
huáng fēng
  • wasp;hornet
黄蜂 [huáng fēng]
  • [wasp] 许多有翅的膜翅目昆虫的一种,通常有一个细长、光滑的身体,靠一个细柄与腹部相连,有发育完整的翅,嚼吸式口器,雌蜂和工蜂有一根多少有点可怕的螫针,属于很多不同的科,包括社会性和单个习性的,大部分是肉食性的,经常用螫针杀死或麻醉毛虫、昆虫或蜘蛛,为巢窝内的幼虫供应喂养食物

黄蜂[huáng fēng]
  1. 被黄蜂或蜜蜂蜇一下疼是疼,但未必碍事。

    A wasp or bee sting is painful but not necessarily serious .

  2. 我的胳膊给黄蜂蜇了一下。

    I was stung on the arm by a wasp .

  3. 一只黄蜂从窗口飞了进来。

    A wasp had flown in through the window .

  4. 一只黄蜂飞进了开着的窗子。

    A wasp flew in the open window .

  5. 她抬起脚,把黄蜂踩扁。

    She lifted her foot and squashed the wasp into the ground .

  6. 每年秋天,我们这里总是黄蜂成灾。

    We are always plagued by wasps in autumn .

  7. 黄蜂蜇了我的手臂。

    A wasp stung me on the arm .

  8. 他被黄蜂叮了一下。

    He was stung by a wasp .

  9. 那棵老树上有一个黄蜂巢。

    There 's a wasps ' nest in that old tree .

  10. 然后这两个朋友来到梦中黄蜂指示的那棵松树下。

    The two friends then went under the pine tree which the wasp had shown in the dream .

  11. 我们不仅生活在对象蜘蛛或黄蜂这样的小虫的惧怕中,而且生活在对诸如飞蛾这样无害昆虫的惧怕中

    We live in dread not only of unpleasant insects like spiders or wasps , but of quite harmless ones like moths .

  12. 蛇疼得快要疯了。尝试了很多方法想要赶走黄蜂,可是没有成功。

    Maddened with pain the snake tried every means he could think of to get rid of the creature , but without success .

  13. 黄蜂跳起神秘的舞蹈,让哈桑惊讶不已。接着,黄蜂朝生长在岩石上的一棵松树飞去,绕树三圈,又飞回酣睡中的杰迪身边,消失在他的右鼻孔里。

    Hassan was ruminating on a rock , circled the tree three times , and then returned to the sleeping Jehdi and disappeared into his right nostril .

  14. 一只黄蜂坐在一条蛇的头上,不仅多次用刺去叮蛇,而且还牢牢地贴在受害者的头上。

    A wasp1 settled on the head of a snake , and not only stung him several times , but clung obstinately2 to the head of his victim .

  15. 如果你对毛茛或水仙花那样黄色的质感不满意,而金丝雀或者大黄蜂那样的淡黄色也不符合你的要求,现在,救星来了。

    If you weren 't happy with the quality of yellowness afforded by Buttercup or Daffodil , and if Canary or Bumblebee just didn 't cut the mustard , help is at hand .

  16. 但我打算看Discovery频道的”大黄蜂”节目。

    but there 's this thing about bumblebees on The Discovery Channel that I was planning to watch .

  17. 我写这篇文章的时候,我穿的是Gap大卖场的T恤,上面粘的都是猫毛,一双有大黄蜂团的黄色短袜。

    As I write this , I 'm wearing a Gap T-shirt covered in cat hair and yellow ankle socks with bumblebees embroidered on them .

  18. 科比充满荣誉的高中生涯使他在1996年的NBA选秀中被夏洛特黄蜂队选中。

    Kobe 's highly decorated high school career made him the 13th overall choice by the Charlotte Hornets in the 1996 NBA draft .

  19. 2010年,乔丹成为黄蜂队的老板,成为首位负责一支NBA球队的前NBA球员。

    Jordan purchased the Hornets in February 2010 , becoming the first former NBA player to become the principal owner of a team .

  20. 黄蜂是今年NBA最令人吃惊的球队之一,获得了23胜11负的战绩,在西区并列第三。

    The Hornets are one of the surprise teams in the NBA , posting a23-11 record , tied for third best in the Western Conference .

  21. 乔丹在上世纪90年代曾带领芝加哥公牛队夺得6次NBA冠军,现为NBA夏洛特黄蜂队老板的他去年收入高达1.1亿美元。

    Jordan , a six-time NBA champion in the 1990s with the Chicago Bulls who now owns the league 's Charlotte Hornets , made $ 110m last year .

  22. 第二只蜜蜂回答:因为我不想让任何人把我当成是WASP(wasp一词也有黄蜂之意――译注)。

    Because , ' answers the second bee , ' I don 't want anyone to take me for a WASP . '

  23. 菲律宾需要F-18超级大黄蜂和一些带有攻击性的直升飞机。

    Philippines need F-18 Super hornets and a few attack helicopters .

  24. 另外有一次,Mila和Oa正挣扎于他们的健康问题。他们见证了一小群蚂蚁在一块大石头上搬运一只死黄蜂。

    Another time when Mila and Oa were struggling with their health , they witnessed a small group of ants carry a dead wasp up a large rock .

  25. Vanessa只能容下两人坐她的黄蜂小摩托但我可以走路你知道我喜欢黄蜂小摩托

    Vanessa can only fit two on her Vespa but I can walk . Serena : Oh well , you know I love me a Vespa

  26. 在MVP选举中排在第二的黄蜂队后卫克里斯保罗,是最佳阵容的另一个后卫。

    New Orleans guard Chris Paul , who finished second to Bryant in the MVP voting , was the other guard named to the first team .

  27. 贝它射线条例草案,悬停基地来了,船长与Marvel公司的控制面板来了,在与黄蜂的腿来,月亮骑士配备了左臂。

    Beta Ray Bill comes with the hover base , Captain Marvel comes with the control panel , The Wasp comes with the legs , Moon Knight comes with the left arm .

  28. 像大多数小飞机一样,黄蜂无人机通过固定的翅膀获得上升力,并通过螺旋桨获得推动力,螺旋桨的动力来自一个10w的电动马达。

    Like most small planes , the Wasp gets lift from fixed wings and thrust from a propeller , which is powered by a10W electric motor .

  29. 去年,林书豪作为夏洛特黄蜂队(CharlotteHornets)的球员对阵尼克斯队时,程先生将餐厅里的十台电视都调到了转播这场比赛的频道。

    Last year , Mr. Ching tuned all of the restaurant 's 10 television screens to Knicks games when Mr. Lin played against them as a member of the Charlotte Hornets .

  30. SeptimeWebre的华盛顿芭蕾学校的年轻学生表演大黄蜂的角色。

    Septime Webre had young students from the Washington School of Ballet dance the part of bumblebee insects .