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  • 网络Wang
  1. 王刚决定追随他祖父的脚步,在家族的农场工作。

    Wang Gang decided1 to follow in his grandfather 's footsteps and work on the family farm .

  2. 王刚同学的花鸟画,充满了对生活的品味和热爱。

    Wang Gang students Flower-and full of the taste of life and love .

  3. 王刚最终被诊断为尖锐湿疣。

    Wang Gang was eventually diagnosed as condyloma acuminatum .

  4. 王刚说:一般来说,抑郁症需要九个月的治疗期。

    Normally it takes about nine months to treat depression , said Wang .

  5. 王刚是一位真正有水平的演员。

    Wang Gang is an actor of real quality .

  6. 我的英语老师正在同王刚谈话。

    My English teacher is talking to Wang Gang .

  7. 请允许我自我介绍,我叫王刚-很高兴见到你。

    May I introduce myself : Wang gang . - Nice to meet you .

  8. 这正是王刚建议对抑郁症采取早期干预的原因。

    That 's why Wang suggests early intervention .

  9. 2007年2月,王刚董事长被选为北京美食联盟第一届轮值主席;

    In Feb.2007 , President Wang Gang was chosen chairman on duty by FOODUN .

  10. 和阗王刚好听到了,他要求放了这些羊。

    The King of Khotan happened to here about this , and he requested that their lives be spared .

  11. 王刚说:当人们患上抑郁症时,抑郁情绪会潜入他们的大脑,令他们变得消极,甚至绝望。

    When people get depressed , it becomes part of their thoughts , making them negative , even desperate , said Wang .

  12. 庭审中被告人王刚辩称钱是借的,且钱已基本用于治疗艾滋病了。

    Wang Gang , the defendant argued that the trial is borrowed money , and money for the treatment of AIDS has been the .

  13. 但是,王刚却成了目前中国食品药品安全丑闻最具说服力的象征之一,这些丑闻正在破坏外界对中国食品和药品的信心。

    Instead , he is one of the most potent symbols of the safety scandals that are undermining confidence in Chinese food and drugs .

  14. 王刚认为入狱和自由唯一的区别就是谁能足够幸运地得到政府的青睐。

    Wang would argue that the only difference between the jailed and the free is who is lucky enough to keep the favor of the government .

  15. 近一个月后,王刚和其它两位抗议者(包括拿注射器的那个人)在出院后被拘留。

    Nearly a month later , Mr Wang was detained when leaving hospital along with two other protesters ( including the man with the syringe ) .

  16. 楚国旧势力强大,楚悼王刚死,吴起就被乱箭射死,其改革几乎都被废除。

    As the conservative forces of Chu were poweful , when Chu King Dao died , Wu Qi was killed with arrows , and his reforms were nearly abolished .

  17. 对于王刚是否患有艾滋病,疾控部门证实,中国疾病预防控制信息系统内没有王刚感染艾滋病的记录。

    Wang Gang , whether for AIDS , disease control department confirmed that the China Disease Prevention and Control Information System there is no record of HIV infection Gang .

  18. 嗨,刘芳。我是王刚。刘备,是汉朝中山靖王刘胜的后代。

    Hi , Liu Fang . This is Wang Gang . One was Liu Bei , a descendent of Liu Sheng , Prince Jin of Zhongshan during the Han Dynasty .

  19. 北京安定医院抑郁症治疗中心主任王刚表示,抑郁症的诱发原因有很多,比如基因遗传、认知经验等。

    Wang Gang , director of the Depression Treatment Center at the Beijing-based Anding Hospital , said that depression is triggered by multiple factors , from genetic heritage to cognitive experience .

  20. 中国走的是不同的途径,这些年来很多很突出的中国福布斯富豪榜的成员已经被拘留或者是关押&这就是王刚描述的诅咒。

    China takes a different approach . A number of prominent members of Forbes'China rich lists over the years have been detained or imprisoned – the " curse " Wang describes .

  21. 聊天中,王刚自称是从阿拉伯国家归国的“海归”,谈吐幽默又不失风度,很快让张丽有了好感。

    In chat , Wang Gang , claiming to be returning from Arab countries ," returnees ", humorous style of conversation and losing with grace so that Li has a good impression quickly .

  22. 同年,企业被中国烹饪协会评为“中华餐饮名店”,王刚董事长被中国烹饪协会授予“全国优秀餐饮企业家”;

    In the same year , the company was recognized as " China Famous Restaurant " by China Cooking Association and President Wang Gang was awarded " China excellent Entrepreneur in Food & Beverage Industry ";

  23. 此后的几个月,王刚又谎称感染的是特殊艾滋病,需要到青岛、北京等地的专业医院住院治疗,张丽一次又一次地将家里的存款汇给了王刚。

    A few months later , Wang Gang and lied AIDS infection is a special need to Qingdao , Beijing and other professional hospital treatment , Li will be home again and again deposit remitted to the Gang .