国著名导演冯小刚指导,葛优和舒淇主演,是2010年推出的贺岁电影。

    " if you are the one " was directed by famous Chinese director Feng Xiaogang . It 's a New Year 's film for greeting the year of2010 and achieved great success .

  11. 主角聂隐娘由舒淇饰演,该片是侯孝贤第七次角逐戛纳电影节最高奖金棕榈奖。

    The film , which features the actress Shu Qi in the title role , is the director 's seventh film to compete for the Palme d'Or , the festival 's top prize .

  12. 影星舒淇为新片《非诚勿扰》回台湾宣传,在接受电视采访时大方公布自己的择偶条件。

    During her stay in Taiwan to promote the movie " If you are the one , " famous actress Shu Qi has revealed her criteria for her future husband in a TV interview .

  13. 观众对该片反响热烈,周星驰在片中融合了动作片、喜剧片、恐怖片和爱情片的元素,影片的三位主演也是颇受欢迎的影星:舒淇、文章和黄渤。

    Audiences have responded enthusiastically to Mr. Chow 's potent mix of action , comedy , terror , romance , and a trio of popular stars : Shu Qi , Wen Zhang and Huang Bo .

  14. 在2010年轰动一时的影片《非诚勿扰2》中,女主角舒淇走过168米长的绳索吊桥回到居住的鸟巢小屋,一切显得浪漫至极。

    When Shu Qi , the female lead in the 2010 blockbuster If You Are the One II , walks across a 168-meter rope ridge to the thatched cottage she has made home , it just looks so incredibly romantic .

  15. 影片里,故事则围绕马走日(姜文饰)和与其关系密切的两个女人——选美皇后完颜英(舒淇饰)与(上海)大军阀之女、电影制作人武六(周韵饰)展开。

    The narrative revolves around Ma Zouri ( Jiang Wen ) and his relationship with two women , beauty queen Wanyan Ying ( Shu Qi ) and Wu Liu ( Zhou Yun ) , a filmmaker and warlord 's daughter .

  16. 在2010年轰动一时的影片《非诚勿扰2》中,女主角舒淇走过168米长的绳索吊桥回到居住的“鸟巢”小屋,一切显得浪漫至极。

    When Shu Qi , the female lead in the 2010 blockbuster " If You Are the One II , " walks across a 168-meter rope ridge to the thatched cottage she has made home , it just looks so incredibly romantic .

  17. 《刺客聂隐娘》根据一则广受欢迎的唐代传奇故事改编,它发生在809年,讲述一个被尼姑拐走的女孩慢慢被训练成职业杀手(舒淇饰演)。

    Based on a popular legendary tale from the Tang Dynasty , " The Assassin " or " Nie Yinniang " in Chinese , takes place in the year 809 and tells the story of a young girl who is kidnapped by a nun and eventually trained to become a skilled assassin ( Ms. Shu ) .