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shū chàng
  • happy;entirely free from worry
舒畅 [shū chàng]
  • [entirely free from worry;happy] 舒畅安适

  • 心情舒畅

  • 我们聚精会神地听下去,思想逐渐开朗,心情也随之舒畅起来。--《遵义会议放光芒》

舒畅[shū chàng]
  1. 她要把话都说出来才舒畅。

    She won 't be happy until she 's had her say .

  2. 馆员只有心情舒畅,自身潜能才能充分发挥。

    Only when libraries are happy , can their potentials are exerted .

  3. 快步行走常常会使人感到身心舒畅。

    Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being

  4. 人们的心情十分舒畅。

    People were in a pretty good mood

  5. 这些学校建筑具备坚实而朴素的建筑感染力,并且将在多年内使人看上去感到舒畅美观。

    These school buildings have a strong , simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years .

  6. 他心情舒畅,对前途很有信心。

    His mind was at ease and he felt confident in the future .

  7. 据说MAC可以升级,点了后成功升到最新版本,觉得非常不错,MAC更新让人感觉舒畅又方便。

    It is said that MAC can be upgraded at a later rise to the success of the latest version , very good , MAC update feels comfortable and convenient .

  8. 罗兰贝格(RolandBerger)驻上海顾问舒畅表示,该项目生成的数据将极具价值。

    Shu Chang , a consultant at Roland Berger in Shanghai , said the data generated by the project would be immensely valuable .

  9. TraditionalMedicinals公司的“呼吸舒畅”茶在鼻炎片配方的基础上加大了甘草的剂量,这种茶的包装上有警示,说明高血压患者不可饮用。

    Traditional Medicinals'Breathe Easy tea , in which additional licorice root has been added to the Biyan Pian formula , carries a warning that it shouldn 't be used in patients with high blood pressure .

  10. 公司的内衣模特ReikoAoyama说:这款内衣穿起来要比看上去合身多了,穿着它让我心情特别舒畅。

    The bra fits much better than it looks . Wearing it puts me in such a fun mood , said model Reiko Aoyama in the lingerie .

  11. 两袖设计依滑雪运动时形态立体裁剪,使用时无束缚感;设有隐藏式口袋7个及帽子;使您一直保持清爽舒畅的心情,能真正体会WEALD专业之所在。

    With solid sports style design , sleeves are convenient for your arms to bend . 7 hidden pockets and hidden cap all make you feel the profession of WEALD with comfort .

  12. 我只要能看见你们心情舒畅,也就十分高兴了。

    I 'm certainly pleased to see you looking more cheerful .

  13. 你的话语使我心情舒畅。

    What you have said makes me feel completely at ease .

  14. 范妮多少天来从没这样心情舒畅过。

    Fanny had not felt so comfortable for days and days .

  15. 根据近藤先生的说法,微笑可以立即使你心情舒畅。

    According to kondo , smiling immediately makes you feel better .

  16. 如果你感到烦恼,做些可以让自己心情舒畅的事。

    If you 're frustrated , do something nice for yourself .

  17. 我们真诚地希望你们在这里过得舒畅。

    We really wish you 'll have a pleasant stay here .

  18. 秋天的空气愉快而舒畅,使菲利浦意气风发。

    The autumn air , blithe and vivacious , elated Philip .

  19. 工作后消遣更愉快,劳动后休息更舒畅

    " Business sweetens pleasure , and labour sweetens rest "

  20. 我跑完长跑后疲乏极了。他的双腿很疲乏,但心情舒畅。

    His legs were weary , but his mind was at ease .

  21. 然而一种人心情舒畅,而另一种人却满腹惆怅。

    one becomes happy , while the other becomes miserable .

  22. 但是我的脖子还可以享受舒畅的清风。

    But my neck is enjoying a pleasant breeze now .

  23. 喧嚣之后,心情似乎舒畅多了。

    After that racket , I can only appear good .

  24. 即便你不把信发出去,也能感到心情更加舒畅。

    You don 't even have to send it to feel happier .

  25. 回校的感觉虽说不是那么舒畅,但又不至于那么失望。

    I get back to school feeling half-satisfied , but not disappointed .

  26. 在春光明媚的日子里,我感到非常舒畅。

    On a fine spring day like this I feel quite carefree .

  27. 5米面宽客厅,空间开阔舒畅。

    5 meters wide living room is spacious and comfortable .

  28. 这样会使你的心情舒畅,眼界更开阔。

    This will make your ease of mind , a broader vision .

  29. 这一刻你享受的够舒畅了吗,杰尔?

    Is this living in the moment enough for you , jerry ?

  30. 吸几口那种新鲜空气会使你顿时心肺舒畅。

    A few breaths of that ozone will soom clear your lungs .