
  1. 万达只跟有追求的官员打交道,王健林上月接受《南方周末》(SouthernWeekend)采访时说。

    Wanda only deals with ambitious officials , Mr Wang said last month in an interview with the Southern Weekend newspaper .

  2. 万达官方网站显示,今年10月8日,王健林与狮门娱乐董事长马克•拉切斯基(MarkRachesky)在北京会晤。

    According to Wanda 's official website , Mr Wang met Mark Rachesky , chairman of Lions Gate , in Beijing on Oct 8 .

  3. 王健林的万达集团(WandaGroup)在美国娱乐行业的收购对象包括电影院线AMC娱乐控股公司(AMCEntertainmentHoldings)和制片公司传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)。

    US entertainment purchases by Mr Wang 's Wanda Group include cinema chain AMC Entertainment Holdings and production company Legendary Entertainment .

  4. 王健林向彭博新闻社(BloombergNewsagency)表示,他还在与米高梅电影公司(Metro-Goldwyn-MayerInc)就可能的投资进行谈判。

    Mr Wang has also been in talks with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc about a possible investment , he told Bloomberg News Agency .

  5. 万达商业地产(DalianWandaCommercialProperties)是王健林旗下的商业地产业务,去年12月在香港上市。他的院线业务今年1月在上海上市。

    Dalian Wanda Group , the commercial-property arm of Mr Wang 's company , listed in Hong Kong in December , while his cinema chain debuted in Shanghai in January .

  6. 去年,王健林斥资160亿英镑收购美国AMC影院产业链的消息登上了世界新闻的头条。

    Last year , Wang 's £ 1.6bn acquisition of the US multiplex chain AMC Cinemas made international headlines .

  7. 白手起家的亿万富翁王健林是大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)的董事长,也是中国最大的对外投资者之一。王健林批评中国国有企业行动迟缓,缺乏长远的海外扩张战略。

    Self-made billionaire Wang Jianlin , chairman of Dalian Wanda Group and one of China 's biggest outward investors , criticised SoEs for being slow and lacking long-term overseas expansion strategies .

  8. 王健林表示,制作出《饥饿游戏》(TheHungerGames)系列电影的狮门娱乐有意向他出售少数股权,但他想要多数股权。

    Lions Gate , the studio which made The Hunger Games series of films , was interested in selling him a minority stake , he said , but he wanted a majority .

  9. 中国首富王健林控股的地产与传媒集团大连万达(DalianWanda)将以35亿美元收购传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)。

    Dalian Wanda , the property and media group controlled by Wang Jianlin , China 's richest man , will purchase Legendary Entertainment for $ 3.5bn .

  10. 王健林,中国最富有的人之一,刚刚斥资6.5亿美元收购了世界铁人公司(WorldTriathlonCorporation)——通过他旗下的万达集团。

    Wang Jianlin , one of China 's richest men , has just paid $ 650m ( via his Wanda group ) for World Triathlon Corporation , the company that runs Ironman .

  11. 《长城》是传奇东方(LegendaryEast)的首次大考,这家好莱坞电影公司曾制作过《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld),于今年1月被中国亿万富翁王健林的大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)收购。

    The Great Wall is the first major test for Legendary East , the Hollywood studio that made Jurassic World and which was bought in January by billionaire Wang Jianlin 's Dalian Wanda Group .

  12. 万达集团(WandaGroup)董事长王健林依然是大中华区最富有的人,财富净值达260亿美元,只比香港富豪李嘉诚高了10亿美元。

    Wang Jianlin , chairman of Wanda Group , remains Greater China 's richest person with a net worth of $ 26bn , just $ 1bn more than Li Ka-shing , the Hong Kong tycoon .

  13. 中国首富王健林旗下的房地产和娱乐业集团大连万达(DalianWanda)一直引领着中国人向好莱坞的进军。

    Dalian Wanda , the property and entertainment conglomerate led by Wang Jianlin , the country 's richest man , has been leading the Chinese march into Hollywood .

  14. 根据《福布斯》(Forbes)的数据,万达亿万富翁创始人王健林在中国富豪榜上排名第四,净资产为132亿美元。

    Wang Jianlin , Wanda 's billionaire founder , is China 's fourth-richest man , with a net worth of $ 13.2bn according to Forbes .

  15. 2015年,王健林斥资5200万美元购入西班牙马德里竞技俱乐部(AtléticoMadrid)20%股权。

    In 2015 , Mr Wang paid $ 52m for a 20 per cent stake in Spain 's Atl é tico Madrid .

  16. 收购AMC也让王健林成为了中国最大胆的企业家之一。但他能否在海外复制自己在中国取得的成功,仍要由时间来检验。

    The AMC deal also makes him one of the boldest , but it remains to be seen whether his success in China can be replicated overseas .

  17. 这也代表了AMC的控股人、中国大连万达集团董事长王健林的一次大胆的举动,意在巩固美国的电影业。

    And it represents a bold effort by AMC 's controlling investor , Wang Jianlin of China 's Dalian Wanda Group , to consolidate the American cinema industry .

