
  1. 王进喜同志的这句豪言壮语,表达了大庆工人、干部和家属的雄心壮志。

    This heroic utterance by Comrade Wang Jinxi voices the lofty aspirations of the workers and caders of Daqing and their families .

  2. 鲍勃,你知道铁人王进喜吗?

    Bob , do you know the Iron Man , Wang Jinxi ?

  3. 那时的我们都从老师的嘴里学着王进喜、时传祥的先进事迹!

    At the time we have teachers from the mouth of the Wang Jinxi , when Chuanxiang the advanced deeds !

  4. 王进喜作为这一早期油田的钻井工人他为了人民的利益可以毫不犹豫拿自己的生命冒险。

    Wang Jinxi , as one of the drilling foremen in the field 's early days , did not hesitate to risk his life for the good of the people .