  18. 世界铁人公司运营铁人三项赛事。这是王健林在体育领域斩获的最新一项战利品——他还拥有马德里竞技足球俱乐部(AtleticoMadrid)20%的股权以及体育营销公司盈方体育传媒集团(InfrontSports&Media)。

    It is just the latest in a line of sporting trophies for Mr Wang - he also owns one-fifth of Atletico Madrid and Infront Sports & Media , a sports marketing company .

  19. 许多人都认为马云是在紧跟万达董事长王健林的步伐,王健林之前已经和索尼影业达成了合作,并且收购了AMC和传奇娱乐。

    Many believe Ma is following the lead of Wang Jianlin , chairman of Wanda Group , who has partnered with Sony Pictures and purchased AMC and Legendary Entertainment .

  20. 中国首富王健林执掌的大连万达(DalianWanda)是一家经营房地产、娱乐等多种业务的集团。现在,这家集团又将业务拓展到中国最热门的投资领域之一——私立医院。

    Dalian Wanda , the Chinese property-to-entertainment company headed by China 's richest man , Wang Jianlin , is to branch out into one of the hottest mainland investment sectors : private hospitals .

  21. 根据最新的《胡润百富榜》(HurunRichList),中国已取代美国成为身家10亿美元以上富翁最多的国家,房地产大亨王健林取代阿里巴巴(Alibaba)创始人马云(JackMa)成为中国内地首富。

    China has overtaken the US as home to the most dollar billionaires , according to the latest Hurun Rich List , with real estate tycoon Wang Jianlin overtaking Alibaba founder Jack Ma as the mainland 's wealthiest person .

  22. 王健林日前向迪士尼喊话。这位大连万达(Wanda)集团的中国亿万富翁计划开设一个主题公园,直接挑战迪士尼公司(WaltDisney)即将投入运营的上海度假胜地。

    Wang Jianlin has taken a shot at Disney as the Chinese billionaire 's Dalian Wanda Group prepares to open a theme park in a direct challenge to Walt Disney 's forthcoming Shanghai resort .

  23. 主营地产与娱乐的大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)董事长、亿万富翁房地产大亨王健林,正押注其投资30亿美元新建的一个儿童主题乐园将吸引大批中国中产阶层新富。

    Wang Jianlin , billionaire real estate tycoon and chairman of the property and entertainment conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group , is betting his $ 3bn investment in a new children 's theme park will draw a newly flush middle class through its gates in big numbers .

  24. 王健林和盈方体育传媒和世界铁人三项公司(WTC)将被合并,成立一个新的公司——万达体育控股有限公司。

    Wang 's Wanda Group has set up Wanda Sports company , an integration of sports marketing company Infront Sports & Media and World Triathlon Corporation ( WTC ) .

  25. 王健林的商业帝国包括百货商店、旅游业务、中国连锁电影院以及他在2012年斥资26亿美元收购的美国第二大连锁电影院——AMC电影院公司。

    His business empire includes department stores , tourism businesses and a chain of cinemas in China as well as AMC Entertainment , the second-largest US cinema chain , which he bought in 2012 for $ 2.6bn .

  26. 中国娱乐和零售集团大连万达(DalianWanda)董事长王健林表示,该公司正在就入股好莱坞电影公司狮门娱乐(LionsGateEntertainment)进行谈判。两年前,大连万达收购了美国AMC电影院公司(AMCCinemas)。

    Two years after buying AMC Cinemas , Dalian Wanda , the Chinese entertainment and retail group , is in talks to buy a stake in Lions Gate Entertainment Corp , the Hollywood film studio , according to Wang Jianlin , its chairman .

  27. 上周,美国国会一个负责监督对司法部(DoJ)拨款的小组委员会的主席约翰•库尔伯森(JohnCulberson)表示,中国首富王健林对好莱坞的投资应该受到审查。

    Last week , John Culberson , head of a US Congressional subcommittee that oversees funding for the Justice Department , said Hollywood investments by China 's richest man , Wang Jianlin , should be reviewed .

  28. 王健林是美国电影业最大的中国买家,他收购了曾出版过《侏罗纪世界》以及《黑暗骑士》的传奇影业以及美国影院连锁AMC。

    Wang has been the biggest Chinese dealmaker in the U.S. film business , buying Legendary Entertainment - one of the producers of " Jurassic World " and " The Dark Knight " - and U.S. cinema chain AMC Entertainment Holdings .

  29. 除了门票更便宜,王健林的乐园寄望于自己有能力适应当地文化和气候——虽然当记者最近走过万达城乐园时,看到的是游客挨着《星球大战》(StarWars)系列电影中的帝国风暴兵(stormtrooper)造型合影。

    As well as being more affordable , Mr Wang 's parks rely on their ability to adapt to the local culture and climate - although a recent walk through a Wanda City park showed revellers taking photos next to storm trooper characters from the Star Wars movies .

  30. 王健林此举将成为中国对一家欧洲顶级足球俱乐部的首笔投资,此前来自中东与美国的富人和公司有类似的举动。根据《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志,王健林拥有132亿美元的个人财富。

    The move by Mr Wang - whose personal wealth is $ 13.2bn according to Forbes Magazine - would be the first Chinese investment in a top-flight European football club , and follows similar moves by wealthy individuals and companies from the Middle East and the US .